
Ana Karina López Frías is a psychologist with a constant ambition to update her knowledge and have the best skills to offer excellent services to her patients. For this reason, she decided to specialize in the health field, a field that completely fulfilled her professional expectations. Thanks to this, she has obtained the opportunity to work as a psychologist and facilitator in the Senior Citizens Program of the La Caixa Foundation. 

Her main tasks in this field have been related to the development of projects that bring the elderly closer to different sectors of society. In addition, she has worked in a psychological office for the evaluation and psychotherapeutic care of children and adolescents

  • Psychologist Expert in Health Psychology
  • Psychologist, trainer and facilitator of the Social Participation Area of the Senior Citizens Program of the La Caixa Foundation. 
  • Clinical Psychologist in the Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Area of the psychological office María Auxiliadora. 
  • Graduate in Psychology from Arturo Michelena University. 
  • Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the University of La Laguna. 
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Organizational Psychology and Human Resources from the University of Carabobo.
Programmes in collaboration with

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