
Rosa Yelmo Valverde has worked in her professional career as a Nurse Educator, specializing in Diabetes and Technology. She has had notable experience at the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital in the Pediatric Diabetes Area and at the San Rafael Hospital in the Diabetes and Telemedicine Unit. 

She holds a Diploma in Nursing from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, a Master's Degree in Obesity and its Comorbidities and a Master's Degree in Care and Education of People with Diabetes from the University of Alcalá and the University of Barcelona, respectively.

She also has an extensive research career, having authored several scientific publications that have established her as a reference in her field. 

  • Nurse Educator in Childhood Diabetes at the University Hospital Ramón y Cajal
  • Nurse Educator in the Diabetes and Telemedicine Unit at the San Rafael Hospital
  • Primary Care Nurse at the Nuestra Señora de Fátima Health Center
  • Occupational Training Teacher for the companies EMAS and Motiva Formación
  • Department of Extractions and Occupational Risk Prevention Service at the University Hospital La Paz
  • Internal Medicine Department and Palliative Care Unit at Hospital San Rafael
  • Diploma in Nursing from Comillas Pontifical University
  • Diploma in Corporate Nursing from the Carlos III Institute and the University of Nursing of Ciudad Real
  • Master's Degree in Obesity and its Comorbidities: Prevention, Diagnosis and Integral Treatment by the University of Alcalá
  • Master's Degree in Bases for the Care and Education of People with Diabetes from the University of Barcelona
Programmes in collaboration with

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