
This postgraduate certificate will allow you to delve into the world of Learning Difficulties, while obtaining a qualification certified by TECH Global University"


Diversity is understood as the differences that students present in school learning, differences in terms of aptitudes, interests, motivations, abilities, maturation rates, learning styles, previous experiences and knowledge, social and cultural environments, etc. These aspects make up student typologies and profiles that should largely determine educational planning and action.

The perspective from the emerging educational paradigm must be inclusive and based on a biopsychosocial model that contemplates attention to diversity from a comprehensive approach aimed at the entire educational community. Teachers, at all educational stages, and related professionals in both the educational and socio-health fields need to know the characteristics of these students, know how to identify their needs and have the knowledge and tools to intervene at a personal, socio-familial and, above all, educational level.

This training responds to the demand of educational agents, focusing on early childhood, primary, secondary and post-compulsory education teachers. With this course, the teacher will acquire competencies to manage learning difficulties and diversity in the educational context, adjust the attention to diversity plans and the educational projects of the centers.

At the same time, social demands are greater and more numerous on education systems globally, in order to achieve democracy, equality and equity in schools; without segregation, discrimination due to differences and capable of accommodating everyone within the framework of recognition of diversity.

The design of the postgraduate certificate a was developed by an academic committee composed of specialists with experience in the clinical, educational and social fields. These professionals bring their expertise to support the postgraduate education needs of teachers working in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams, school management structures and specialized care. In this sense, they carried out a whole process of research and integration of criteria based on the objectives set for the academic program.

This 100% online postgraduate certificate is the perfect opportunity to learn to deal with Mathematical Learning Difficulties”

This postgraduate certificate in Mathematical Learning Difficulties (MLD) contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Mathematical Learning Difficulties
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
    Latest information on Mathematical Learning Difficulties
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the situations that are presented to the student
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Here you will find a training course with a multitude of practical cases that will facilitate your learning”

Its teaching staff includes , a professionals from the field of vaccines in nursing, who bring the experience of their work to this training, as well as recognised specialists 
from leading scientific societies.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment 
that will provide an immersive training program designed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, where the medical professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. To do so, the teacher will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts 
in Mathematical Learning Difficulties.

Our multimedia content will make it easier for you to access the information. You will be able to update your knowledge in an easy and practical way from any device with an internet connection"


You can organize the sessions at your own study pace, choosing your own schedule and combining it with the rest of your daily commitments"


This training is designed to train professionals in the field of Learning Difficulties through educational-technical knowledge skills and values that promote the development of basic competencies in graduates. It will help them to address the problems in their professional context within the framework of educational inclusion demanded in today’s societies worldwide.


Our goal is to help you be the best in your profession. With us you will see how you advance in the care of your students”

General Objectives

  • Increase theoretical-practical and didactic-methodological knowledge related to psychology, pedagogy and didactics in relation to students with LD in the context of diversity, with an innovative, creative and integral vision for school management
  • Develop professional skills, abilities and competences for the management of the comprehensive educational care of schoolchildren with learning difficulties within the framework of diversity with a high level of specialization

Specific Objectives

  • Analyze the essential concepts and processes involved in learning math in order to consider them in diagnosis, assessment and teaching
  • Reflect on the different methods of teaching math and their shortcomings, as well as the criteria for their selection and application in different students and contexts
  • Implement actions for the promotion of math and prevention of its difficulties incorporating the main educational agencies
  • Identify learning difficulties in learning math through their characterization, diagnosis and evaluation, considering its relationship with the family and social context
  • Develop comprehensive educational care plans for students or groups of students with learning difficulties based on their personal, family and contextual characteristics, motivations and their potential

We are the biggest online university and we are committed to training you for success”

Postgraduate Certificate in Mathematical Learning Difficulties (MLD)


Learning mathematics can become a big problem for many students, especially if they have difficulty understanding the fundamental concepts of this discipline. That is why it is essential for teachers to have the necessary skills to make them progress in their deficiencies. If you are an education professional and you are concerned about the difficulty some students have in learning mathematics, the Postgraduate Certificate in Mathematics Learning Difficulties (MLD) is the perfect option for you. This program is designed to provide education professionals with the tools necessary to understand math learning difficulties and apply effective techniques to help students overcome them. Through up-to-date and specialized training, students will learn about the major math learning difficulties, strategies for detection, and best practices for addressing them.


Delve into the attention to educational diversity


The Postgraduate Certificate in Mathematics Learning Difficulties (MLD) is a unique opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to help students who have difficulty learning mathematics. Students will learn to identify students' learning problems, apply appropriate techniques and strategies to help them overcome their difficulties, and design personalized study plans for each student. In short, if you are an education professional and you want to help your students who have difficulties learning mathematics, the Postgraduate Certificate in Mathematical Learning Difficulties (MLD) is the perfect option for you. Take advantage of this opportunity to complement your resume and always be one step ahead in the field of mathematics education. Get an updated and specialized postgraduate degree that will allow you to help your students overcome their learning difficulties in mathematics and improve their academic performance.