
Clara Yelsa Salguero has a degree in Food Science and Technology and a Postgraduate Certificate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics with extensive experience and continuing education in this field and in clinical research

She has been coordinator of clinical trials at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital, and Dietitian in public and private clinical centers, such as the Integral Obesity Treatment Unit of the San José Hospital in Madrid, Severo Ochoa Hospital and the Jiménez Díaz Foundation. 

At the same time, she has managed to combine the practice of health care and research with university teaching, participating as a collaborator in various postgraduate programs in her profession. 

  • Clinical Trials Coordinator Dietitian 
  • Dietitian at the Fundación Jiménez Díaz Hospital
  • Clinical Trials Coordinator at the Hospital Ramón y Cajal 
  • Dietitian at Severo Ochoa Hospital, Leganés, Spain
  • Dietitian in the Integral Obesity Treatment Unit at the San José Hospital in Madrid
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at Alfonso X El Sabio University
  • Degree in Food Science and Technology at the Complutense University of Madrid
Programmes in collaboration with

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