
Develops new skills in the field of Genetics, Precision Medicine and Lung Cancer to achieve a more accurate treatment of lung cancer patients"


In many cases, cancer is usually treated in the same way. However, this is not feasible for many patients, as different genetic factors are involved, which can lead to different reactions. With the help of Precision Medicine and Genetics, certain characteristics of each tumor have been established, as well as the resistance that some people develop to treatments.

In an overview, this field of medicine is completely transforming the way different types of cancer are evaluated, helping physicians to characterize genetic alterations as the basis for better understanding disease triggers, having a more successful outcome with fewer side effects.

Based on the above, the postgraduate certificate in Genetics, Precision Medicine and Lung Cancer further expands the students' knowledge of the genetic basis of this disease, the driver mutations of which there are records and the therapeutic implications that have revolutionized this sector of medicine, since it focuses on the individuality of the patient and is not a collective.

By the end of the postgraduate certificate, the student will develop the necessary skills to know the different treatments according to a particular population and the contribution that these have had in the development of other methods to eliminate the disease. All this, with the support of a highly qualified teaching staff in this field of medicine and with a program that provides the facility to study 100% online, having at hand a device with internet connection. 

Develop new skills by learning about the different treatments focused on the individuality of lung cancer patients and not on the disease"

The educational program in this postgraduate certificate in Genetics, Precision Medicine and Lung Cancer has been updated and approved by a group of experts, being one of the most complete in the market. In this way, it stands out for the following characteristics:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Genetics, Precision Medicine and Lung Cancer
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where to perform the self-assessment process to improve the learning process
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Patients may react in different ways to traditional treatments and drugs, which is why Precision Medicine is important to ensure their full recovery"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Learn from the best in the field of Genetics and Precision Medicine with a theoretical and practical program"


Don't interrupt your work activities to attend a class, the postgraduate certificate in Genetics, Precision Medicine and Lung Cancer is 100% online"


The design of this postgraduate certificate in Genetics, Precision Medicine and Lung Cancer seeks to provide students with the ability to analyze, understand and acquire the necessary knowledge to improve in their professional area. All the knowledge contained in the postgraduate certificate module is carefully thought out by a professional team whose mission is to boost students' careers through their extensive work and professional experience. To this end, TECH establishes a series of general and specific objectives for the greater satisfaction of the future graduate, those being the following:


Recognize genetic links to cancer and develop a better assessment of the condition of your future patients"

General Objectives

  • Provide in-depth knowledge on the genetic linkage of respiratory diseases
  • Interpret and generate knowledge with the information provided by primary and secondary sources in the area of Genetics
  • Improve evaluation for prognosis and prevention of respiratory diseases
  • Understand the precision treatment of pulmonary pathology in the daily practice of medicine
  • Acquire a solid knowledge of the different pulmonary pathologies and their genetic basis

Specific Objectives

  • Studying the genetic susceptibility of lung cancer in more depth
  • Further exploring driver gene mutations with approved lung cancer treatments
  • Know future treatments against therapeutic targets
  • Master the state of the art of lung cancer treatment with respect to the contribution of treatments based on genetic therapeutic targets


Students in this postgraduate certificate will have the ability to analyze, understand and improve the treatment of their patients"

Postgraduate Certificate in Genetics, Precision Medicine and Lung Cancer

Genetics has revolutionized the way we understand diseases, and lung cancer is no exception. Through analysis of the human genome, we can identify specific genetic alterations that contribute to the development of lung cancer. Motivated to expand the knowledge of professionals interested in working in this field, TECH Global University developed the Postgraduate Certificate in Genetics, Precision Medicine and Lung Cancer, the most complete and up-to-date Postgraduate Certificate in the educational market. In order to make this program a unique and easily accessible experience, we have structured all classes in a 100% online format, where you will be able to flexibly schedule according to your needs and have at your disposal a state-of-the-art multimedia content. As you progress through the program, you will learn about next-generation sequencing techniques and how they are applied in the study of lung cancer, allowing for more accurate diagnosis and the personalization of treatments.

Learn about genetics, precision medicine and lung cancer

Precision medicine is based on the idea that each patient is unique and that their treatment should be tailored to their genetic and molecular characteristics. For this reason, TECH created this Postgraduate Certificate, which will provide you with the necessary tools to become a specialist. Our team of highly qualified professors will guide you throughout the Postgraduate Certificate, providing you with a solid theoretical and practical base. In this program, we will delve into targeted therapies and immunotherapy, two innovative approaches that are revolutionizing lung cancer treatment. In addition, we will explore how genetics influences predisposition to lung cancer and how this information can help in the prevention and early detection of the disease. All of this will be done through innovative methodologies that incorporate time flexibility, interactive immersion, dynamic flow of topics and continuous motivation by experts. For all these reasons and more, we are your best educational option. Decide to enroll now!