
Thanks to this professional master’s degree you will have the most modern tools to transmit an effective business communication in digital environments"


Capture, sell and persuade are still the predominant verbs that support Advertising and Public Relations. However, in recent years there has been an exponential increase in the tools used in communication, due in part to new technologies, which has forced a reformulation of strategies adapted to digital environments. Advertising companies and communication agencies are increasingly demanding more specialized professionals with extensive theoretical, technical and practical knowledge that will allow them to obtain successful results in their different advertising or communication campaigns.

This situation has motivated the creation of this professional master’s degree, especially aimed at journalists and communication specialists who want to lead advertising and public relations projects. Communicating effectively, transmitting the right message and solving any internal or external reputation crisis are just some of the points to be addressed by this university program. For this purpose, it will have an intensive and dynamic syllabus, thanks to multimedia content based on video summaries, videos in detail or interactive summaries.

A program where students will acquire the necessary knowledge to master the elements and processes of advertising languages, the fundamentals of the advertising system, creative strategy and corporate identity. All this forms the main theoretical and practical pillars that will allow the professional to make strategic decisions in the field of persuasive communication.

To this end, TECH offers a university program with the most relevant information on Advertising and Public Relations management, which can also be easily accessed. Thus, students only need an electronic device with an Internet connection to consult the entire syllabus available 24 hours a day on the virtual campus. With no classroom attendance or fixed class schedules, graduates are free to study this program whenever and wherever they wish. 

TECH uses the Relearning system, with which you will be able to advance in this program in a more natural and fluid way. Click and enroll”

This MBA in Advertising and Public Relations Management contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Advertising and Public Relations
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

TECH uses the Relearning system, with which you will be able to advance in this program in a more natural and fluid way. Click and enroll”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Learn about the advertising and public relations success stories of powerful brands such as Pepsi, McDonalds or KFC"


You will be able to access the innovative multimedia content of this program 24 hours a day from your computer, with flexibility and convenience"


This professional master’s degree offers communication professionals the knowledge and techniques necessary to successfully perform their career in the field of Advertising and Public Relations Management. For this purpose, it also has practical cases provided by a teaching team specialized in this area, which will allow them to approach in a more direct and real way to situations that may be encountered in their professional performance in this field.


You will be able to solve any company's reputation crisis with the innovative tools and strategies taught by this university program"

General Objectives

  • Acquire the necessary knowledge to communicate adequately in all areas, channels and networks, using the appropriate languages for each communication style
  • Master the key concepts of Advertising and Public Relations
  • Know the fields of Advertising and Public Relations and their processes and organizational structures
  • Develop creativity and appropriate strategies in Advertising and Public Relations

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Advertising Theory

  • Identify the professional profiles of advertising and public relations professionals, as well as the main skills required in the performance of their professional practice
  • Know the fundamental principles of human creativity and its application in the different forms of persuasive communication
  • Know how to apply creative processes in the field of communication, especially in the field of advertising and public relations
  • Know how to describe the structure of advertising agencies
  • Identify the processes and organizational structures of the advertising and public relations process

Module 2. Fundamentals of Public Relations

  • Knowledge of the fields of advertising and public relations and their processes and organizational structures
  • Understand the systems for analyzing advertising and public relations campaigns
  • Delineate each of the functions for the management of the advertising and public relations company, highlighting their main applications
  • Relate advertising and public relations in a coherent manner with other social and human sciences

Module 3. History of Advertising and Public Relations

  • Know and analyze the effects of advertising communication on society and culture
  • Know the historical evolution of advertising and public relations
  • Know how to relate advertising to other cultural manifestations such as literature, art or cinema, among others
  • Understand the structure and transformation of today's society in relation to the elements, forms and processes of advertising and public relations communication
  • Recognize the elements, forms and processes of advertising languages and other forms of persuasive communication

Module 4. Advertising and Public Relations Company

  • Encouraging creativity and persuasion through different media and communication media
  • Recognize significant and appropriate tools for the study of advertising and public relations
  • Know the fields of Advertising and Public Relations and their processes and organizational structures
  • Know the structure and organization of an advertising and public relations company

Module 5. Introduction to the Psychology of Communication

  • Enable the student to relate advertising and public relations in a coherent manner with other social and human sciences
  • Enable the student to understand the basic concepts and theoretical models of human communication, its elements and characteristics, as well as the role it plays in the psychological processes of advertising and public relations
  • Prepare the student to identify and analyze the psychosocial, cognitive and emotional processes of advertising communication and public relations

Module 6. Public opinion

  • Recognize the basic concepts and theoretical models of human communication, its elements and characteristics, as well as the role it plays in the psychological processes of advertising and public relations
  • Know how to reflect with theoretical soundness and empirical rigor on the processes by which the advertising and public relations professional helps to build and express public opinion
  • Identify the multiple expressions, phenomena and processes of public opinion

Módulo 7. Lenguaje publicitario

  • Identify the fundamental principles of human creativity and its application in the manifestations of persuasive communication
  • Encouraging creativity and persuasion through different media and communication media
  • Recognize significant and appropriate tools for the study of advertising and public relations

Module 8. Fundamentals of Communication in the Digital Environment

  • Teach and prepare the student to use information and communication technologies and techniques in the different combined and interactive media or media systems
  • Enable the student to understand the importance of the Internet in the search and management of information in the field of advertising and public relations, in its application to specific cases
  • Train the student to have the ability to analyze, process, interpret, elaborate and structure digital communication
  • Be able to analyze and optimize the use of new communication channels and strategies of digital media by the advertising and public relations professional

Module 9. Corporate Identity

  • Train the student to understand the main debates and media events arising from the current situation and how they are generated and disseminated according to communication strategies and interests of all kinds
  • Prepare the student to know the significant and appropriate tools for the study of advertising and public relations
  • Enable the student to act as an advertising and public relations professional in accordance with the legal and deontological rules of the profession
  • Know the communication department within companies and institutions
  • Be able to apply the necessary techniques for the management of a communication department within companies and institutions
  • Know how to organize events in the private and public sphere, following protocol guidelines

Module 10. Creativity in Communication

  • Enhance creativity for the development of advertising campaigns
  • Delve into creativity and persuasive communication
  • Analyze the research lines of creativity
  • Identify the solution of problems by applying creativity 

Large communication agencies are looking for professionals like you. Take the step and acquire the knowledge you need to succeed in advertising" 

Professional Master's Degree in MBA in Advertising and Public Relations Management


Due to the changing trends and currents that determine the guidelines for the development of the sector, advertising and public relations stand out as one of the fields of the communicative field of greater modernization and progress in recent times. This situation has been reflected in the constant methodological, practical and strategic innovations of great impact in the area. Due to this continuous development, professionals specialized in the field face a scenario in which constant academic updating is a fundamental aspect for the optimal knowledge and use of the new implementations in the sector. Understanding this fact, in TECH Global University we have designed our Professional Master's Degree in MBA in Advertising and Public Relations Management program, focused on the training of the professional regarding the knowledge of the new methodologies used in the preparation and structuring of a public relations crisis plan. Likewise, this postgraduate program will delve into the updating of the following aspects: the identification of the new models and communicative strategies applied in the processes of advertising copywriting in interactive media; and the knowledge of the various factors and elements to be considered in the design and development of a business plan for online reputation.

Study an online Professional Master's Degree in MBA in Advertising and Public Relations Management


The correct communicative use of the new advertising languages require the presence of specialized professionals with an optimal degree of preparation and a broad knowledge of the possibilities and current limitations of the sector. In our Master's degree program you will approach the understanding of the new ways of development of advertising and public relations, contemplating both the current panorama of the area and the new challenges and difficulties that accompany it. Likewise, in this Professional Master's Degree special attention will be paid to the modernization of the following topics: the identification of current trends regarding the determination of styles and slogans in copywriting; and knowledge of modern techniques of corporate image research.