
Dr. Javier Navallas Irujo is a Telecommunications Engineer specialized in Electromyography, Muscular Physiology, Signal Processing and Simulation Models, among others. He has directed several research projects with public funding, such as the National Plan I+D+i in the Government of Navarra, and R&D projects with companies. He has also directed several doctoral theses and conducted research stays in Uppsala, Sweden and Turin, Italy. 

He dedicates a very important part of his work to teaching and has more than 40 publications in international scientific journals, as well as presentations at international conferences. In addition, he is the author of several chapters in books on EMG Signal Modeling and Processing.

  • Researcher in Telecommunications Engineering
  • Professor at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering of the Public University of Navarra.
  • Telecommunications Engineer by the Public University of Navarra.
  • Ph.D. in Communication Engineering from the Public University of Navarra. 
  • Member:
    • Biomedical Engineering Research Group of the Public University of Navarra and the IdiSNA and Navarrabiome Institutes.
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