González, Elizabeth
Specialist in Pneumology
Elizabeth González is a Doctor specialized in Pneumology who has developed her medical practice in centers such as the University Hospital of Getafe or the University Hospital San Carlos Clinical Hospital. As a result of her good professional work, in the latter she has been in charge of the Hospitalization ward and the Mechanical Ventilation Consultation for chronic patients.
In compatibility with her daily practice and motivated by her passion for teaching, she has worked as a professor in university studies related to the world of medicine.
- Responsible for the Hospitalization ward, Intermediate Respiratory Care Unit and the Mechanical Ventilation Consultation for chronic patients at the University
- Hospital San Carlos Clinical Hospital.
- Specialist in Pneumology at the University Hospital of Getafe.
- FEA of Pneumology at the University Hospital San Carlos Clinical Hospital
- Lecturer in university studies
Programmes in collaboration with
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