
Do you want to dedicate yourself to cultural journalism? Or are you looking to create your own cultural information project? This professional master’s degree provides you with all the knowledge you need"


The multiple digital platforms for accessing audiovisual content, podcasts, the proliferation of on-site and online festivals, artistic exhibitions and the multiple media in which to enjoy a good read have meant that culture now has countless doors open to reach the population. In this new scenario, cultural journalism also has different ways to reach an increasingly segmented audience and consumer of cultural content.

The press, radio and television continue to be the current media, which are committed to maintaining specific sections dedicated to culture, although it is true that the digital world has opened up infinite possibilities for journalists to be able to provide cultural information. This professional master’s degree offers the graduate an intensive and advanced learning in this field, through a content in which the latest technology used in academic teaching has been applied.

Thus, through innovative teaching material, students will be able to delve into the current market of cultural journalism, interpretative genres, information in conventional media or cyberculture and digital journalism of cultural content. All this with a theoretical approach, but at the same time practical thanks to the contribution of the teaching team of real cases, which will allow the student to obtain a clearer and more direct vision of this journalistic specialization.

All this, in a 100% online educational format, where the graduate will be able to access the professional master’s degree whenever and wherever they wish. You only need a computer, tablet or cell phone with internet connection to view the content of the syllabus. Without fixed class schedules, students have the freedom to distribute the teaching load according to their needs. It is, therefore, an ideal university program for people who wish to combine their professional and/or personal responsibilities with a qualification that places them at the academic forefront.

Update your knowledge in cultural journalism and become a relevant communicator in film, art and other cultural trends of the moment"

This professional master’s degree in Cultural Journalism contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Cultural Journalism 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Achieve a higher degree of professionalism in Cultural Journalism through the latest 100% online educational technology"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

With this university program you will learn about the new social trends in Cultural Journalism"


Access whenever you want, from your computer, the latest content on Cultural Journalism. Enroll now"


The digitization of culture makes it necessary for the communication professional to deepen their knowledge of new social trends, not only because culture acquires new forms of expression, but also because journalism, and Cultural Journalism as well, acquires new formats and is disseminated through new media. At the end of the 12 months of this program, students will have obtained a global vision of this field, having the knowledge and tools necessary to further their journalistic career. 


You have 1,500 hours of intensive learning about culture and cultural marketing. Enroll now”

General Objectives

  • Broaden the knowledge and information to the student with a higher level of insight in the field of journalism, although, more specifically within the field of cultural journalism
  • Learning to perform informative and dissemination functions in a specialized and professional environment, with emphasis on information within the different genres of cultural journalism

Specific Objectives

Module 1: The Culture Market

  • Learn within the context of culture the basic concepts, principles and theories of cultural communication and industries
  • Understand and interpret reality based on cultural skills and procedures
  • Manage sources, plan projects, and organize different methods to solve problems
  • Understand and apply acquired knowledge to solve new and unfamiliar problems in the environment within the different disciplines
  • Study, investigate and analyze cultural phenomena
  • Understand the cultural reality of contemporary societies in both the creative and industrial industries

Module 2: Cultural Research, Management and Marketing

  • Understand and interpret real-world data based on skills and procedures 
  • Understand knowledge based on the subject matter in order to provide a critical evaluation of the data
  • Make value judgments on the subject of marketing and culture
  • Learn to design and produce campaigns or products related to culture
  • Demonstrate procedures to promote cultural ideas

Module 3: Culture Analysis

  • Understand and know how to reflect on the criticism of cultural practices
  • Investigate cultural phenomena
  • Broaden and study the components and origins of cultural diffusion
  • Know, understand and study cultural social phenomena and methodology
  • Analyze artistic languages and cultural codes in order to be able to interpret and criticize different artistic and cultural subjects
  • Identify the processes of cultural journalism in order to be able to apply them later on

Module 4: Intercultural and Alternative Communication

  • Identify and discover skills to understand the importance of intercultural phenomena
  • Apply professional concepts in order to manage and develop further research
  • Know, understand and analyze artistic languages and cultural codes
  • Study and value the concepts of equality and respect in the cultural sector
  • Know the different conditions within interculturality
  • Know how to promote interculturality today

Module 5: Cultural Journalism in Print Media: Interpretative Genres

  • Define the functioning of cultural journalism routines in print media
  • Learn how to work with and interpret texts
  • Obtain information and know how to handle sources in order to write cultural information appropriately
  • Handle sources of information appropriately
  • Understand and apply sources and data in the specialized field of culture
  • Know and have the ability to read, interpret, evaluate and criticize cultural and artistic manifestations

Module 6: Cultural Information in the Press

  • Adequately define the basic concepts of journalistic writing 
  • Know the different journalistic genres
  • Disseminate cultural agendas in an adequate manner for their diffusion
  • Know and identify the informative and communicative processes involved in cultural journalism for its subsequent application
  • Have the ability to value and criticize cultural manifestations
  • Obtain the knowledge, capacity and ability to be able to inform and communicate in the language of each of the professional media

Module 7: Cultural Information on the Radio

  • Understand how cultural information works on the radio
  • Learn and be able to differentiate between the different cultural journalistic genres used in radio
  • Learn how to create cultural content from scratch for the radio media
  • Know the advantages of this media in order to bring information to more listeners
  • Design and produce campaigns or communicative products related to the field of culture
  • Know and demonstrate standard procedures for promoting and disseminating cultural events and facts
  • Communicate with appropriate language in professional media
  • Know and use digital technologies to innovate in the production and dissemination of culture through digital technology

Module 8. Data Visualization in Cultural Journalism

  • Design projects for the transmission of coherent information in a minimal way
  • Communicate information in a clear and precise way, aiming at legibility
  • Communicate with rigor and informative value
  • Communicate with coherent and recognizable style
  • Design and produce campaigns or communication products specialized in communication
  • Know and use digital technologies to innovate in the production and dissemination of culture through digital technologies

Module 9: Creative Writing

  • Learn to construct and reconstruct through literature
  • Analyze literary processes within journalism and culture
  • Create narrative and attractive contents linked to the dissemination of cultural contents in a creative way
  • Promote literary competence among students
  • Know and discuss creative writing
  • Understand and know the different journalistic pieces in literature and narrative in order to be able to carry them out in the future
  • Know and learn the keys to good journalistic writing in the media
  • Know how to write short articles or reviews appropriate to the cultural event in question

Module 10. Audiovisual Culture

  • Acquire theoretical and practical tools to know how to read the cultural aspect in audiovisual texts
  • Use the cultural phenomenon beyond what is universal and extrapolate it to symbolism in order to achieve a better representation of reality by the spectator
  • Know, identify, describe and understand the situation of cultural reality in contemporary societies, both in its creative and industrial dimensions
  • Know, understand and analyze artistic languages and cultural codes in order to be able to interpret, criticize and rigorously evaluate artistic and cultural manifestations in different media and languages
  • Know how to read and analyze images and audiovisual texts
  • Know the forms of universal language
  • Understand the different discourses within the audiovisual language for its later evaluation
  • Develop the social imageryto carry out original cultural and audiovisual aspects

Module 11. Television Culture

  • Know and understand the audiovisual language
  • Analyze the specific variants of the television genre
  • Know, analyze and develop the most technical concepts of the audiovisual sector
  • Know how to understand and analyze different practical examples of programs that these professionals have had to face in real life
  • Knowledge, capacity and ability to be able to inform and communicate in the language of each media in a professional and rigorous manner about cultural facts
  • Design and produce campaigns or communicative products related to the field of cultural specialization
  • Know and use digital technologies to innovate in the production and dissemination of culture through digital technologies

Module 12. Cyberculture and Digital Journalism of Cultural Contents

  • Have knowledge of the development of cultures and cybercultures as essential contexts for understanding the rules that prevail in cyberspace
  • Understand the transformation of traditional media and the emergence of new media
  • Reflect critically on cultural phenomena and new communicative contexts
  • Master journalistic writing and to be informed daily on current cultural events
  • Know, identify, describe and understand the situation of cultural reality in contemporary societies, both in its creative and industrial dimensions
  • Knowledge and application of technologies and systems used to process, elaborate and transmit information, as well as to express and disseminate informative and/or cultural creations

Module 13: Journalistic Design

  • Develop a critical and specialized view of the different media and visual communication systems developed in the journalistic field
  • Expand the capacity to conceive and execute, based on the information, own graphic informative compositions, so that they effectively transmit the intended message
  • Know the language and practical knowledge for journalistic design
  • Know the different journalistic resources used or taken into account when generating cultural information in the media
  • Know the composition of a printed cultural project and know how to develop it
  • Adapt the cultural product to the different spaces and audiences where it will be consumed and by whom it will be consumed 

Module 14. Art and Digital Culture

  • Know and understand the production techniques of the different artistic and cultural industries
  • Develop the appropriate knowledge to develop techniques in traditional and new exhibition media
  • Awaken a critical attitude towards the hybridization of technique and the multiple platforms that serve as containers for the transmission of an artistic message
  • Make judgments, especially in the professional and academic field of culture and communication, based on criteria, external standards or personal reflections
  • Know and identify the main currents and theories that formalize and criticize the cultural phenomenon from a conceptual, methodological and investigative point of view
  • Know how to interact with the spectator and have knowledge of the industry

Module 15. Cultural Journalism Workshop

  • Have the transversal and specific competencies necessary to successfully face the reality of cultural journalism in different fields
  • In-depth knowledge of digital communication and cultural journalism
  • Know how to identify, create and develop stories with the different points that encompass it, marked by rigor and personal branding
  • Know and develop the essential guidelines for documentation in cultural journalism
  • Know, understand and identify the new topics of journalism, culture and web 3.0
  • Learn about the use of social networks in cultural journalism and journalistic genres
  • Know how to make use of information through social networks and develop a communication plan
  • Develop specific content within cultural journalism in terms of positioning

Develop your research skills and learn to identify thematic nodes and problems in everyday environments"

Professional Master's Degree in Cultural Journalism


The emergence of new formats and communicative alternatives, added to the adaptation of models and forms of cultural expression to modern digital contexts, have led cultural journalism to a continuous process of development and evolution. Due to this situation, professionals specialized in the field find themselves in a scenario in which constant academic updating is a fundamental factor in the search to stay abreast of developments in the area and achieve optimal job performance in the sector. Understanding this fact, and with the intention of offering training alternatives of the highest quality, at TECH Global University we have designed our Professional Master's Degree in Cultural Journalism. In this Professional Master's Degree we will delve into the characteristics and particularities of the adaptation of opinion genres to the communicative trends of modern cultural journalism. Likewise, it will delve into the updating of the following aspects: knowledge of the main communicative and structural tools of cultural journalists in radio; and the important role of journalistic infographics in the development of communication processes of a cultural nature.

Study an online Professional Master's Degree in Cultural Journalism


The scenarios and contexts that accompany the modern development of cultural journalism highlight this sector as one of the most demanding areas with respect to the degree of knowledge, skills and abilities of its specialized professionals. In our Master's program, you will identify the main characteristics of the profile of the modern cultural journalist, contemplating his or her important role in the development processes of the sector. Likewise, this postgraduate program will place special emphasis on the modernization of the following topics: the identification of the main elements to be considered in the development of cultural information in the press, contemplating the most appropriate news genres for this format and their particularities at the editorial level; and the possibilities present in the evolution of audiovisual languages and the emergence of new communicative formats of cultural journalism.