
Patricia San Miguel Arregui, Digital Marketing Specialist, is an expert in the analysis of customer behavior and opinion leadership processes. Her interest in this field has led her to participate as Principal Researcher in several projects related to the study of the influence of certain goods or products on users. As a result of her research activity, she has been able to produce a large number of academic publications in journals or write the book Influencer Marketing.  

On the other hand, his passion for teaching has led him to teach in undergraduate and graduate courses closely related to Marketing for Creative Products. In addition, she has founded and held the position of Director at Digital Fashion Brands, an observatory aimed at analyzing the digital impact of fashion brands. 

  • Expert Researcher in Digital Marketing
  • Founder and Director of Digital Fashion Brands 
  • Researcher and collaborator in Marketing studies
  • Author of the book Influencer Marketing
  • Author of academic publications in prestigious magazines.
  • Regular speaker at national and international congresses and conferences on Communication and Marketing. 
  • Lecturer in undergraduate and postgraduate university studies 
  • Doctorate in Digital Marketing for Fashion Companies from the University of Navarra
  • Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid.  
  • MBA in Executive Fashion from ISEM 
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