
Dr. Bárbara Gómez Poveda is a Veterinary Specialist in Small Animals. Within this discipline, she has deepened in the technique of diagnostic imaging for both small animals and exotic animals. 

Her professional career has been framed by the work in the Emergency and Hospitalization Departments of several clinical hospitals in Spain. Thus, her specialization has allowed her to hold positions such as Veterinary Director at Barvet Veterinaria a Domicilio.

  • Veterinary Specialist in Small Animals
  • Veterinary Director at Barvet Veterinaria a Domicilio. 
  • General Veterinarian at the Parque Grande Veterinary Clinic. 
  • Emergency and Hospitalization Veterinarian at Centro de Urgencias Veterinarias Las Rozas. 
  • Emergency and Hospitalization Veterinarian at the Parla Sur Veterinary Hospital
  • Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Postgraduate degree in Small Animal Surgery from Improve International.
  • Specialization in Diagnostic Imaging in Small Animals at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
  • Specialization in Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging of Exotic Animals at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. 
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