
Through this degree, you will learn the most sophisticated techniques for evaluating the strength of fabrics and guaranteeing the quality of manufactured textile goods"


The production of textile goods is a complex process that encompasses a large number of tasks, which must be efficiently coordinated by professionals to ensure the success of the business activity. In that regard, it is essential to properly integrate the functions developed by the design, quality control and manufacturing teams in order to create products of excellent quality. Since this work is carried out by the manager of the Value Chain, this professional must have the best and most up-to-date knowledge to respond in a solvent way to the challenges presented by this profession.

That is why TECH has designed this postgraduate diploma, which will enable the student to detect the most relevant and up-to-date aspects related to the Textile Value Chain and, therefore, to guarantee their professional growth. During 450 intensive hours of learning, the student will identify the latest strategies for measuring abrasion and wrinkle resistance in fabrics and determine the sophisticated organizational and management mechanisms of the cutting and sewing industry. They will also establish the most accurate methodology for the production of luxury garments and learn about sustainable applications based on the use of new fibers.

All this following a 100% online methodology that will give the engineer the opportunity to perfectly combine this excellent learning with their personal and professional duties. In the same way, the didactic contents that will be available throughout this degree are specifically elaborated by the best specialists in Engineering and Textile Management. For this reason, all the knowledge that the student will acquire will have a very complete applicability in their work activities. 

This postgraduate diploma in Textile Value Chain will enable you to adopt the most efficient organization and management mechanisms for the cutting and sewing industry to optimize its productivity" 

This postgraduate diploma in Textile Value Chain contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Case studies presented by experts in Textile Engineering and Textile Finishes
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Throughout this degree you will learn about the most sustainable textile production strategies, based on the use of new fibers, in order to reduce this activity's environmental impact"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersion education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. This will be done with the help of an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned experts.

Perfectly develop your skills in the Textile Value Chain in only 450 hours through didactic formats such as video or self-assessment tests"


Access a curriculum designed by the best experts in the field of Textile Engineering to assimilate the knowledge with greater professional applicability in this area”


This postgraduate diploma in Textile Value Chain has been created with the purpose of providing the engineer with the most professionally applicable knowledge in this field. This way, you will delve into protocols for the description and evaluation of fabric quality or identify the most advanced strategies to guarantee sustainability in the textile practice. In addition, you will preserve your complete learning thanks to the objectives that TECH has outlined for this degree.


Become a top professional in the field of textile industry thanks to the complete knowledge you will acquire in this postgraduate diploma"

General Objectives

  • Classify the different types of fibers according to their nature
  • Determine the main physical characteristics of textiles
  • Acquire technical skills to recognize the quality of textiles
  • Establish practical and technical criteria for the selection of suitable materials for the development of textile items in the fashion sector
  • Identify and apply the sources of inspiration and the most innovative trends
  • Generate a transversal vision of textile structures with a multi-sectorial vision of their applications

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Characterization and evaluation of fabric quality

  • Develop the practical and technical foundations for interpreting textile quality results
  • Examine the principal physical tests used for fabric characterization
  • Identify and work with the operation of the main test measurement equipment
  • Structuring of a self evaluation plan for the quality of fabrics 
  • Analyze and synthesize the regulations applicable to the evaluation of the quality of fabrics 
  • Determine the quality anDetermine the quality and sustainability parameters of fabrics according to market requirements. d sustainability parameters of fabrics according to market requirements
  • Justify and express in a technical report the acquired transversal knowledge and skills

Module 2. Manufacture of textile products for fashion application

  • Analyze the methodology within the garment industry itself
  • Establish and specify criteria for the organization and distribution of the garment industry
  • Compile acquired fabric specifications, openwork and knitted fabrics in the garment sector
  • Develop trends and innovations in technology and methodology related to garment production

Module 3. Sustainability in the textile industry

  • Analyze the nature of textiles and their polluting nature
  • Investigate the most polluting practices in the sector
  • Examine textile sector legislation linked to environmental needs
  • Determine requirements and limitations of new, more environmentally friendly textiles 
  • Evaluate developments and trends in sustainability in the textile industry 

Achieve the goals designed by TECH and enjoy excellent job prospects in the textile industry"

Postgraduate Diploma in Textile Value Chain

The textile industry is one of the most important worldwide and is constantly evolving. To be at the forefront in this sector, it is essential to have trained professionals who are able to optimize the textile value chain. In order to train these professionals, TECH Global University has created the Postgraduate Diploma in Textile Value Chain.

Become a specialist in the textile value chain

The Postgraduate Diploma in Textile Value Chain is a comprehensive program that aims to train professionals to optimize the textile value chain. During the program, participants will acquire knowledge in areas such as product design, supply chain management, logistics, production and marketing.

In addition, the postgraduate program has a practical methodology that allows participants to apply the knowledge acquired in real projects, allowing them to develop skills and competencies that will be useful in their professional career.

A teaching team of excellence

The program has a teaching team of excellence, composed of professionals with extensive experience in the textile value chain and university teaching. These teachers are committed to the training of participants and provide them with personalized accompaniment and constant feedback to ensure that they can achieve their goals and develop their full potential.
