
Dr. Manuel Iglesias García is a Veterinarian Specialist in Clinical Practice Associated with Equine Care. He has an extensive professional career in the management of various cases, especially associated with the Traumatological and Pathological Area. He has an extensive curriculum both from the academic and professional point of view, which includes two Masters in Equine Surgery, one of them endorsed by the European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies. Thanks to his outstanding performance, he also obtained the distinction of General Practitioner in Equine Surgery. 

On the other hand, he has the prestigious Spanish Certificate in Equine Clinic, an accreditation that shows his quality at a higher level. In addition, he has been a teacher in several university programs, combining the care activity with the dissemination in the classroom with the future of the veterinary profession through his more than 15 years of experience in the promotion of Equine Health.  

  • Clinical Veterinarian and Surgeon at the Clinical Veterinary Hospital of the University of Extremadura.
  • Director of TFG in the Veterinary Degree at the University of Extremadura. 
  • Collaboration in the teaching of interns and students of the Veterinary Degree during the Professional Master's Degree in Equine Surgery at the University of Extremadura. 
  • Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Large Animal Internship at the University of Extremadura. 
  • Doctor in Veterinary Medicine from the Alfonso X el Sabio University. 
  • Master's Degree in Equine Surgery and General Practitioner in Equine Surgery from the European School of Veterinary Postgraduate Studies. 
  • Master's Degree in Equine Surgery from the Veterinary Hospital of the Alfonso X el Sabio University. 
  • Spanish Certificate in Equine Clinical Practice (CertEspEc) 
Programmes in collaboration with

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