University certificate
The world's largest school of languages”
With the exponential growth of the Chinese economy and the number of Chinese speakers, estimated at more than 1.1 billion people, the Chinese language has become a very interesting option for the future. At B1 level, which already implies intermediate fluency in many areas, you can start to improve your employability in many companies that have close business ties with China. This Language Course contains the keys and linguistic skills to achieve this level of proficiency with the support of the best native teachers in the academic world.
With a B1 level in Chinese you will begin to demonstrate your interest in the language, improving your employability in the most powerful industries"
It is undeniable that China is currently the world's strongest power. Its economy continues to expand and companies such as Tencent, TikTok and Lenovo are beginning to rival their American counterparts in size, relevance and turnover. This makes learning Chinese one of the best paths to professional growth and a safe bet for the future, as many companies are looking for quality links in the giant Asian country or workers trained to work in environments where Chinese is used as a common language. This TECH Language Course, based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, prepares the student for Level B1 of the language, which already implies an intermediate level of knowledge.
Once you have overcome the initial language barrier, you will see how you will become more confident and firm in your command of Chinese.
You will acquire a sufficient linguistic base to continue developing your skills in one of the most important languages in the business world.
It is proven that learning languages increases your Intelligence. Learning a foreign language strengthens the brain's neural networks”
José Antonio Marina.
Philosopher, writer, and teacher.
A unique and stimulating experience
Flexible and Tailored |
Take the best language course from home, at your own pace and according to your availability and schedule.
Acquire Skills and Abilities |
With our method, you will practice and consolidate the skills required for this level.
Networking |
Join a large community and exchange knowledge and experiences with students from all over the world.
This B1 Chinese Language Course is created to cover all the needs and skills required by the CEFR, so that students can obtain the certificate that validates their language level without any setbacks. This way, students are offered a practical approach supported by a unique teaching method, with multiple audiovisual support to alleviate the teaching load.

Practice the speaking skills and abilities required by the B1 CEFR: more than 350 different practice exercises"
General Objectives
- Use the language being learned as a means of communication and personal expression, both in the classroom and in a wide range of face-to-face and virtual situations and on both concrete and abstract topics, including cultural ones
- Understand, interact and express themselves in these situations, orally and in writing, in an appropriate, reasonably flexible, precise and correct manner
- Describe the sociocultural aspects related to usual situations, as well as those related to one's own environment and use the appropriate social formulas, gestures, register and treatment in these situations
- Internalize the appropriate and necessary linguistic resources for the planned communicative activities, through functional and formal practice
- Encourage and diversify the use of strategies that streamline communication and facilitate learning
- Manage tools to evaluate and improve one's own learning and use of the language

Specific Objectives
Oral Comprehension |
- Understand concrete everyday or work-related information, and identify both the general message and specific details as long as the speech is clearly articulated and with a normal accent
- Understand the main ideas of clear, standard speech on everyday topics related to work, school or leisure time, including short narratives
- Generally follow the main ideas of a long discussion going on around them, provided that the discourse is clearly articulated at a standard language level
- Understand, in general terms, simple and short speeches on everyday topics provided they are delivered with standard and clear pronunciation
- Understand a lecture or talk that deals with their area of expertise, provided that the subject matter is familiar and the presentation is simple and clearly structured
- Understand simple technical information, such as operating instructions for frequently used appliances, as well as follow detailed instructions
- Understand the main ideas of radio news and other simpler recorded material dealing with everyday topics delivered relatively slowly and clearly
- Understand the information content of most recorded or broadcast material related to topics of personal interest with clear standard pronunciation
Reading Comprehension |
- Read simple factual texts on topics related to their field of expertise with a satisfactory level of comprehension
- Understand the description of facts, feelings and wishes in personal letters well enough to correspond regularly with a foreign friend
- Find and understand relevant information in everyday written material, such as letters, catalogs, and short official documents
- Consult long texts in order to find the desired information, and to know how to gather information from different parts of a text or from different texts in order to perform a specific task
- Recognize significant ideas from simple newspaper articles that deal with everyday issues
- Identify the main conclusions in clearly argumentative texts
- Recognize the line of argument in the treatment of the issue presented, though not necessarily in full detail
- Understand simple, clearly written instructions related to an appliance
- Understand many films where visuals and action drive much of the storyline and are articulated clearly and with a simple level of language
- Capture the main ideas of television programs dealing with everyday topics when they are articulated relatively slowly and clearly
To consolidate all these skills, you will have access to more than 500 lexical, vocabulary and sociocultural activities.
Written Expression |
- Write simple, cohesive texts on a range of everyday topics within their field of interest, linking a series of different short items in a linear sequence
- Write simple and detailed descriptions of a range of everyday topics within their specialty
- Write accounts of experiences describing feelings and reactions in simple, structured texts
- Write a description of a specific event, a recent trip, real or imagined, and narrate a story
- Write very brief reports in conventional format with information about common events and the reasons for certain actions
- Write short and simple essays on topics of interest. Can summarize, communicate and offer their opinion with a certain degree of confidence on concrete facts related to everyday matters, whether usual or not, in their field of expertise
Oral Expression |
- Carry out, with a reasonable degree of fluency, a simple description of a variety of topics that are of interest to them, presenting them as a linear sequence of elements
- Give simple descriptions on a variety of common topics within your specialty
- Give simple narratives or descriptions with a reasonable degree of fluency following a linear sequence of elements
- Make detailed accounts of experiences describing feelings and reactions
- Report the details of unpredictable events, such as, for example, an accident
- Relate book or movie plots and describe your reactions to them
- Describe dreams, hopes and ambitions
- Describe real or imagined events. Tell stories
- Provide brief rationales and explanations for opinions, plans and actions
- Develop arguments well enough so that they can be understood without difficulty most of the time
- Make short rehearsed statements on a relevant topic within their specialty, which are clearly intelligible despite being accompanied by an unmistakably foreign accent and intonation
- Deliver a brief, prepared presentation on a topic within their specialty, with sufficient clarity to be followed without difficulty most of the time and whose main ideas are explained with reasonable accuracy. Can also answer supplemental questions, but may have to ask for repetition if spoken quickly
Sociocultural and Sociolinguistic Competence
- Broaden and diversify the knowledge of sociocultural aspects related to situations, even those that are less usual and those of one's own professional field; to successfully adapt their behavior, reactions and linguistic performance to different situations
- Use in a flexible way the language and formulas of the exchanges and texts that are handled, as well as the usual forms of treatment and expressions of courtesy, within a wide standard register of formality and informality, with degrees of distance or closeness
- Use expressions that nuance disagreement or negative evaluations if the situation so requires
- Understand behaviors and values different from one's own that underlie common sociocultural traits and recognize aspects and expressions that are offensive or taboo in the other culture

Linguistic Competence
- Broaden and diversify the knowledge of sociocultural aspects related to situations, even those that are less usual and those of one's own professional field; to successfully adapt their behavior, reactions and linguistic performance to different situations
- Use in a flexible way the language and formulas of the exchanges and texts that are handled, as well as the usual forms of treatment and expressions of courtesy, within a wide standard register of formality and informality, with degrees of distance or closeness
- Use expressions that nuance disagreement or negative evaluations if the situation so requires
- Understand behaviors and values different from one's own that underlie common sociocultural traits, and recognize aspects and expressions that are offensive or taboo in the other culture
Did you know?
Communicative competence is not merely limited to the knowledge and ability to use the linguistic code, but has other broader dimensions, which place it in direct relation with other competences such as information processing and digital competence, learning to learn, social and civic competence, or cultural and artistic competence.
This implies a cultural immersion that is only possible to recreate in the online format through simulated scenarios, storytelling, videos and real situations.
Only TECH offers their students videos with the 250 specific situations required to master the CEFR B1.
B1 Chinese Language Course
To be certified as a speaker of Chinese or Mandarin is the goal of many people who decide to prepare themselves in the field of languages, certain of the enormous advantages at a professional level that the mastery of this Asian language belonging to an economic power has. However, to achieve this, it is necessary to have optimal bases, both in grammar and orality, in addition to an innovative curricular proposal that guarantees quality bilingualism. For this reason, TECH Global University has developed the B1 Chinese Language Course, a program taught in 100% online classes in which you will be able to manage your own schedule and have access to cutting-edge interactive content. Over the course of four months, you will have at your disposal fifteen modules that address conversational topics such as daily routine, home, health and medicine, hobbies and free time, the digital era, shopping, among others. If you aspire to become more proficient in Chinese, this is your great opportunity.
Study Chinese online at TECH
Based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the extensive knowledge of a highly qualified teaching staff, we offer you a unique language experience where you will find an immersive learning system that includes multiple practice exercises; downloadable and printable grammar and lexical cards and glossaries, hundreds of pages of text and specific grammar and spelling tests. We use the Relearning pedagogical methodology, endorsed by different academic organizations as one of the best worldwide to internalize content. In this way, you will easily learn concepts related to lexis, phonetics and pronunciation in different topics: environment, description of people, entertainment and television, life in the city, etc. Being one of the three most spoken languages in the world and one of the most relevant in foreign trade, learning to communicate in Chinese will open many doors in your personal and professional life. Take the opportunity to study it by enrolling in TECH.