
More than 25 years of experience have consecrated Tommy Gil Tomas as a professional reference in the MICE world. His high capacity for the management, coordination and leadership of teams in the organization of conferences and events has led him to hold top-level positions in this sector. 

Throughout his extensive career, he has managed national and international congresses and events, starting his own project as Founder of Atelier MICE and embarking on the management of projects for the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education. At the same time, he has perfectly combined teaching Event Management and Tourism in different academic institutions, transferring his extensive knowledge to his students.  

  • Founder and Managing Director of Atelier MICE
  • Project Management Advisor for the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education.  
  • Development Director of Creativialab SL
  • Director of Barcelona Congres Medic SL
  • Master's Degree in Marketing Management
  • Master's Degree in Pharmaceutical Marketing from ISM-ESIC
  • Graduated in Tax Law by ESINE Centro Superior de Estudios Técnicos Empresariales (Higher Center for Technical Business Studies) 
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