
Acquire among your professional competences the specialization in Obesity and Diabetes, a unique opportunity to help your patients to control their diet and prevent certain diseases"


Obesity is a health problem that affects people all over the world, although it has a higher incidence in more developed countries, largely due to the lifestyle of citizens and the ability to acquire higher calorie foods. Even so, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that it may affect 650 million subjects worldwide, with a related mortality of about 2.8 million subjects per year.

The increase in its incidence, the accompanying comorbidities that lead to a significant increase in mortality, especially cardiovascular and cancer mortality, the various medical and surgical treatments available, together with the exponential increase in health care costs it entails, have made obesity a permanent focus of attention. 

With this in mind, preventing obesity is essential. Through the use of a multidisciplinary approach, the aim is to implement lifestyle changes, especially physical activity and dietary patterns, and should be introduced as early on in the process as possible. Thus, health education has become essential to prevent situations of obesity. 

However, it is also necessary to take into account that obesity can lead to the appearance of other associated diseases, which can cause serious damage to people's health. In this case, with this advanced master’s degree we want to focus on Diabetes, since it is a complex and chronic process that requires a comprehensive approach by the physician, which goes beyond glycemic control. In fact, type 2 diabetes is the most widespread form of this disease in adult patients, with overweight and obesity as risk factors. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle can prevent their appearance. 

This advanced master’s degree offers the possibility of deepening and updating knowledge in this area, with the use of the latest educational technology. It offers a global vision of Obesity and Diabetes, while focusing on the most important and innovative aspects to prevent and treat these diseases. All this in a 100% online specialization, which will allow you to expand your knowledge and, therefore, your professional skills and competencies in a simple way, adapting your study time to the rest of your daily obligations. 

This program has been designed for professionals seeking the highest qualification, with the best didactic material, working on real clinical cases and learning from the best professionals in the sector"

This advanced master’s degree in Obesity and Diabetes contains the most complete and up to date scientific program on the market. The most salient features of the specialization are:  

  • The development of clinical cases presented by experts in Obesity and Diabetes.
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice.
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic novelties on Obesity and Diabetes
  • The presentation of hands-on workshops on procedures, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques
  • Real images in high resolution and practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning.
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course.
  • Special emphasis on evidence-based medicine and research methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, forums for discussion of controversial issues and individual reflection papers.
  • The availability of access to content from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection.

This program has been designed for professionals seeking the highest qualification, with the best didactic material, working on real clinical cases and learning from the best professionals in the sector"

Its teaching staff includes health professionals from the medical field, who contribute their work experience to this specialization, as well as renowned specialists from leading scientific societies. 

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. 

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the physician must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the specialization. For this, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system developed by recognized experts in the field of Obesity and Diabetes, with extensive teaching experience. 

Increase your confidence in decision making by updating your knowledge through this Grand Master, a program created to train the best"


We offer you the best teaching methodology, with a multitude of practical contents that will allow you to study in a more complete and effective way"


This Advanced Master’s Degree in Obesity and Diabetes is oriented to offer a complete, detailed and updated vision on this subject to physicians who work with patients suffering from this disease. A high-level specialization to offer detailed expertise to professionals. 


This Advanced Master’s Degree will allow you to acquire or update your knowledge in Obesity and Diabetes, so that you will be able to offer personalized care to your patients"

General Objectives

  • Update the physician's knowledge of new trends in human nutrition in both health and pathological situations through evidence-based medicine
  • Promote work strategies based on the practical knowledge of the new trends in nutrition and its application to the pathologies of both children and adults, where nutrition plays a fundamental role in their therapy
  • Encourage the acquisition of technical skills and abilities, through a powerful audiovisual system, and the possibility of development through online simulation workshops and/or specific training
  • Encourage professional stimulation through continuing education and research
  • Act as a leading professional specialized in Diabetes
  • Deepen the knowledge related to the importance of diabetes in our environment, the different states of altered glucose metabolism, its classification and diagnostic criteria
  • Deepen the understanding of the complex mechanisms of glycemia regulation; and improve the knowledge of the bases of the physiopathogenesis of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, in order to understand the existing therapeutic approaches and its prevention
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for a comprehensive assessment of the person with diabetes, with special reference to acute complications of glycemic control
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to deepen the chronic complications of diabetes, in order to acquire an adequate management of them
  • Know the chronic macrovascular complications related to Diabetes, since they are the main cause of mortality in patients with Diabetes
  • Expand knowledge of the skills necessary for the global treatment (nutritional, exercise, healthy habits and therapeutic measures) of the patient with Diabetes
  • Acquire the necessary knowledge about the pharmacological treatment of type 2 diabetes in order to be able to prescribe the best pharmacological strategy for each patient with type 2 diabetes according to their comorbidities
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to handle the different blood glucose monitoring devices, as well as insulin injection devices (continuous insulin perfusion pumps) and to be able to interpret the data resulting from these devices
  • Attain the knowledge and skills necessary to expertly deal with the treatment of patients with diabetes in special situations such as the elderly, institutionalized, hospitalized, during travel, in the rural world and at work
  • Acquire the necessary knowledge and skills of diabetes education, as part of the treatment of diabetes, to facilitate the knowledge, skill and ability necessary for self-management

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Physiology of Appetite and Weight Control Pathophysiology

  • Expand understanding of the basic principles of energy balance
  • Acquire skills in the calculation of the energy balance
  • Analyze the different methods for assessing nutritional status
  • Review new pathways, hormonal, metabolic, etc., that regulate neuroendocrine function, energy homeostasis, and metabolism in humans
  • Analyze subcutaneous adipose tissue and the role of dysfunctional adipose tissue in the development of obesity
  • Explain the role of the intestinal microbiota and its implications in diseases
  • Review the basics of a balanced diet

Module 2. Etiopathogenesis of Obesity

  • Know in depth the genetic factors of monogenic and polygenic obesity
  • Acquire knowledge about how epigenetics may influence the development of Obesity
  • List the different causes of secondary obesity in relation to endocrinopathies and drugs and drugs  
  • Analyze advances in nutritional genomics, both in nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics
  • Establish the relationship between environmental factors and the development of obesity
  • Review and learn about the various endocrine disruptors and their role as obesogenic agents
  • Explain the connection between obesity and level of economic status
  • Study how circadian rhythm alterations influence the expression of enzymes and hormones involved in metabolism
  • Review the risk of loss of muscle mass and subsequent development of sarcopenia in relation to obesity

Module 3. History Definition. Diagnosis and Classification. Epidemiology

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of obesity as a clinical condition and its historical evolution
  • Interpretation and integration of anthropometric data
  • Know and be able to interpret the impact-based obesity classifications (ABCD) and the Edmonton system
  • Know the epidemiology of obesity in childhood, adulthood and its complications
  • Identify that this is more of a clinical syndrome that requires an exhaustive phenotypic characterization
  • Correctly evaluate a patient with Obesity, throughout the different periods of life
  • Interpreting the existence of the so-called metabolically healthy obese

Module 4. Comorbidities of Obesity

  • Become familiar with the concept of comorbidity associated with obesity
  • Deepen understanding of the pathophysiology of these comorbidities
  • Study the different endocrine-metabolic and cardiovascular comorbidities
  • Identify the pathophysiological mechanisms linking hypertension and obesity
  • Recognize the relationship between lipid disorders and obesity, especially atherogenic dyslipidemia
  • Specialize in non-metabolic and non-cardiovascular comorbidities associated with obesity, especially respiratory and digestive comorbidities, etc.
  • Review the basic concepts on the available scientific evidence of these pathologies and especially the relationship between obesity and cancer
  • Review the most current knowledge on covid-19 infection in obese patients

Module 5. Prevention of Obesity and its Comorbidities

  • Identify the high prevalence of overweight and obesity in childhood and its importance for the association of other diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes
  • Establish recommendations for a healthier lifestyle to prevent childhood overweight and obesity
  • Analyze peculiarities of obesity in women
  • Review the costs of obesity in different countries and the strategies for Obesity Prevention in Health Systems
  • Insist on the interaction between obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • Comprehensive knowledge of the therapeutic approach, insisting on the importance of a multidisciplinary approach

Module 6. Dietary treatment of obesity

  • Conduct a review of the evidence regarding carbohydrate and protein intake in the prevention and treatment of obesity
  • Deepen the understanding of the basis of the relationship between dietary fat and body weight regulation
  • Study eating patterns and the balanced hypocaloric diet as a dietary treatment for obesity
  • Acquire knowledge about exchange diets and how to catalog the different generic foods
  • Review the Mediterranean diet as a model for the prevention and treatment of obesity
  • Review and understand the meaning of light foods and functional foods
  • Become familiar with the history and current status of miracle diets and their impact on individuals and society as a whole
  • Explain the methodology of a diet to maintain the lost weight
  • Learning about very low-calorie diets
  • Acquire skills in the use of dietary treatment as therapy for comorbidities

Module 7. Physical Activity and Obesity

  • In-depth knowledge of the concepts related to physical activity
  • Perform a functional assessment based on scientific evidence
  • Establish a physical activity program based on the assessment
  • Understand the different types of physical activity programs appropriate for age and physical condition
  • Identify exercises with low risk of injury for obese patients
  • Physical activity as a habit to prevent Obesity
  • Approach of physiotherapy in the comorbidities of obesity and its transcendence in the treatment of these comorbidities
  • Deepen the work of physiotherapy in surgical approaches in obesity (pre- and post-surgery)

Module 8. Psychological and Psychiatric Aspects of Obesity

  • Obtain an overview of the contributions from the psychological area aimed at increasing the chances of success in multidisciplinary intervention in overweight and obesity 
  • Make a brief historical review of the different social and cultural considerations of the phenomenon of Obesity from prehistoric times to the present day
  • Recognize the main comorbid psychiatric disorders associated with obesity and psychopathology related to eating disorders
  • Deepen the knowledge and management of binge eating disorder and its relationship with obesity and overweight
  • Learn techniques that promote change in patients towards healthier lifestyles
  • Broaden knowledge of psychological examinations before and after bariatric surgery
  • Present the psychotherapeutic approach from the cognitive-behavioral therapy approach that has proven to be the most effective treatment to address obesity in both children and adults
  • Stress the importance of early detection of the psychological and educational variables that contribute to the development of eating disorders and obesity in order to carry out preventive activities

Module 9. Pharmacological Treatment of Obesity

  • Identify the pharmacological arsenal currently available to treat obesity
  • Establish the indications for anti-obesity drugs in each patient
  • Analyze how its effect is controlled and the results that we can expect
  • Recognize other drugs already marketed in other countries such as the United States
  • Present those drugs that produce weight loss, without being their main reason for use
  • Miracle drugs that have been used in the treatment of obesity are reviewed
  • Know in depth the new lines of research in Precision Medicine
  • Establish the pharmacokinetic variations caused in obese patients by excess body fat and those that appear after bariatric surgery

Module 10. Surgical Treatment of Obesity

  • Correctly address the indications and contraindications of bariatric surgery
  • Establish the preoperative protocol, with surgical risk stratification
  • Recognize all the techniques of bariatric surgery
  • Identify the appropriate technique for each patient
  • In-depth knowledge of the endoscopic therapies currently in use, their indications and clinical management
  • Knowing how to indicate metabolic surgery
  • Post-operative management of the operated patient
  • Identify the possible reasons for urgency after bariatric surgery
  • Familiarization in the follow-up of pregnancy after bariatric surgery

Module 11. The Concept of Diabetes. Epidemiology

  • Expand and acquire the latest skills and news about Diabetes as a chronic, complex and progressive disease
  • Acquire knowledge of the classification of Diabetes, and the wide spectrum of etiologies that lead to its development
  • Deepen the epidemiology of type 1 diabetes and its determinants
  • Deepen the epidemiological impact of type 2 diabetes as an epidemic in our environment
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills to detect diabetes early in the population, through screening techniques
  • Incorporate the concept of public health in Diabetes

Module 12. Pathophysiology of Diabetes

  • Deepen the basic knowledge of glucose homeostasis
  • Analyze the etiopathogenic mechanisms of type 1 diabetes
  • Know what insulinitis is and how it occurs in type 1 diabetes
  • Deepen in the etiopathogenic mechanisms of type 2 diabetes that will serve as therapeutic targets for the same
  • Understand the essential role of adipose tissue and its excess (obesity) in the genesis of type 2 diabetes
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills of insulin resistance measurement
  • Studying the mediating role of inflammation between obesity and diabetes
  • Know the alterations in the regulation of gastrointestinal hormones in type 2 diabetes and what is the incretin effect
  • Learn about a new avenue of research in the field of diabetes etiopathogenesis: Intestinal microbiota
  • Delve into new mechanisms involved in type 2 diabetes, such as the role of the central nervous system as an organ regulating body weight
  • Learn what is the natural history of type 2 diabetes
  • Knowing how to prevent or delay the development of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, by acting on the etiopathogenic mechanisms involved

Module 13. Evaluation of diabetes and its comorbidities

  • Study in depth the concept of comprehensive assessment of diabetes in order to have a global vision of the patient with diabetes
  • Acquire the necessary knowledge to transmit to the patient the priorities in the therapeutic approach
  • Acquire the skills to know the patient's preferences, social, economic and cultural environment and expectations in the treatment of Diabetes
  • Know the importance of glycemic control 
  • Learn glycemic control mediation techniques and individualized targets for each patient
  • Acquire a mastery of hypoglycemia, both from the pathophysiological point of view, as well as detection, prevention and treatment
  • Knowing the consequences of hypoglycemia on the patient 
  • Differentiate acute hyperglycemic complications for their correct therapeutic approach
  • Learn to detect precipitating factors of acute hyperglycemic complications
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills for the assessment of cardiovascular risk in the diabetic patient
  • Learning how to screen for cardiovascular risk factors
  • Identify other endocrinological entities with diabetes
  • Acquire knowledge and skills to assess the social and psychological aspects of diabetes 

Module 14. Diabetes Complications. Classification

  • Learn the etiopathogenic pathways of diabetes complications in order to understand the evolutionary course of these complications and their therapeutic targets
  • Learn the classification of the chronic complications of diabetes according to whether the small vessels or large vessels are mainly affected and according to the organ affected 
  • Acquire epidemiological knowledge about diabetic nephropathy in order to be able to assess the importance of its prevention and diagnosis
  • Learn the pathophysiological basis and risk factors involved in diabetic nephropathy
  • Know the evolutionary stages of kidney disease and the current classification of kidney disease 
  • Know when and how screening for DN should be performed in the diabetic population
  • Learn the specific treatments for DN
  • Acquire epidemiological knowledge about DR in order to be able to assess the importance of its prevention and diagnosis
  • Learn the pathophysiological basis and risk factors involved in DR
  • Know the evolutionary stages of DR and its current classification
  • Know when and how DR screening should be performed in the diabetic population
  • Learn about specific DR treatments and new avenues of research in this field
  • Acquire epidemiological knowledge about diabetic nephropathy in order to be able to assess the importance of its prevention and diagnosis
  • Learn the pathophysiological basis and risk factors involved in diabetic neuropathy (NeuroD)
  • Know the evolutionary stages of NeuroD and its current classification

Module 15. Macrovascular complications of diabetes and other medical entities

  • Deepen the current data on the epidemiology of macrovascular disease in diabetes
  • Deepen the current data on the epidemiology of hypertension in diabetes
  • Deepen the knowledge of data on the epidemiology of dyslipidemia in diabetes
  • Deepen the knowledge of current data on the epidemiology of smoking in diabetes
  • Learn how to design a smoking cessation program
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to screen for coronary heart disease in diabetics
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the screening of diabetic heart failure
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills for the initial management of the diabetic heart failure patient
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to perform screening tests for peripheral arterial disease in diabetics
  • Learn to critically interpret glycemic control targets in the diabetic patient in secondary prevention
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to develop the criteria for referral to a hepatologist for a patient with suspected hepatic steatosis. 
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the assessment of chronic lung disease in diabetics
  • Acquire knowledge about the prevalence and association between diabetes and cancer
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the screening of mood disorders, especially depression in diabetic patients

Module 16. Diabetes Management (I)

  • Specialize in the integral treatment of Diabetes 
  • Learning the global management of obesity in the diabetic patient
  • Know the pharmacological alternatives for the treatment of obesity in patients with diabetes
  • Learn what metabolic surgery is, its indications in diabetic patients and its results
  • Know the most indicated antihypertensive treatments for diabetic patients and their prescription
  • Learn the management of diabetic dyslipidemia, know the indications for its treatment and the drugs available
  • Learn how to prescribe a nutritional plan adapted to each person with type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • Acquire the knowledge to prescribe a structured exercise program for the patient with Diabetes
  • Know the different insulin treatment guidelines for patients with type 1 diabetes
  • Learn to interpret glycemic control results according to individualized treatment guidelines
  • Become familiar with more complex therapeutic strategies for patients with type 1 diabetes such as islet or pancreas transplantation
  • Acquire a critical view of the recommendations of expert consensus and scientific society guidelines for the management of type 2 diabetes

Module 17. Therapeutic Management of Diabetes (II)

  • Acquire knowledge of each of the families of antidiabetic drugs
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to safely prescribe metformin
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to safely prescribe sulfonylureas and glinides
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to safely prescribe acarbose
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to safely prescribe DPP4 inhibitors
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to safely prescribe GLP-1 analogues
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to safely prescribe type 2 sodium-glucose cotransporter inhibitors
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to safely prescribe insulins
  • Familiarization with new therapeutic targets in development, as a very novel aspect of this module
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the management of steroid-induced hyperglycemia
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the nutritional management of gestational diabetes
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the pharmacological management of gestational diabetes

Module 18. Diabetes and Technology

  • Acquire the knowledge of the use of technology in Diabetes
  • Know what self-monitoring of capillary blood glucose means and its interpretation in order to be able to manage patient data to optimize diabetes control
  • Learn about continuous glucose monitoring
  • Know the available glucose monitoring devices and their use
  • Acquire the skills to be able to conduct a training program on glucose sensing
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the interpretation of the results of continuous glucose monitoring systems
  • Learning to read an APG report
  • Know the subcutaneous insulin injection devices, their handling and related problems in order to be able to solve them in the diabetic patient who is a user of these devices
  • Acquire the necessary knowledge for the handling of continuous glucose monitoring devices and insulin perfusion pumps in infancy
  • Acquire the necessary knowledge for the use of continuous glucose monitoring devices and insulin perfusion pumps in pregnancy
  • Acquire the basic knowledge of what an artificial pancreas is, what types there are and what they provide to patients with type 1 diabetes
  • Know the mobile internet applications available for the diabetic patient
  • Learn to recognize the usefulness of information obtained through artificial intelligence data analysis in the field of Diabetes
  • Learn how to apply technology in new forms of medical care for diabetic patients (e-consultation, telemedicine, online training programs...)

Module 19. Diabetes in Special Situations

  • Acquire the knowledge and skills for the expert management of the adolescent diabetes patient
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills to provide guidance in the management of diabetes at the time of initiation of sexual relations
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills to guide the patient with Diabetes who consumes alcohol. Learn the repercussions of alcohol on glucose metabolism in order to be able to warn and educate patients with diabetes
  • Know how gender influences the control of diabetes from an integral point of view (glycemic control, risk factors and associated comorbidities)
  • Know how the estrogenic deficit that occurs during menopause influences Diabetes control and how to prevent it
  • Learning to identify the frail elderly, through screening tests
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills to reprogram the pharmacological approach to the frail elderly patient with polypharmacy and comorbidities
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills to detect these unfavorable socioeconomic situations in order to program patient management
  • Know the legal aspects of the patient with Diabetes, since they condition their life, and, therefore, the control of diabetes

Module 20. Diabetic Education. Concept and Fundamentals

  • Acquire the necessary knowledge and skills of diabetes education, as part of the treatment of diabetes, to facilitate the knowledge, skill and ability necessary for self-management

A unique, key and decisive training experience to boost your professional development"

Advanced Master's Degree in Obesity and Diabetes

Obesity is one of the main health concerns worldwide, not only because of the large number of people it affects, but also because of the multiple risks it entails for the state of health and its high mortality rate in those who suffer from it. The excessive accumulation of adipose tissue is a factor that contributes significantly to the development of metabolic syndrome, which includes diabetes, a disease with great repercussions due to its chronic and systemic nature. To effectively combat this condition, at TECH Global University we developed the Advanced Master's Degree in Obesity and Diabetes, a program designed to prepare professionals in the latest methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment through counseling and the implementation of changes in the patient's lifestyle, from their eating patterns to the amount of physical activity they carry out.

Specialize in Obesity and Diabetes Treatment

If you are looking for the highest qualification for the treatment of conditions such as obesity and diabetes, this program is for you. With the best didactic content, the accompaniment of experts in the area and the study of real cases, you will be able to update your knowledge in the new trends in human nutrition, both in health and in pathological situations; you will deepen your diabetological education taking into account the different states of alteration of glucose metabolism, its classification and diagnostic criteria; and you will outline your skills to apply the necessary treatment in patients with diabetes, from the application of cognitive-behavioral techniques to the implementation of pharmacological strategies. With our Advanced Professional Master's Degree you will develop your skills to the maximum in this field. What are you waiting for? Get certified now!