
With this program, you will develop specialized knowledge about scalable architecture, software lifecycle, data management, DevOps and continuous integration” 


Software quality is related to the project's own characteristics that can be controlled and assured. An IT professional must always be focused on quality and knows that software needs to be up to date to meet user needs. Software quality has been around for 30 to 50 years and today, more than ever, it is present when we want to eliminate the years of technical debt. This term summarizes the errors found in the present, of those developments based on quick deliveries and without future estimates. Now those years of speed and lenient criteria are taking their toll on many suppliers and many customers.

In this program, students will analyze the problems that arise in the business world, justifying the implementation of the DevOps culture, obtaining a global and comprehensive vision of the entire ecosystem necessary for a good implementation of the same. From human policies, product or management requirements, to the theoretical and practical implementation of the necessary processes. Being able to create and adapt the complete software delivery cycle according to specific needs, taking into account economic and security considerations.

In addition, students will develop specialized knowledge on the design, development and maintenance of a database in terms of standards and performance measures. Being able to refactor and deal with data management and coordination.

Finally, in one of the modules of this program it will be shown that the software life cycle can contribute to the design and architecture of scalable systems, both at the existing level and in future development visions. The graduate will be able to elaborate a sustainable, efficient and quality architecture in the software projects presented to them.

To make this possible, TECH Global University has assembled a group of experts in the area that will transmit the most up-to-date knowledge and experience. There will be 3 modules divided into various units and subunits that will make it possible to learn in 6 months, following the Relearning methodology and 100% online, which facilitates memorization and learning in an agile and efficient way, through a secure platform that allows students to download the content they need for future reference.

The postgraduate diploma analyzes the criteria underlying software quality. Broaden your expertise. Enroll now”

This postgraduate diploma in Quality in Software Development contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in software development
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions for experts and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

After completing this program, graduates will be able to create and adapt the complete software delivery cycle, according to specific needs, taking into account economic and security considerations”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Develop the latest practices and tools in continuous integration and deployment. Being able to apply them selectively in your future projects”


Enroll now and become an expert in 6 months, 100% online and with the most efficient methodology”


This postgraduate diploma has a series of general and specific objectives that guide the achievement of the most important goal, which is for the professional to obtain the knowledge required to efficiently master the software quality development process focused on the design and architecture of scalable systems, databases and continuous integration. Providing a broad and specialized theoretical and practical knowledge to understand the development of projects from an optimized perspective.


Update your level of professionalization is possible with an intelligent study method of flexible and effective learning. Learn about all the advantages of studying at TECH Global University” 

General Objectives

  • Develop the criteria, tasks and advanced methodologies to understand the relevance of quality-oriented work
  • Implement DevOps and systems processes for Quality Assurance
  • Reduce the technical debt of projects with a quality approach rather than an approach based on economics and short deadlines
  • Develop Database Standardization
  • Provide the student with specialized knowledge to be able to measure and quantify the quality of a software project

Specific Objectives

Module 1. DevOps and Continuous Integration. Advanced Practical Solutions in Software Development

  • Identify the stages of the software development and delivery cycle adapted to particular cases
  • Design a software delivery process using continuous integration
  • Build and implement continuous integration and deployment based on your previous design
  • Establish automatic quality checkpoints on each Software delivery
  • Maintain an automatic and robust software delivery process
  • Adapt future needs to the continuous integration and deployment process
  • Analyze and anticipate security vulnerabilities during and after the software delivery process

Module 2. Database (DB) Design. Standardization and performance. Software Quality

  • Assess the use of the Entity-Relationship Model for the preliminary design of a database
  • Apply an entity, attribute, key, etc. for the best data integrity
  • Assess the dependencies, forms and rules of database normalization
  • Specialize in the operation of an OLAP data warehouse system, developing and using both fact and dimension tables
  • Determine the key points for database performance
  • Complete proposed real-world simulation cases as ongoing learning of database design, normalization, and performance
  • Establish in the simulation cases, the options to resolve in the creation of the database from a constructive point of view

Module 3. Scalable Architecture Design Architecture in the Software Life Cycle

  • Develop the concept of software architecture and its characteristics
  • Determine the different types of scalability in software architecture
  • Analyze the different levels that can occur in a web scalability
  • Acquire specialized knowledge of the software life cycle concept, stages and models
  • Determine the impact of an architecture on the software life cycle, with its advantages, limitations and support tools
  • Complete proposed real simulation cases, as a continuous learning of the architecture and life cycle of the software
  • Evaluate, in the simulation cases, to what extent it may be feasible or unnecessary to use the software


At TECH Global University, you will be able to experience a way of learning that is revolutionizing traditional university study systems around the world” 

Postgraduate Diploma in Quality in Software Development


The Postgraduate Diploma in Quality in Software Development is a highly specialized academic program aimed at professionals who wish to deepen their technical knowledge and skills related to the implementation of quality control processes in software development projects. This postgraduate program of TECH Global University, seeks to train highly qualified professionals to analyze and evaluate the quality management in the software development process of an organization, and to apply technological tools and effective methodologies to optimize the management of projects in which they are involved.

Implement new competencies in software development in your professional career


The main objective of the Postgraduate Diploma in Quality in Software Development is to instruct students in techniques and methodologies that enable them to carry out quality assessments and audits in software companies, implement solutions that improve project management and control the software development process from start to finish. Through this academic program, students acquire specific competencies to: - Evaluate the performance of software development teams and optimize their efficiency and effectiveness. - Identify and analyze problems that may arise in the software development process, to implement solutions and improvements in project management. - Apply quality management tools and techniques to monitor and control the software development process. - Audit quality processes in software development projects. The Postgraduate Diploma in Quality in Software Development aims to make professionals in the sector capable of leading software development projects effectively, guaranteeing their quality and ensuring compliance with established deadlines and objectives. If you are interested in specializing in the field of quality in software development, this academic program is the perfect choice for you. Make the decision.