
Dr. Tomás Álvaro Naranjo's professional and research career is exceptional in the field of Integrative Health. His competencies are broad and include specialties such as Pathological Anatomy, Immunology, Clinical Psychology and Syntergetic Medicine.  

Among his studies is the analysis of the immune response of diseases such as cancer, fibromyalgia, among others, where he has more than 100 scientific publications on the subject. He frequently attends congresses and scientific programs as a guest speaker, where he offers a detailed description of his discoveries and medical contributions.  

  • Director of the Arjuna Tortosa Center for Integrative Medicine. 
  • Collaborating researcher at the Hospital de Tortosa Verge de la Cinta.
  • Independent researcher in Bioenergetic, Vibrational and Syntergetic Medicine.
  • Medical Specialist in the Anatomical Pathology Service of the HTC Care Center.
  • Doctor in Pathological Anatomy 
  • Graduate in Clinical Psychology 
  • Member: 
    • International Association of Syntergetics
Programmes in collaboration with

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