
María Martín Cameán is a Doctor specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics, whose professional solvency has allowed her to undertake her work in centers such as the University Hospital La Paz or in the Assisted Reproduction Hospital Unit of the Ginemed Hospital Vithas Madrid Pardo de Aravaca.

Her interest in the more academic branch of medicine has led her to be the author and co-author of several scientific articles on topics such as the effects of progesterone variation in in vitro fertilization or Epidermolysis Ampollosa in pregnancy.  

  • Doctor specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • Gynecologist at the University Hospital La Paz
  • Gynecologist at the Assisted Reproduction Hospital Unit of the Ginemed Hospital Vithas Madrid Pardo de Aravaca
  • Author and co-author of several scientific publications
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