
Become a successful professional in the field of veterinary medicine and improve the treatment of your patients with this advanced master’s degree in Veterinary Surgery in Small Animals”  


The advances in veterinary medicine allow professionals in this field to face new challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of pets every day with complete guarantee of success. The biggest challenges faced by veterinarians occur when performing surgery, which suggests that less invasive treatments have not been suitable in improving the disease. For this reason, it is also important to know the most appropriate techniques to implement in each intervention, according to which part of the body is affected.  

Minimally invasive techniques used in veterinary medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases found in small animals began 20 years ago and have grown exponentially in the last decade. These advances have also been made possible thanks to the improvement of technical resources and materials in various fields, as well as new technology.   

This advanced master’s degree in Veterinary Surgery in Small Animals is an educational project which promises to train professionals to a high standard. A program devised by professionals specialized in each specific field who encounter new surgical challenges every day. 

The program covers any surgery required by small animals, in addition to an anatomical reminder of the different regions and organs of small animals. It also focuses on minimally invasive surgery, in which laparoscopic techniques are very important. 

It’s necessary to take into account that this specialized course is aimed at professionals who generally have long working days, which prevents them from being able to continue with their specialization in face-to-face classes and who cannot find high quality online training adapted to their needs. Taking into account the need for a competent and high-quality online specialization, we present the advanced master’s degree in Veterinary Surgery in Small Animals, which has revolutionized the world of veterinary specialization, both with its content as well as its teaching staff and innovative teaching methodology.    

Furthermore, as it is a 100% online specialization, the student decides where and when to study. Without the restrictions of fixed timetables or having to move between classrooms, this course can be combined with work and family life.     

A high level scientific training program, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals”   

This advanced master’s degree in Veterinary Surgery in Small Animals ccontains the most comprehensive and up-to-date academic course on the university scene. The most important features of the program include:   

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and retraining systems
  • Self organised learning which makes the course completely compatible with other commitments
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums    
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Complementary resource banks that are permanently available

A training program created for professionals who aspire to excellence that will allow you to acquire new skills and strategies in a smooth and effective way”   

Our teaching staff is made up of working professionals. In this way, we ensure that we provide you with the training update we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of doctors with training and experience in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but above all, they will bring their practical knowledge from their own experience to the course. 

The efficiency of the methodological design of this advanced master’s degree, enhances the student's understanding of Veterinary Surgery in Small Animals. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, you will be able to study with a range of easy-to-use and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the necessary skills you need for your specialization.

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice learning. With the help of an innovative interactive video system, and learning from an expert, you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were actually dealing with the scenario you are learning about. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.    


We offer you the best training program currently available which allows you to gain an in-depth understanding of Veterinary Surgery in Small Animals"


Our objective is to train highly qualified professionals for work experience. An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society. This objective is focused on helping professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control. A goal that you will be able to achieve thanks to a highly intensive and detailed course.         


If your goal is to improve in your profession, to acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, then look no further: Welcome to TECH    

General Objectives     

  • Establish a basis for aseptic compression sterility maintenance
  • Highlight the importance of the perioperative care given to the surgical patient
  • Define the basic surgical principles to take into account before we perform surgery
  • Propose alternatives to deal with surgical complications that appear in daily clinical practice
  • Develop knowledge of the techniques used to deal with wounds, establishing guidelines according to clinical characteristics
  • Offer a clear and global vision of the healing process, the factors that promote it and those that hinder it
  • Analyze how a decision is made to close a wound in one way or another, establish what complications there may be and how to prevent or solve them  
  • Compile a list of the available flap techniques
  • Implement the most advanced general surgical knowledge to minimise postoperative complications
  • Integrate the student's knowledge which will allow them to gain confidence and a sense of security in the interventions developed in this module
  • Evaluate the most frequent complications and ensure the student acquires the knowledge to be able to confidently and successfully resolve them
  • Present the pathophysiology and treatment of urinary obstruction and trauma
  • Make a detailed report of the problems commonly caused by surgical treatment which can affect the genitourinary system
  • Present the most advanced and innovative techniques for dealing with patients with genitourinary disease
  • Provide the student with theoretical resources and graphic material to help them develop the necessary skills to successfully treat these cases
  • Establish the basic principles of oncology surgery to ensure the correct care is given to the patient
  • Define each surgical treatment according to the type of tumor we are faced with
  • Identify each skin tumor to know its behavior in the tissue and the area in which it is located
  • Propose the optimal surgical margins that are appropriate for each type of tumor
  • Examine the main surgically treatable diseases affecting the liver and spleen
  • Establish the main endocrine principles that affect small animals
  • Identify the main key points in the diagnosis and treatment of different illnesses  
  • Provide the student with the necessary knowledge to implement different surgical techniques and minimize surgical and postoperative complications
  • Implement knowledge to be able to decide which is the best treatment in each case
  • Present the main surgically treatable diseases which affect the head and neck as well as diseases of the oral and nasal cavity, the ears, the salivary glands, the larynx and trachea
  • Integrate the student's knowledge which will allow them to gain confidence and a sense of security in the interventions
  • Evaluate the most frequent complications and ensure the student acquires the knowledge to be able to confidently and successfully resolve them
  • Examine the main minimally invasive techniques such as laparoscopy and thoracoscopy
  • Define the advantages and disadvantages of minimally invasive techniques
  • Analyze interventional radiology, as well as the main techniques that are being performed with this type of approach   
  • Define the main equipment and instruments necessary to perform laparoscopies and thoracoscopy 
  • Analyze the history, evolution and new perspectives of the minimally invasive techniques
  • Specify in detail the basic and accessory equipment and instruments for laparoscopies in small animals 
  • Compile a list of the techniques needed to perform laparoscopic surgery 
  • Develop a training program for laparoscopic surgery  
  • Analyze the importance of ergonomics in laparoscopic surgery  
  • Develop knowledge of the anatomy involved in minimally invasive techniques, in gastrointestinal and urinary diseases as well as male and female reproductive system diseases
  • Establish a diagnostic and clinical protocol with complementary tests in gastrointestinal and urinary diseases and those of the male and female reproductive system
  • Compile the different therapeutic approaches to dealing with gastrointestinal and urinary diseases and those of the male and female reproductive system
  • Analyze the suitability of different modalities of therapy, including minimally invasive therapy in gastrointestinal, urinary, and male and female reproductive system diseases
  • Develop a diagnostic and therapeutic protocol for splenic masses
  • Perform a revision and critical analysis of the therapeutic options in the case of an extrahepatic portosystemic shunt
  • Discuss the main diseases that can be treated with surgery of the extrahepatic biliary tract
  • Establish a diagnostic and therapeutic protocol adrenal masses and canine insulinoma
  • Describe the most relevant anatomy of the respiratory airways and their relationship with minimally invasive techniques
  • Establish a diagnostic and therapeutic protocol of the most common diseases in the respiratory system in which diagnostic techniques and minimally invasive therapy are implicated
  • Provide the student with the most relevant anatomical knowledge to be able to perform surgical techniques on the thorax
  • Establish a diagnostic and therapeutic protocol of the most common diseases in the thoracic cavity, as well as inguinal and perineal hernias
  • Integrate knowledge which allows the student to gain confidence and a sense of security in the different interventions that are described
  • Evaluate the different therapeutic modalities available for the treatment of surgical diseases of the thoracic cavity, as well as inguinal and perineal hernias
  • Evaluate the most frequent complications and ensure the student acquires the knowledge to be able to confidently and successfully resolve them
  • Identify the main differences in the anesthetic technique of laparoscopy and thoracoscopy
  • Provide the student with a detailed description of the minimally invasive techniques to treat diseases of the reproductive system as well as endocrine, splenic and extrahepatic vascular surgery
  • Deepen understanding of the indications of minimally invasive techniques versus standard techniques in diseases of the reproductive system, endocrine, splenic and extrahepatic vascular surgery
  • Deepen understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of minimally invasive techniques in certain diseases of the reproductive system, endocrine and splenic surgery
  • Analyze the therapeutic advantages of new modalities of minimal invasion in the treatment of extrahepatic portosystemic shunt
  • Integrate the knowledge acquired in these new therapy modalities to obtain a global vision of the diseases of the reproductive system, endocrine, splenic and extrahepatic vascular surgery
  • Provide the Veterinary Clinic with the necessary knowledge to perform laparoscopic techniques on the urinary and digestive systems
  • Perform an in-depth examination of port placement and the position of the patient in laparoscopic techniques of the urinary and digestive tract
  • Integrate the student's knowledge which will allow them to gain confidence and a sense of security in the laparoscopic interventions of the urinary and digestive systems
  • Examine the advantages and disadvantages of minimally invasive techniques of the urinary and digestive systems compared to conventional techniques
  • Provide the general surgical knowledge needed to minimize perioperative complications during laparoscopic surgery of the urinary and digestive systems
  • Analyze the indications and patient selection for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy
  • Incorporate newly acquired knowledge in order to decide the optimal therapeutic treatment for treating an inguinal and perineal hernia
  • Develop understanding of thoracoscopic approach techniques and address the main complications that may occur
  • Describe the most common techniques used in thoracoscopic surgery
  • Integrate the student's knowledge which will allow them to gain confidence and a sense of security in the interventions developed in this module
  • Provide the student with a solid foundation of knowledge to safely perform a digestive endoscopy   
  • Evaluate the indications, advantages, disadvantages and most common complications of a digestive endoscopy
  • Identify the equipment and specific instruments necessary to perform a digestive endoscopy in dogs
  • Gather and develop the techniques for upper and lower digestive endoscopy
  • Develop a treatment plan for the different digestive illnesses that can be treated with an endoscopy
  • Analyze the use of an endoscopy for inserting feeding tubes
  • Provide the student with a solid foundation of knowledge to safely perform a respiratory endoscopy
  • Evaluate the indications, advantages, disadvantages and most common complications of a respiratory endoscopy
  • Identify the equipment and specific instruments needed to perform a respiratory endoscopy in dogs
  • Develop understanding of the techniques used for a respiratory endoscopy
  • Develop a treatment plan for different respiratory illnesses that can be treated with an endoscopy
  • Analyze the use of endoscopies for the treatment of tracheal and bronchial collapse and tracheal stenosis
  • Provide the student with a solid foundation of knowledge to safely implement minimally invasive techniques in urogenital procedures
  • Evaluate the indications, advantages, disadvantages and most common complications of endourological procedures
  • Identify the equipment and specific instruments needed to perform endourological procedures as well as female reproductive system procedures
  • Gather and develop techniques for a urogenital endoscopy
  • Develop knowledge of the most innovative endourological procedures being performed in veterinary medicine of small animals
  • Analyze the use of an endoscopy for performing transcervical insemination

Specific Objectives     

Block 1. Veterinary Surgery in Small Animals

  • Refine the rules of conduct for a surgeon
  • Explain the correct use of tissue synthesis materials
  • Develop knowledge of the surgical equipment available and promote its correct use
  • Refine the surgical technique to minimize tissue damage
  • Propose new hemostasis techniques
  • Identify and successfully treat surgical site infections
  • Understand the types of wounds there are, not only from an etiopathogenesis point of view, but also from a microbiological point of view 
  • Develop an understanding of the criteria involved in making decisions about the medical and surgical treatment of wounds
  • Specify the local and systemic factors affecting healing 
  • Understand what laser therapy consists of, which parameters are important, their indications and their contraindication  
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of how to manage of the subdermal plexus with the use of local options they provide  
  • Propose techniques specially adapted to each different zone on the body, from the head to interdigital areas 
  • Specify how axial plexus flaps are designed and implemented in each area  
  • Explain grafting and the importance of correct patient selection and postoperative management
  • Examine the anatomy of the affected area and provide the student with the specialized knowledge to safely and appropriately perform the surgical procedures on the gastrointestinal tract   
  • Compile all the latest material and develop it in a clear way so that the student can get the most out of it  
  • Develop understanding of the most common surgical techniques in the gastrointestinal tract 
  • Propose diagnostic and therapeutic plans for the different diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract   
  • Examine the unique tools used for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract diseases  
  • Explain in detail the different diseases that can occur in each zone and how to treat them   
  • Develop specialized knowledge so that the student can perfect their clinical practice in the diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal tract diseases  
  • Examine the most important anatomical considerations in the surgical treatment of genitourinary disease
  • Consolidate knowledge of how certain surgical principles are applied in the treatment of urinary tracts
  • Develop knowledge of the problems that occur when urine cannot be excreted from the patient's body
  • Establish clear recommendations for the imaging techniques to choose to diagnose each disease
  • Develop a detailed understanding of relevant surgical techniques
  • Identify the most common complications in each surgical technique and how to prevent or solve them
  • Propose protocols for making decisions in breast oncology
  • Demonstrate the importance of peri-operative care of the patients with breast tumors
  • Define the differences between curative, cytoreductive or palliative interventions
  • Analyze each patient to understand the optimal treatment for them
  • Develop an action protocol for cutaneous tumors, including correct prior diagnosis and staging
  • Establish correct surgical management techniques and margins to deal with soft tissue sarcomas
  • Establish correct surgical management techniques and margins to deal with mastocytomas
  • Establish correct surgical management techniques and margins to deal with cutaneous and subcutaneous tumors relevant to pet animal medicine
  • Analyze the liver anatomy and the principal surgical techniques and complications in the most common liver diseases affecting small animals
  • Analyze the spleen anatomy, main surgical techniques and complications in the main splenic diseases affecting small animals. Specifically, an action protocol for dealing with a splenic mass will be developed
  • Establish diagnostic and therapeutic plans for the different diseases that affect the liver and the spleen, based on evidence and with the aim of tailoring it to each individual patient and their owner
  • Develop the most appropriate techniques and therapeutic plans to treat the most common diseases which affect the thyroid glands, such as thyroid tumors and hyperthyroidism in cats
  • Develop the most appropriate techniques and therapeutic plans to treat the most common diseases which affect the adrenal gland, such as adrenal tumors
  • Develop the most appropriate techniques and therapeutic plans to treat the most common diseases which affect the endocrine pancreas, such as pancreatic tumors
  • Establish diagnostic and therapeutic plans for the different endocrine diseases, based on evidence and with the aim of tailoring it to each individual patient and their owner
  • Revise the anatomy of the oral cavity, nasal cavity, ear, trachea and larynx, so that the student has the knowledge to adequately and safely perform surgical procedures
  • Develop understanding of the main conditions of the oral cavity such as oral and labial tumors in the context of diagnosis, therapeutic approach, surgical techniques, complications and prognosis   
  • Develop understanding of the main ear problems such as otohematomas, tumors of the external auditory pavilion and external auditory canal, chronic recurrent otitis and nasopharyngeal polyps. This will be in the context of diagnosis, the therapeutic approach, surgical techniques, complications and prognosis
  • Develop understanding of the main conditions of the pharynx such as laryngeal paralysis in the context of diagnosis, therapeutic approach, surgical techniques, complications and prognosis   
  • Develop understanding of the main conditions of the salivary glands such as sialoceles in the context of diagnosis, therapeutic approach, surgical techniques, complications and prognosis 
  • Compile all the scientific literature on the subject to create a diagnostic and therapeutic protocol, with the most innovative techniques for the treatment of tracheal collapse
  • Compile all the scientific literature on the subject to create a diagnostic and therapeutic protocol, with the most innovative techniques for the treatment of brachycephalic syndrome
  • Define other less frequent diseases which affect the head and neck of small animals, such as nasopharyngeal stenosis, tracheal and laryngeal tumors and cricopharyngeal achalasia
  • Establish different diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for the different head and neck diseases
  • Generate up-to-date material, based on evidence from different surgical techniques of the oral cavity, nasal cavity, ears, trachea and larynx
  • Provide knowledge of the anatomy to establish the basis for an appropriate surgical technique for procedures in the thoracic cavity
  • Present the specific material needed to perform surgical interventions in this area
  • Develop knowledge of the most advanced techniques, least common in daily practice due to their complexity, to make them easier to understand and more practical for the student
  • Compile up-to-date information on the best surgical techniques for treating thoracic structures
  • Propose diagnostic and therapeutic plans for the different diseases that affect the thoracic cavity
  • Examine the unique tools used for the diagnosis of thoracic cavity diseases
  • Teach the student how to identify and resolve the most common complications that could occur during thoracic cavity surgery  
  • Present the most common indications for the amputation of the pelvic limb, thoracic, caudectomy and phalanges 
  • Compile the different surgical techniques for performing amputations in small animals as a resolution technique for tumors of the pelvic region, including hemipelvectomy   
  • Revise the preoperative indications, patient selection, post-operative care and complications that could arise when performing amputations in small animals    
  • Present the most appropriate techniques and therapeutic plans for resolving the different umbilical, inguinal, scrotal and traumatic hernias     
  • Revise the different techniques for the resolution of a perineal hernia as well as establishing an appropriate therapeutic protocol  for treating this condition    
  • Develop knowledge of a diaphragmatic hernia in the context of the indication for surgery, diagnosis and most effective techniques for its resolution   
  • Develop knowledge of a peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in the context of the indication for surgery, diagnosis and most effective techniques for its resolution  
  • Identify the main equipment and instruments necessary to perform laparoscopies and thoracoscopies   
  • Develop knowledge of the main techniques used in a laparoscopy of small animals such as ovarioectomy, cryptorchidism, preventive gastropexy and liver biopsy   
  • Define other, less-common techniques of laparoscopic approach such as assisted cystoscopy, digestive examination, cholecystectomy and biopsy of different organs of the abdominal cavity   
  • Develop knowledge of the main techniques used in thoracoscopic surgery in small animals such as pericardiectomy and establish the most appropriate protocol to follow in each case  
  • Identify other, less common techniques of the thoracoscopic approach in small animals such as pulmonary biopsies, pulmonary lobectomy, chylothorax resolution technique and vascular rings
  • Identify the main equipment and instruments needed to perform interventional radiology
  • Define the main techniques with which interventional radiology is performed

Block 2. Minimally Invasive Veterinary Surgery in Small Animals

  • Analyze the history and evolution of minimally invasive surgical techniques  
  • Identify the basic equipment and instruments needed to perform a laparoscopy
  • Identify the complementary material used to perform laparoscopy such as electrosurgical units
  • Develop a training program to gain the skills needed to perform laparoscopy surgery
  • Evaluate the different techniques used in the laparoscopic approach to surgery
  • Identify the different complications that could arise in the laparoscopic technique
  • Analyze new perspectives in laparoscopy surgery, such as single incision laparoscopy and NOTES 
  • Analyze in detail the anatomy and physiology of the male and female reproductive system 
  • Establish a diagnostic protocol for the most common male and female reproductive system diseases  
  • Identify the different therapeutic approaches for treating the most common diseases of the male and female reproductive system, taking into account both the traditional and minimally invasive options 
  • Describe the anatomy of the urinary system: Kidneys, ureter, bladder, urethra 
  • Develop a diagnostic protocol for the most common diseases of the urinary system 
  • Identify the different therapeutic modalities available for addressing the most common diseases of the urinary system  
  • Describe the anatomy of the stomach, intestine, liver and spleen  
  • Establish a therapeutic protocol for digestive and liver diseases in small animals  
  • Analyze the different therapeutic optiions for the resolution of digestive and liver diseases  
  • Propose a diagnostic and therapeutic plan for slpenic masses, focusing on hemangiosarcoma 
  • Analyze extrahepatic portosystemic shunt disease, reviewing the controversies found in the most up-to-date literature 
  • Describe the diagnostic protocol for the main diseases that require a cholecystectomy as treatment  
  • Develop the most appropriate techniques and therapeutic plans to treat the most common diseases which affect the adrenal gland, such as adrenal tumors 
  • Develop the most appropriate techniques and therapeutic plans to treat the most common diseases which affect the endocrine pancreas, such as pancreatic tumors, specifically insulinoma
  • Describe in detail the anatomy of the nasal cavity, larynx, trachea and lungs  
  • Establish a diagnostic and therapeutic protocol for brachycephalic syndrome, laryngeal paralysis, nasal tumors, nasal aspergillosis and nasopharyngeal stenosis  
  • Present the clinically relevant anatomy for the thoracic cavity  
  • Establish a diagnostic protocol and the medical and surgical treatment for tracheal collapse disease  
  • Identify the steps for the diagnosis and resolution of pleural effusion
  • Analyze the most frequent causes of pericardial effusion and its relationship with cardiac tumors 
  • Propose a diagnostic and therapeutic protocol for persistent right aortic arch disease  
  • Develop knowledge of the diagnosis, surgical therapies and prognosis of canine lung cancer   
  • Evaluate the various etiologies, diagnostic protocola and treatment and the evolution of thoracic masses in small animals 
  • Analyze the main implications and complications that can arise in laparoscopic or thoracoscopic anesthesia
  • Develop minimally invasive techniques for procedures on the female reproductive system such as sterilization techniques, treatment of ovarian remnants and the excision of ovarian tumors  
  • Analyze the techniques and indications of insemination with minimal invasion   
  • Identify the laparoscopy technique for abdominal cryptorchidism  
  • Describe the technique and patient selection in laparoscopic adrenalectomy 
  • Demonstrate the laparoscopy techniques for performing a pancreatic biopsy and pancreatectomies  
  • Analyze the minimally invasive techniques for attenuation of the portosystemic shunt  
  • Address the technique and patient selection in laparoscopic surgery to perform a splenic biopsy and a splenectomy  
  • Develop knowledge of minimal invasion techniques for performing a laparoscopy-assisted cystoscopy  
  • Analyze the laparoscopy techniques and indications of renal biopsy  
  • Examine laparoscopy techniques for a ureteronephrectomy and renal cyst omentalization  
  • Describe the advanced laparoscopic techniques for the urinary system, such as a ureterotomy, urethral reimplantation and placement of an artificial bladder sphincter
  • Present the laparoscopic techniques, indications and complications of a liver biopsy and hepatectomy
  • Demonstrate the laparoscopy techniques for performing a preventative gastropexy in a dog 
  • Describe the laparoscopy technique for examining the digestive system and the removal of foreign bodies from dogs  
  • Develop knowledge of the techniques for performing a cholecystectomy, thus establishing a patient selection protocol 
  • Identify the laparoscopy technique for the resolution of a inguinal hernia 
  • Examine the minimal invasion techniques as part of the treatment for perineal hernias
  • Develop understanding of the indications, approach technique and the complications of a thoracoscopy in small animals   
  • Describe the thoracoscopic techniques of pericardiectomy in dogs  
  • Review the indications for lung biopsy and lobectomy and develop the thoracoscopic technique used to perform them  
  • Describe the thoracoscopic technique for the resoltion of the right aortic arch in dogs 
  • Revise the different surgical options, including thoracoscopies, for the excision of surgical masses  
  • Review the history and new perspectives of a digestiv endoscopy of small animals 
  • Identify the different ways to prepare a patient for a digestive endoscopy   
  • Identify the equipment and specific instruments needed to perform a digestive endoscopy 
  • Describe the necessary protocol for cleaning instruments in a digestive endoscopy 
  • Consolidate the understanding of the indications and most common complications of a digestive endoscopy  
  • Establish a protocol for upper and lower gastrointestinal examination (esophagoscopy, gastroscopy, duodenoscopy, ileoscopy, colonoscopy) 
  • Analyze endoscopic techniques for the resolution of digestive foreign bodies, esophageal stricture, polypectomy 
  • Review the use of an endoscopy for inserting feeding tubes  
  • Review the history and new perspectives of a respiratory endoscopy in small animals 
  • Identify the different ways to prepare a patient for a respiratory endoscopy 
  • Identify the equipment and specific instruments needed to perform a respiratory endoscopy
  • Describe the necessary protocol for cleaning instruments in a respiratory endoscopy  
  • Consolidate the understanding of the indications and most common complications of a respiratory endoscopy 
  • Establish a protocol for examination of the digestive system: Rhinoscopy, laryngoscopy, tracheoscopy and bronchoscopy 
  • Analyze endoscopic techniques for the treatment of respiratory foreign bodies and nasoesophageal stenosis 
  • Review the use of endoscopies for the treatment of tracheal and bronchial collapse and tracheal stenosis  
  • Review the history and new perspectives of endourological procedures in small animals  
  • Identify the equipment and specific instruments needed to perform a urogenital endoscopy 
  • Describe the necessary protocol for cleaning instruments in a respiratory endoscopy
  • Consolidate the understanding of the indications and most common complications of a urogentinal endoscopy 
  • Establish a protocol for examining the urinary and female reproductive system. Urethrocystoscopy, vaginoscopy and percutaneous nephroscopy 
  • Review the newest endourological techniques being performed in veterinary medicine such as UGELAB, PCCL, intracorporeal lithotripsy and urethral and urethral stenting
  • Review the use of endoscopies for the treatment of tracheal and bronchial collapse and tracheal stenosis

Quality specialized training for outstanding students.  At TECH, we offer the perfect education for high level specialization in your field”    

Advanced Master's Degree in Small Animal Veterinary Surgery


Operations in smaller species, whether domestic or not, are constantly evolving and improving techniques, these may be partial procedures but often tend to have a high degree of complexity in each intervention. For this reason, at TECH Global University we created an Advanced Master's Degree in Small Animal Veterinary Surgery, so that professionals in this sector of medicine approach through the understanding of the latest research the surgical practice of the different systems present in the body of the different breeds.  Students, throughout the academic program, will face the multiple factors for the understanding and broad look of these studies; such as the relevance of the clinical history, as it is the one that guides at the time of finding a diagnosis and thus a procedure to follow, where many times it is possible to determine more than one affectation turning the treatment to other possibilities; or finding a pathological pattern in individuals of the same species, so that with the factors in common, the probability of effective care is improved.

Course an Advanced Master's Degree in Small Animal Operation online


This program is developed over two years and consists of more than fifteen modules, in which the basic principles of surgery of tissues (medical-surgical techniques), wound management and tissue reconstruction, gastrointestinal operation, genitourinary, mammary, oncology (skin and subcutaneous tumors), intervention in the liver, spleen and endocrine system, as well as the thoracic cavity, amputations and minimally invasive procedures, among other topics are deepened. All of the above was designed with the objectives of providing the most advanced general surgical knowledge to minimize postoperative complications, as well as to integrate diverse knowledge that allows the acquisition of security and confidence in the skills developed in the course. The conceptualization of the procedures is based on research and practices that have been rigorously generated in the field; many of the techniques to be applied require a thorough reading on the elements and skills at the time of the first evaluation, laboratory studies and medical interpretation.