
Mrs. María Cristina Pérez Conesa is a Nurse Specialist in Pediatrics, within which she has sub-specialized in Pediatric Oncology, Neonatal, Cardiology and Pediatric Transplants, Emergency, Surgery and Nursing Consultation, among others. She has received extensive training that has allowed her to face her professional career in several prestigious hospitals, becoming a Pediatric Nurse Specialist in the Pediatric Oncohematology Service and Hematopoietic Progenitor Transplant Unit of the University Hospital Vall d'Hebron in Barcelona.

In addition, she is a member of the Technical Nursing Council of the Health Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya, where she is also an Evaluator. She also dedicates part of her work to scientific research and teaching in different centers, giving classes on her specialty.

  • Nurse Specialist in Pediatrics at the Pediatric Oncohematology Service and the Hematopoietic Progenitor Transplant Unit at the University Hospital Vall d'Hebron
  • Evaluator and Specialist of the Nursing Technical Council of the Health Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Member:
    • Board of Directors of ACIP
  • Specialist in Pediatric Nursing at Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus
  • Nurse by the Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Postgraduate in Family and Community Care Nursing 
  • Master's Degree in Pharmacotherapy for Nursing at the University of Valencia 
  • Master's Degree in Research Applied to Nursing Care from the University of Barcelona
  • Master's Degree in Hematopoietic Progenitor Transplantation from the University of Valencia
  • Master's Degree in Nursing Direction and Management, CEU Cardenal Herrera University
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