
A novel academic proposal, specifically dedicated to maxillofacial surgeons, which delves into the latest scientific and technological findings in this medical specialty”


This Professional master’s degree from TECH brings together in a complete and efficient way the latest scientific and technical findings in the area of Maxillofacial Surgery, delving into new technologies that provide not only a better diagnostic procedure, but also a more specific treatment tailored to the needs of each patient. It is a comprehensive program, devised by the best Maxillofacial Surgeons and designed using the latest educational technology.

Designed specifically for Maxillofacial Surgeons, and during 1,500 hours of intensive study, the program will delve into the development of new technologies such as the latest generation of scanners that have facilitated the incorporation of diagnostic and follow-up methods based on the use of 3D technology in microsurgery.

He will also delve into the latest developments in the treatment of benign and premalignant pathology of the head and neck, as well as salivary glands, dento-skeletal malocclusion and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. In the same way, the latest scientific evidence for the approach to the pathology of the temporomandibular joint, facial traumatology and aesthetic and functional rhinoplasty will be discussed. Lastly, special emphasis will be placed on malignant head and neck tumors, as well as their reconstruction and the specifics of facial paralysis.

Everything in a convenient 100% online format that facilitates the acquisition of knowledge from wherever and whenever you want. In this way, the Maxillofacial Surgeon will be able to organize an academic experience adapted to his or her needs, without having to give up his or her professional and/or personal activities. Moreover, in the Virtual Classroom you will find hundreds of hours of additional material in different formats with which you will be able to contextualize the syllabus and inquire those aspects that you consider most important for your professional development.

With this program you will be able to delve into the latest developments in the treatment of benign and premalignant pathology of the head and neck, as well as the salivary glands”

This Professional master’s degree in Head and Neck Surgery contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Head and Neck Surgery
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Delve into the latest advances in Head and Neck Surgery thanks to this program, which is developed through a learning system that will be completely adapted to your personal and professional circumstances”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, students will be assisted by an innovative, interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Through this 100% online program, you will learn in depth the most advanced techniques for the approach to facial traumatology and aesthetic and functional rhinoplasty"


Employing the best teaching methodology in the academic world, you will learn the most up-to-date techniques in cranial vault reconstruction. in cranial vault reconstruction"


The main objective of this Professional master’s degree is to provide the Head and Neck surgeon with a complete, effective and adapted update. In order to do so, it offers the most advanced didactic resources: in-focus videos, interactive summaries, case studies and many other materials that put the focus on practice so that the specialists can apply what they have learned to their clinical work from the very first moment. In this way, this program is presented as an unprecedented opportunity to get up to date in a comfortable and dynamic way, deepening in the most advanced surgical techniques to address all types of conditions and pathologies of the head and neck.


The main objective of this program is to provide you with a complete training in Head and Neck Surgery. Enroll and learn more about the latest clinical advances in this area”

General Objectives

  • Review the cerviofacial anatomy, a basic starting point for the entire Professional Master's Degree program
  • Learn the anatomy and physiology of the relevant glands
  • Build a knowledge base on a highly prevalent disorder such as sleep apneas, in which maxillofacial surgeons are among the specialists who can offer therapeutic options
  • Update knowledge on facial traumatology, including its main causes and diagnostic techniques
  • Know about malignant pathologies divided by anatomical regions that can affect the head and neck
  • Know the different reconstructive techniques

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Benign and Premalignant Head - Neck Pathology

  • To provide and expand knowledge on benign pathologies that present in the anatomical region of the head and neck or, most frequently, in the maxillofacial area
  • Learn to apply this knowledge in clinical practice for a clinical suspicion before a first consultation and the appropriate action protocol according to each pathology
  • Know about the diagnosis and management of cervicofacial infectious pathologies and fundamentally odontogenic etiology is key not only for head and neck specialists, but for any specialism involved in emergency care and of course for primary care due to the high incidence of these cases
  • Learn to differentiate between benign, premalignant and malignant pathologies in order to prioritize daily clinical care

Module 2. Salivary Gland Pathologies

  • Learn to correctly diagnose the pathology that affects the patient
  • Review the diagnostic tests and techniques
  • To learn about the pathologies affecting the different salivary glands, starting with congenital pathology, continuing with inflammatory and infectious pathology and ending with tumor pathology
  • Address different glandular surgery techniques of , as well as minimally invasive techniques that allow us to preserve the glands, thus avoiding the risks of removing them while preserving their functionality

Module 3. Dento-Skeletal Malocclusion

  • Perfect the diagnosis of the different types of malocclusions
  • Provide examples, exploring preoperative planning to patient discharge
  • Introduce orthodontic concepts in the treatment of this pathology
  • Learn about topical issues, including the latest planning techniques
  • Provide the student with the tools to know how to oversee cases and the best surgical techniques for each patient
  • Learn about the latest advances in orthognathic surgery
  • Know the different support techniques to improve facial profilometry

Module 4. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

  • Know how to interpret a polysomnography, polygraphy or videosomnography report, in order to diagnose and offer individualized therapeutic options for patients
  • Be aware of other non-surgical treatments for sleep apneas, in order to be able to offer them to patients, as appropriate: mandibular advancement devices, positional therapy, positional therapy
  • Know the different surgical techniques available. Pharyngoplasty Avance Gene XII Pair Stimulator Maxillomandibular Advancement
  • Understand the systems and protocols for a multidisciplinary approach to these patients

Module 5. Temporomandibular Joint Pathology

  • To know the different exploration and diagnostic techniques, as well as indications for treatment
  • Focus on pathologies affecting the temporomandibular joint, joint alterations due to problems in condylar development and growth
  • Learn about the articular alterations related to the different dentofacial deformities
  • Focus on the management of this disease and the different treatments currently available, their indications, contraindications, techniques and complications
  • Explore pathologies unrelated to disc displacement (dislocations, tumors, rheumatologic diseases...) which which are requisite knowledge for any specialist who is going to work with the temporomandibular joint

Module 6. Facial Traumatology

  • Classify and order the different types of fractures
  • Be aware of the different therapeutic options depending on the type of fracture
  • Know the main complications associated with facial trauma and their management
  • Gain expertise on the treatment of possible sequelae associated with facial trauma
  • Update your knowledge on the latest techniques in facial trauma treatment, including 3D planning

Module 7. Aesthetic and Functional Rhinoplasty

  • Gain sufficient knowledge of the function of the different components of the nose for proper surgical management
  • Be familiar with the different types of grafts and their application according to the functional pathology of the patient and according to the aesthetic objective to be achieved
  • Establish a surgical plan and treatment objectives prior to surgery to achieve the best aesthetic and functional result and to convey realistic expectations of the outcome to the patient
  • Know the various techniques of aesthetic rhinoplasty, as well as the treatment of functional rhinoplasty
  • Know how to identify complications arising from rhinoplasty and septoplasty and how to manage them

Module 8. Head and Neck Tumors

  • Learn about head and neck cancer etiology in order to provide valuable information for the practice of preventive medicine, a key factor in this pathology with risk factors deriving from the patient's lifestyle
  • Clinically differentiate non-melanoma skin tumors from melanomas and know the different protocols for action and treatment
  • Cinically differentiate non-melanoma skin tumors from melanomas and to know the different protocols for action and treatment
  • Learn about the treatments for each pathology, not only surgical, but also medical including chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  • Achieve a diagnosis of cervicofacial malignant pathology in order to provide a detailed knowledge of the different therapeutic options

Module 9. Head and Neck Reconstruction

  • Distinguish between types of grafts and flaps and the surgical technique relating to them
  • Be aware of the most commonly used surgical treatment alternatives for each anatomical region based on the complexity of the defect
  • Know the potential complications after reconstructive surgery and available alternatives
  • Keep abreast of advances in neuronavigation applied to microsurgical reconstruction and tissue engineering
  • Understand complex reconstructions including facial transplantation

Module 10. Facial Paralysis Smile Recovery

  • Correctly diagnose the type of paralysis in order to establish the appropriate treatment plan
  • Be familiar with the different static treatment options in facial paralysis
  • Be aware of the different options for dynamic treatment in facial paralysis based on evolutionary stage and comorbidities of the patient
  • Know the components necessary to organize a facial paralysis unit
  • Know the imaging techniques and functional tests necessary for the diagnosis, staging and prognosis of facial paralysis

A rigorous academic program with which you can delve into the latest procedures for the differentiation of flaps, grafts and their surgical technique”

Professional Master's Degree in Head and Neck Surgery

The TECH Professional Master's Degree in Head and Neck Surgery is a unique opportunity to specialize in one of the most complex areas of medicine. Through this postgraduate program, health professionals will be able to develop advanced technical skills and acquire specialized knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of head and neck pathologies. In addition, TECH offers an online modality that allows students to access the content from anywhere and at any time, giving them the flexibility to continue with their professional and personal responsibilities while studying.