
Dr. Ramón Pajares Villarroya is a Digestive System Specialist. He has developed an outstanding training and professional career in the city of Madrid, where thanks to his great work, has come to occupy positions such as Medical Specialist in the Digestive System at the Hospital Infanta Sofia and Alberdi Digestive System. 

In addition, he combines his healthcare activity with that of Scientific Researcher, with multiple publications in national and international journals, book chapters as First Author and Collaborator, communications in national and international congresses and participations in numerous studies and clinical trials as Principal Investigator, following the research line of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 

  • Medical Specialist in the Digestive System at the University Hospital Infanta Sofia, Madrid.
  • Medical Specialist in the Digestive System at Alberdi Digestive System. 
  • Medical Specialist in the Digestive System at the University Hospital La Paz, Madrid. 
  • Doctorate in Medicine from the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid 
  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid 
  • Medical Specialist in the Digestive System 
  • Member of: 
    • SEPD 
    • AEED 
    • AEG 
    • GETECCU 
    • ECCO 
    • ACCU 
    • GEMD 
    • SEED 
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