University certificate
With this Practical Training you will take a definitive step in your career.”
Why study at TECH?
You will master, thanks to this program, the most up-to-date nursing procedures when performing trauma or cardiac surgery"

The provision of healthcare services in the surgical area requires a wide range of specific knowledge and skills to successfully resolve all interventions. In this line, due to scientific and technological advances, this sector is continually evolving to ensure safety and optimize patients' postoperative recovery. Given this situation, nurses specialized in this field require constant learning in order to respond to the new challenges of their profession. This programme in Advanced Operating Room Nursing is designed so that nurses who carry out surgical procedures can update their knowledge and increase their level of professional performance in a practical way, adapted to their needs.
It is a practical stay of 3 weeks in a highly prestigious hospital center that will allow the nurse to develop, in real patients and with state-of-the-art resources, the maximum potential in the area of nursing and surgical patient care. In this environment, the student will be integrated into a multidisciplinary work team made up of the best experts in the healthcare field, with whom they will use the latest preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative techniques based on scientific evidence.
Throughout this practical period, the student will be guided and accompanied by a tutor designated specifically for them, who will be in charge of resolving all their concerns so that the learning process meets their expectations to the millimeter. In this way, in a short period of time and with the advice of the best professionals in Advanced Operating Room Nursing, the nurse will assimilate all the advances and innovations in this field in order to offer his patients services completely adapted to their needs.

The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences"
En el mundo de la enfermería quirúrgica, es imprescindible dominar las últimas técnicas y los procedimientos que permiten asistir a los médicos especialistas o a los pacientes con la máxima eficiencia, pero es indispensable saber aplicar estos conocimientos adecuadamente en el entorno de trabajo. Debido a ello, TECH ha creado un producto académico completamente novedoso, con el que el enfermero podrá poner en práctica todos estos avances en un prestigioso centro hospitalario. Durante 3 semanas, accederá a un equipo de trabajo multidisciplinar en el que observará casos con pacientes reales y adoptará las destrezas más valiosas para potenciar su desempeño profesional en la rama de la Advanced Operating Room Nursing.

TECH te ofrece la exclusiva oportunidad de adentrarte, durante 120 horas, en un entorno hospitalario de vanguardia para asimilar las novedosas técnicas en Advanced Operating Room Nursing”
1. Actualizarse a partir de la última tecnología disponible
El área de la Advanced Operating Room Nursing se ha revolucionado en los últimos tiempos gracias al surgimiento de novedosa instrumentación quirúrgica o de actualizados protocolos preoperatorios y postoperatorios. Dada esta situación, con el objetivo de que el enfermero domine todos estos avances en un entorno hospitalario de primer nivel, TECH ha creado este programa.
2. Profundizar a partir de la experiencia de los mejores especialistas
El excelente equipo de trabajo que acompañará al experto durante su fase práctica garantiza la inmensa calidad de la titulación ofrecida. Acompañado en todo momento por un tutor particular, el alumno accederá a pacientes reales e incorporará en su metodología de trabajo los procedimientos y las técnicas más actualizadas en Advanced Operating Room Nursing.
3. Adentrarse en entornos clínicos de primera
TECH selecciona minuciosamente todos los centros disponibles para las Capacitaciones Prácticas. Gracias a ello, el experto tendrá garantizado el acceso a un entorno hospitalario de prestigio en el área de la Enfermería en Cuidados Intensivos. De esta manera, podrá comprobar el día a día de un área de trabajo exigente, rigurosa y exhaustiva, aplicando siempre las últimas tesis y postulados científicos en su metodología de trabajo.
4. Llevar lo adquirido a la práctica diaria desde el primer momento
En el mercado académico, existen numerosos programas pedagógicos que requieren inmensas horas de estudio y son incompatibles con la vida profesional y personal. Por ello, TECH ha creado un modelo de enseñanza, 100% práctico, que permitirá al enfermero asimilar las técnicas y los procedimientos más novedosos en Advanced Operating Room Nursing en tan solo 3 semanas.
5. Expandir las fronteras del conocimiento
TECH ofrece las posibilidades de realizar esta Internship program en centros de envergadura internacional. De esta forma, el especialista podrá expandir sus fronteras y ponerse al día con los mejores profesionales, que ejercen en hospitales de primera categoría y en diferentes continentes. Una oportunidad única que solo TECH podría ofrecer a sus alumnos.

Tendrás una inmersión práctica total en el centro que tú mismo elijas”
Internship Program in Advanced Operating Room Nursing
The procedures performed in an operating room require highly qualified professionals to achieve success in the procedures and ensure the comprehensive care of patients. In the case of nurses, they represent a more than fundamental role, being in charge of the physical and emotional preparation of the individual in each intervention. Are you interested in exploring this healthcare field to add new skills to your career? At TECH, the largest digital university in the world, you will find an Internship Program in Advanced Operating Room Nursing. A 100% pragmatic program with which you will specialize in handling all the elements that the area demands. Through the guidance of a teaching team with extensive experience, you will learn in a practice-oriented environment with real patients and state-of-the-art resources focused on the surgical field. In the curriculum you will address the perioperative process related to neurosurgery, general, plastic, thoracic, orthopedic, trauma, cardiac, vascular, gynecological and obstetric surgery. You will learn all this in the course of three weeks, distributed in classes of eight consecutive hours from Monday to Friday, in a hospital center of the highest quality and technological innovation.
Get trained in Advanced Operating Room Nursing
At TECH we provide you with an unparalleled methodology taught by experienced professionals. Our curriculum includes the development of clinical cases that will allow you to reinforce your skills in a practical and dynamic way. During the intensive training, you will learn from the three stages that make up the perioperative process, the surgical technique of limb amputation and microsurgery in flaps and autologous vascular grafts, to the surgical technique in arthroscopy and the doses of anesthesia in each procedure. In addition, you will delve into the mechanical suture systems for anastomosis and intervention procedures in intraoperative chemotherapy surgeries and peripheral access surgeries (vascular angioplasties, vascular endoprostheses, thrombectomies). Because of this, you will manage to perform in a rigorous and comprehensive manner by applying the most innovative diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in each procedure.