Study about Aphasia, Agraphia and Alexia with this Postgraduate Certificate.
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Postgraduate certificate
This Postgraduate Certificate provides a practical update of the teaching professional in the field of Neuromarketing.
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Postgraduate certificate
Neuropsychological Assessment and Rehabilitation Techniques
Postgraduate Certificate in Neuropsychological Assessment and Rehabilitation Techniques, discover the most advanced techniques with this postgraduate certificate.
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Postgraduate certificate
Emotions and Intelligence for Teachers
This Postgraduate Certificate will provide you with a practical upgrade of your knowledge in Emotions and Intelligence for Teachers.
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Postgraduate certificate
Pharmacological Treatments
Discover the most effective pharmacological treatments with this Postgraduate Certificate.
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postgraduate certificate
Principles of Brain Injury
Postgraduate Certificate in Principles of Brain Injury, delve into the origin of the ABI and its most effective treatments.
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Postgraduate certificate
This Postgraduate Certificate is oriented to make the performance of the professional interested in Neuroleadership easier, with a great application in his professional field.
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Postgraduate certificate
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Update your knowledge about neurodegenerative diseases with this Postgraduate Certificate.
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Postgraduate certificate
Principles of Neuroanatomy
Postgraduate Certificate in Principles of Neuroanatomy, delve into the elements that make up the structure of the CNS.
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Postgraduate certificate
Principles of Cognitive Functions
Postgraduate Certificate in Principles of Cognitive Functions, update your knowledge through this program with high scientific rigor.
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Postgraduate certificate
Principles of Functional Neuroanatomy
Discover the principles of functional neuroanatomy with this distance learning Postgraduate Certificate.