
Creativity is carving out a niche in the business world with the emergence of new companies that demand a specific professional profile with extensive technological skills" 


Changes in society are leading to economic and business innovations, allowing the emergence of new professions that occupy a new niche within the market. Traditionally, creativity and management have been conceived of as opposing disciplines. Today, however, creativity and innovation have become the main drivers of economic progress, alongside technology. This reality demands new professional roles focused on the smooth and effective management of the so-called creative industries, with the latest tools.

With this program, the student will master all the necessary concepts for Creative Business Management. The program does not only focus on the management of the arts, but aims to provide the tools to analyze the economic, social and cultural contexts in which creative industries are developed and transformed today. The program is designed to achieve this by equipping professionals with skills for market research, strategic vision, digital methodologies, and co-creation.

In order to meet this demand for highly qualified professionals in the sector, TECH offers this highly specialized program tailored to the needs of creative businesses. This 100% online Professional master’s degree will allow students to allocate their own study time, without being conditioned by fixed schedules or needing move to another physical location, having access to all the contents at any time of the day, and being able to balance their academic life with their professional and personal commitments.

New technologies have led to the emergence of increasingly creative companies that demand professionals with strong digital skills" 

This MBA in Creative Business Management contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The examination of case studies presented by experts in Creative Business Management
  • Graphic, schematic, and practical contents which provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Creative Business Management
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Specialize in MBA in Creative Business Management and enter a booming sector" 

The teaching staff is made up of design professionals who bring their professional experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from prestigious societies and universities. 

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning. aIn other words, a simulated environment that will provide immersive studies designed to prepare them for real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.  

The multitude of case studies offered by TECH in this Professional master’s degree will be very useful for effective learning in this field"


This program has state-of-the-art a 100% online format so that you can combine your study time with the rest of your daily commitments"


The content of this TECH Professional master’s degree has been strategically designed to offer students essential professional development in the MBA in Creative Business Management. It will allow students to enter into the study of a totally innovative field, which is constantly changing in response to continuous technological advances. Thus, they will have the opportunity to learn about all those creative companies that have emerged in recent years and gained a foothold in society.


A fundamental program for the effective study of MBA in Creative Business Management"  

Module 1. New Creative Industries

1.1. New Creative Industries

1.1.1. From the Cultural Industry to the Creative Industry
1.1.2. Today’s Creative Industries
1.1.3. Activities and Sectors that Make up the Creative Industries

1.2. Economic Importance of the Creative Industries Today

1.2.1. Contribution
1.2.2. Drivers of Growth and Change
1.2.3. Job Prospects in the Creative Industries

1.3. New Global Context of the Creative Industries

1.3.1. Radiography of the Creative Industries in the World
1.3.2. Sources of Financing for the Creative Industries in each Country
1.3.3. Case Studies: Management Models and Public Policies

1.4. Natural and Cultural Heritage

1.4.1. Historical and Cultural Heritage
1.4.2. By-Products and Services for Museum, Archaeological and Historical Sites and Cultural Landscapes
1.4.3. Intangible Cultural Heritage

1.5. Visual Arts

1.5.1. Plastic Arts
1.5.2. Photography.
1.5.3. Crafts

1.6. Performing Arts

1.6.1. Theater and Dance
1.6.2. Music and Festivals
1.6.3. Fairs and Circuses

1.7. Audiovisual Media

1.7.1. Movies, TV and Audiovisual Content
1.7.2. Radio, Podcasts and Audio Content
1.7.3. Video Games

1.8. Contemporary Publications

1.8.1. Literature, Essays and Poetry
1.8.2. Publishers
1.8.3. Press

1.9. Creative Services

1.9.1. Design and Fashion
1.9.2. Architecture and Landscaping
1.9.3. Advertising

1.10. Connections of the Creative Economy or Orange Economy

1.10.1. Cascade Model - Concentric Circles
1.10.2. Creative, Production and Knowledge Spillovers
1.10.3. Culture at the Service of the Creative Economy

Module 2. Protection of Creative and Intangible Products in Today’s Marketplace

2.1. Legal Protection of Intangible Assets
2.2. Intellectual Property I
2.3. Intellectual Property II
2.4. Intellectual Property III
2.5. Industrial Property I: Branding.
2.6. Industrial Property II: Industrial Designs
2.7. Industrial Property III: Patents and Utility Models
2.8. Intellectual and Industrial Property: Practice
2.9. Advertising Law I
2.10. Advertising Law II

Module 3. Economic and Financial Management of Creative Companies

3.1. The Necessary Economic Sustainability

3.1.1. The Financial Structure of a Creative Company
3.1.2. Accounting in a Creative Company
3.1.3. Triple Balance

3.2. Revenues and Expenses of today’s Creative Businesses

3.2.1. Cost Accounting
3.2.2. Type of Costs
3.2.3. Cost Allocation

3.3. Types of Profit in the Company

3.3.1. Contribution Margin
3.3.2. Break-Even Point
3.3.3. Evaluation of Alternatives

3.4. Investment in the Creative Sector

3.4.1. Investment in the Creative Industry
3.4.2. Investment Appraisal
3.4.3. The NPV Method: Net Present Value

3.5. Profitability in the Creative Industry

3.5.1. Economic Profitability
3.5.2. Time Profitability
3.5.3. Financial Profitability

3.6. Cash Flow: Liquidity and Solvency

3.6.1. Cash Flow
3.6.2. Balance Sheet and Income Statement
3.6.3. Settlement and Leverage

3.7. Financing Formulas in the Current Creative Market

3.7.1. Venture Capital Funds
3.7.2. Business Angels
3.7.3. Calls for Proposals and Grants

3.8. Product Pricing in the Creative Industry

3.8.1. Pricing
3.8.2. Profit vs. Competition
3.8.3. Pricing Strategy

3.9. Pricing Strategy in the Creative Sector

3.9.1. Types of Pricing Strategies
3.9.2. Advantages
3.9.3. Disadvantages

3.10. Operational Budgets

3.10.1. Tools for Strategic Planning
3.10.2. Elements Included in the Operational Budget
3.10.3. Development and Execution of the Operational Budget

Module 4. Future Thinking How to Transform Today from Tomorrow

4.1. Methodology Futures Thinking

4.1.1. Futures Thinking
4.1.2. Benefits of Using this Methodology
4.1.3. The Role of the “Futurist” in the Creative Enterprise

4.2. Signs of Change

4.2.1. The Sign of Change
4.2.2. Identification of the Signs of Change
4.2.3. Interpretation of the Signs

4.3. Types of Futures

4.3.1. Journey to the Past
4.3.2. The Four Types of Futures
4.3.3. Application of the Futures Thinking Methodology in the Workplace

4.4. Future Forecasting

4.4.1. Searching for Drivers
4.4.2. How to Create a Future Forecast
4.4.3. How to Design a Future Scenario

4.5. Mental Stimulation Techniques

4.5.1. Past, Future and Empathy
4.5.2. Facts Vs. Experience
4.5.3. Alternative Routes

4.6. Collaborative Forecasting

4.6.1. The Future as a Game
4.6.2. Future Wheel
4.6.3. The Future from Different Approaches

4.7. Epic Victories

4.7.1. From Discovery to the Innovation Proposal
4.7.2. The Epic Victory
4.7.3. Fairness in the Game of the Future

4.8. Preferred Futures

4.8.1. The Preferred Future
4.8.2. Techniques
4.8.3. Working Backwards from the Future

4.9. From Prediction to Action

4.9.1. Images of the Future
4.9.2. Artifacts from the Future
4.9.3. Roadmap

4.10. Sustainable Development Objectives (SDO): A Global and Multidisciplinary Vision of the Future

4.10.1. Sustainable Development as a Global Goal
4.10.2. Management of Humans in Nature
4.10.3. Social Sustainability

Module 5. Consumer or User Management in Creative Businesses

5.1. The User in the Current Context

5.1.1. Changing Consumers in Recent Times
5.1.2. The Importance of Research
5.1.3. Trend Analysis

5.2. Strategy with the Focus on the Individual

5.2.1. Human Centric Strategy
5.2.2. Keys and Benefits of Being Human Centric
5.2.3. Success Stories

5.3. Data on the Human Centric Strategy

5.3.1. Data on the Human Centric Strategy
5.3.2. The Value of Data
5.3.3. 360º View of the Customer

5.4. Implementation of the Human Centric Strategy in the Creative Industry

5.4.1. Transformation of Dispersed Information into Customer Knowledge
5.4.2. Opportunity Analysis
5.4.3. Maximization Strategies and Initiatives

5.5. Human Centric Methodology

5.5.1. From Research to Prototyping
5.5.2. Double Diamond Model: Process and Phases
5.5.3. Data Science

5.6. Design Thinking

5.6.1. Design Thinking
5.6.2. Methodology
5.6.3. The Techniques and Tools of Design Thinking

5.7. Brand Positioning in the User’s Mind

5.7.1. Positioning Analysis
5.7.2. Typology
5.7.3. Methodology and Tools

5.8. User Insights in Creative Businesses

5.8.1. Insights and their Importance
5.8.2. Customer Journey and the Relevance of the Journey Map
5.8.3. Research Techniques

5.9. User Profiling (Archetypes and Buyer Persona)

5.9.1. Archetypes
5.9.2. Buyer Persona
5.9.3. Analysis Methodology

5.10. Research Resources and Techniques

5.10.1. Techniques in Context
5.10.2. Visualization and Creation Techniques
5.10.3. Voice Contrast Techniques 

Module 6. Creative Branding: Communication and Management of Creative Brands 

6.1. Brands and Branding

6.1.1. The Brands
6.1.2. The Evolution of Branding
6.1.3. Positioning, Brand Personality, Notoriety

6.2. Brand Building

6.2.1. Marketing Mix
6.2.2. Brand Architecture
6.2.3. Brand Identity

6.3. Brand Expression

6.3.1. Graphic Identity
6.3.2. Visual Expression
6.3.3. Other Elements that Reflect the Brand

6.4. Communication

6.4.1. Focuses
6.4.2. Brand Touchpoints
6.4.3. Communication Techniques and Tools

6.5. Branded Content

6.5.1. From Brands to Entertainment Platforms
6.5.2. The Rise of Branded Content
6.5.3. Connecting with the Audience through Unique Storytelling

6.6. Visual Storytelling

6.6.1. Brand Analysis
6.6.2. Creative Advertising Concepts
6.6.3. Creative Sales

6.7. Customer Experience

6.7.1. Customer Experience (CX)
6.7.2. Customer Journey
6.7.3. Brand Alignment and CX

6.8. Strategic Planning

6.8.1. Objectives
6.8.2. Identification of Audiences and Insights
6.8.3. Designing Strategy

6.9. Performance

6.9.1. Briefing
6.9.2. Tactics
6.9.3. Production Plan

6.10. Assessment

6.10.1. What to Evaluate
6.10.2. How to Assess it (Measurement Tools)
6.10.3. Results Reports

Module 7. Leadership and Innovation in Creative Industries

7.1. Creativity Applied to Industry

7.1.1. Creative Expression
7.1.2. Creative Resources
7.1.3. Creative Techniques

7.2. The New Innovative Culture

7.2.1. The Context of Innovation
7.2.2. Why does Innovation Fail?
7.2.3. Academic Theories

7.3. Innovation Dimensions and Levers

7.3.1. The Plans or Dimensions of Innovation
7.3.2. Attitudes for Innovation
7.3.3. Intrapreneurship and Technology

7.4. Constraints and Obstacles to Innovation in the Creative Industry

7.4.1. Personal and Group Restrictions
7.4.2. Social Constraints and Organizations
7.4.3. Industrial and Technological Restrictions

7.5. Closed Innovation and Open Innovation

7.5.1. From Closed Innovation to Open Innovation
7.5.2. Practical Classes to Implement Open Innovation
7.5.3. Experiences of Open Innovation in Companies

7.6. Innovative Business Models in Creative Industries

7.6.1. Business Trends in the Creative Economy
7.6.2. Study Cases
7.6.3. Sector Revolution

7.7. Leading and Managing an Innovation Strategy

7.7.1. Boosting Adoption
7.7.2. Leading the Process
7.7.3. Portfolio Maps

7.8. Financing Innovation

7.8.1. CFO: Venture Capital Investor
7.8.2. Dynamic Financing
7.8.3. Response to the Challenges

7.9. Hybridization: Innovating in the Creative Economy

7.9.1. Intersection of Sectors
7.9.2. Generation of Disruptive Solutions
7.9.3. The Medici Effect

7.10. New Creative and Innovative Ecosystems

7.10.1. Generation of Innovative Environments
7.10.2. Creativity as a Lifestyle
7.10.3. Icosystems

Module 8. Digital Transformation in the Creative Industry 

8.1. Digital Future of the Creative Industry

8.1.1. Digital Transformation
8.1.2. Situation of the Sector and its Comparison
8.1.3. Future Challenges

8.2. Forth Industrial Revolution

8.2.1. Industrial Revolution
8.2.2. Application
8.2.3. Impacts

8.3. Digital Enablers for Growth

8.3.1. Operational Effectiveness, Acceleration and Improvement
8.3.2. Continuous Digital Transformation
8.3.3. Solutions and Services for the Creative Industries

8.4. The Application of Big Data to the Company

8.4.1. Data Value
8.4.2. Data in Decision-Making
8.4.3. Data Driven Company

8.5. Cognitive Technology

8.5.1. AI and Digital Interaction
8.5.2. IoT and Robotics
8.5.3. Other Digital Practices

8.6. Uses and Applications of Blockchain Technology

8.6.1. Blockchain.
8.6.2. Value for the Creative Industry Sector
8.6.3. Transaction Versatility

8.7. Omnichannel and Transmedia Development

8.7.1. Impact on the Sector
8.7.2. Challenge Analysis
8.7.3. Evolution

8.8. Entrepreneurship Ecosystems

8.8.1. The Role of Innovation and Venture Capital
8.8.2. The Start-up Ecosystem and the Stakeholders that Comprise It
8.8.3. How to Maximize the Relationship between the Creative Stakeholder and the Start-up

8.9. New Disruptive Business Models

8.9.1. Marketing-Based (Platforms and Marketplaces)
8.9.2. Service-Based (Freemium, Premium or Subscription Models)
8.9.3. Community-Based (from Crowdfunding, Social Networking or Blogging)

8.10. Methodologies to Promote a Culture of Innovation in the Creative Industries

8.10.1. Blue Ocean Innovation Strategy
8.10.2. Lean Start-up Innovation Strategy
8.10.3. Agile Innovation Strategy

Module 9. New Digital Marketing Strategies

9.1. Technology and Audiences

9.1.1. Digital Strategy and Differences between User Types
9.1.2. Target Audience, Exclusionary Factors and Generations
9.1.3. The Ideal Costumer Profile (ICP) and Buyer Persona

9.2. Digital Analytics for Diagnostics

9.2.1. Analytics prior to the Digital Strategy
9.2.2. Moment 0
9.2.3. KPIs and Metrics, Typologies, Classification according to Methodologies

9.3. E-entertainment: the impact of e-commerce in the Entertainment Industry

9.3.1. E-commerce, Typologies and Platforms
9.3.2. The Importance of Web Design: UX and UI
9.3.3. Optimization of Online Space: Minimum Requirements

9.4. Social Media and Influencer Marketing

9.4.1. Impact and Evolution of Network Marketing
9.4.2. Persuasion, Keys to Content and Viral Actions
9.4.3. Planning Social Marketing and Influencer Marketing Campaigns

9.5. Mobile Marketing

9.5.1. Mobile User
9.5.2. Mobile Web and Apps
9.5.3. Mobile Marketing Actions

9.6. Advertising in Online Environments

9.6.1. Advertising in Social Networks and Objectives of Social Ads
9.6.2. The Conversion or Purchase Funnel: Categories
9.6.3. Social Ads Platforms

9.7. The Inbound Marketing Methodology

9.7.1. Social Selling, Key Pillars and Strategy
9.7.2. The CRM Platform in a Digital Strategy
9.7.3. Inbound Marketing or Attraction Marketing: Actions and SEO

9.8. Automization of Marketing

9.8.1. Email Marketing and Email Typology
9.8.2. Email Marketing Automation, Applications, Platforms and Advantages
9.8.3. The Emergence of Bot & Chatbot Marketing: Typology and Platforms

9.9. Data Management Tools

9.9.1. CRM in Digital Strategy, Typologies and Applications, Platforms and Trends
9.9.2. Big Data: Big Data, Business Analytics and Business Intelligence
9.9.3. Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

9.10. Measuring Profitability

9.10.1. ROI: Definition of Return on Investment and ROI vs. ROAS
9.10.2. ROI Optimization
9.10.3. Key Metrics

Module 10. Entrepreneurship in the Creative Industries

10.1. The Entrepreneurial Project

10.1.1. Entrepreneurship, Types and Life Cycle
10.1.2. Entrepreneur Profile
10.1.3. Topics of Interest for Entrepreneurship

10.2. Personal Leadership

10.2.1. Self-Knowledge
10.2.2. Entrepreneurial Skills
10.2.3. Development of Entrepreneurial Leadership Skills and Abilities

10.3. Identification of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Opportunities

10.3.1. Analysis of Megatrends and Competitive Forces
10.3.2. Consumer Behavior and Demand Estimation
10.3.3. Evaluation of Business Opportunities

10.4. Business Idea Generation in the Creative Industry

10.4.1. Idea Generation Tools: Brainstorming, Mind Mapping, Drawstorming, etc, 
10.4.2. Value Proposition Design: CANVAS, 5 w
10.4.3. Development of the Value Proposition

10.5. Prototyping and Validation

10.5.1. Prototype Development
10.5.2. Validation
10.5.3. Prototyping Adjustments

10.6. Business Model Design

10.6.1. The Business Model
10.6.2. Methodologies for the Creation of Business Models
10.6.3. Business Model Design for Proposed Idea

10.7. Team Leadership

10.7.1. Team Profiles according to Temperaments and Personality
10.7.2. Team Leadership Skills
10.7.3. Teamwork Methods

10.8. Cultural Markets

10.8.1. Nature of Cultural Markets
10.8.2. Types of Cultural Markets
10.8.3. Identification of Local Cultural Markets

10.9. Personal Marketing and Branding Plan

10.9.1. Projection of the Personal and Entrepreneurial Project
10.9.2. Short- and Medium-Term Strategic Plan
10.9.3. Variables for Measuring Success

10.10. Sales Pitch

10.10.1. Project Presentation for Investors
10.10.2. Development of Attractive Presentations
10.10.3. Development of Effective Communication Skills


An academic experience that will be fundamental to improving your skills in this professional field" 

Professional Master's Degree MBA in Creative Business Management

The recognition of the creative industry in the global market is no stranger to leaders in marketing and advertising. Its capacity to potentiate economic and social development is increasing hand in hand with the generation of job offers, new production spaces and, above all, the artistic promotion of each of the contents offered by this field of work. TECH Global University, thinking about the needs demanded by the industry sector, has designed the Professional Master's Degree MBA in Creative Business Management for design professionals who wish to obtain a higher qualification and gain mastery of all the necessary subjects for project management in the new context of the creative industries.

Get ready to run a TECH company

The postgraduate program offered by the School of Design qualifies the professional in specific knowledge to manage projects, generate business ideas, lead teams and develop new digital marketing strategies, in addition to providing learning in strategic vision, financial accounting and a whole academic content that guarantees a comprehensive training that responds to the needs that arise as a director and leader of a company. This program will allow the professional to venture into a totally innovative and changing field, thanks to the deployment of creativity and imagination in the new artistic and cultural productions as well as the technological advances found in today's market.