
More than 15 years of experience in pediatrics and neonatology and in the field of research at the highest level are the letter of introduction of Dr. Manuel Baca Cots, who has held positions of responsibility in the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology for much of his professional career.  

An excellent career that has also led him to be principal investigator in international multicenter projects, to have numerous publications in journals of great scientific impact and to publish his book Inmunología pediátrica: inmunología del embarazo (Pediatric immunology: immunology of pregnancy). All this makes him a reference in his field of action. 

  • Head of the Pediatrics and Neonatology Service at Hospital Quirón Málaga
  • Chief of Neonatology at Clínica Dr. Gálvez Hospital 
  • Head of Neonatology at Hospital Quirón de Murcia
  • Head of Andalusian Health Service (SAS) 
  • Principal investigator of international multicenter projects. 
  • Degree in Medicine from the University of Granada 
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