
Dr. José André Madrigal Bustamante is an expert in organ and tissue donation and transplantation with an extensive professional career that has led him to direct the National Transplant Registry in Mexico and coordinate this area at the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubirán. He is an expert in these functions, as well as in providing the population with the necessary information on transplants and debunking myths about the deterioration of organs from a deceased person.

A task that, in addition, he considers vital to save lives and that requires increasingly qualified doctors and health professionals. These are ideas that he transmits and advocates in the classrooms where he teaches in academic institutions. An excellent communicator and close to the public, Madrigal Bustamante promotes donation campaigns by teaching specialists.

  • Director of the National Transplant Registry. Mexico
  • Hospital Coordinator of Organ and Tissue Donation at the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán.
  • Professor at the Universidad Panamericana
  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad Autónoma de México.
  • Master in Bioethics from the Universidad Panamericana.
  • Master's Degree in Alliance, Donation and Transplantation from the National Transplant Organization of Spain.
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