
With this Internship program, you will obtain a much more direct and real vision of the current transformation of a company's Sales and Commercial area"


Globalization has enabled spectacular commercial development in recent decades, driven by e-commerce and the mastery of logistical complexity in an interconnected world. Progress allows businesses to have a much more international and expansive approach.

Given this scenario, professionals who wish to keep up-to-date with current trends in the commercial and sales field need to do so through a real immersion in this area. For this reason, TECH has designed this program, which offers a 3-week stay in a leading company in the business world and which perfectly masters the strategies to be developed in a sector influenced by both technological and socio-economic changes.

This is an intensive internship where the professional will be able to see firsthand how the work is developed daily by specialists in the management of sales and sales teams: a task that also involves putting into practice excellent communication skills with suppliers and customers in different phases of product marketing. TECH offers a unique experience in the academic panorama, which seeks to boost the careers of professionals who wish to prosper in this area or start their own businesses.


A unique training experience, key and decisive to boost your professional development"

Why our program?

Professionals who develop their daily activity in commercial areas or have the knowledge to start their own business, demand to be able to update themselves through a real experience, in a first level business environment. For this reason, TECHhas designed this program, which responds to the real needs of all those who aspire to manage the Sales and Commercial area or their own entity. Therefore, a three-week internship has been designed in a leading company in charge of implementing strategic business plans and applying the latest technology available in this field. In this way, the professional will obtain a direct and real vision of the methods and procedures used by the best experts in this field.

vocational apprenticeships sales commercial management TECH Global University

For 3 weeks, you will be accompanied by the best specialists in commerce and sales of a leading company in strategic business planning"

1. Updating from the latest technology available

Undoubtedly, new technologies have transformed the current commercial panorama, being the present and future. Therefore, all companies have incorporated digital tools to establish marketing strategies, control, and sales tracking. For this reason, and with the aim of bringing the professional closer to this technology, TECHhas created this Internship program, where you will enter an innovative business environment, accessing the latest technology applied to the Commercial and Sales area.

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

During this Internship program, the professional will not be alone since they will be accompanied by an expert specialized in the commercial and sales area of the company where the internship takes place. This will allow you to see, in situ, the development of the most current techniques, methods, and strategies in this field in a first-class professional environment.

3. Entering first-class environments

The professional who wishes to do a practical immersion in Sales and Commercial Management can do so through the relevant companies that TECHmakes available: entities selected after a meticulous and rigorous procedure, with which this academic institution guarantees the graduate access to a leading company in this area.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

In this Internship program, TECHmoves away from the purely theoretical concept to offer the professional an internship in a first-class business environment. Thanks to this philosophy, the graduate will be able, in just 3 weeks, to integrate the most innovative processes and methods in the Commercial and Sales area and thus prosper in their career.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

This Internship program provides a renewed and current vision of the Commercial and Sales area. Thanks to this perspective, the professional who attends this program will be able to include in his daily performance the most effective and innovative commercial strategies or develop them in the business project he has in mind: a unique opportunity that only TECH, the largest digital university in the world, could offer.

professional practices sales commercial management TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Sales and Commercial Management

The constant technological and communicative advances have turned commerce into one of the best positioned sectors in recent times. This has caused professionals related to the buying and selling processes to be constantly updated academically, in order to master new concepts, processes, methodologies and market tools. In view of this situation, TECH Global University has developed an Internship Program in Commercial and Sales Management, focused on the latest commercial and administrative techniques. This program makes a rigorous emphasis on fundamental aspects such as logistics and economic management, market research, planning advertising campaigns and the integration of digital channels in the commercial strategy. Likewise, you will delve into marketing techniques, the profitability of investment projects, value creation and financial impact decisions. As a result of this preparation, you will enhance your soft skills and managerial skills to properly manage the commercial area.

Study a program on commercial management and sales

Customer service stands out as one of the most important elements in the development of modern commercial agreements, which makes it necessary to specialize professionals in the management and commercial area. This is how TECH implemented in this program the most relevant concepts of the sector. Here, you will have a unique methodology of its kind, complemented with high-level educational resources. During the course of the training, you will be continuously accompanied by experts in the area, who will guide you to obtain an immersive, progressive and efficient learning. Through our theoretical and practical approach, you will specialize in handling everything related to sales and sales management, from international marketing, customer relationship management and commercial and strategic organization, to business audits and coaching techniques in negotiations. All of this will be reinforced in a period of three weeks, distributed in eight-hour days from Monday to Friday. Thanks to this, you will be able to lead and manage multidisciplinary sales teams.