
A postgraduate certificate 100% online, which will allow you to be aware of the most successful actions to generate e-commerce with your Parapharmacy”


The rise of online commerce has led the parapharmacy sector to obtain significant profits and achieve a wide expansion. Reaching the consolidation of the largest companies in the sector requires an excellent knowledge of how this business works, as well as the digital universe in which it moves.

In this sense, it is key that the pharmacist is aware of the most current tools for the creation of online parapharmacies, digital marketing strategies or the necessary resources to be able to position themselves on the Internet. For this reason, this postgraduate certificate in Online Parapharmacy was created by the best experts in this industry.

It is an advanced program of 150 teaching hours, which will allow the professional to update their knowledge about SEO, SEM, tools to attract web traffic, as well as delve into the advantages and disadvantages of this online business model. Also, with the pedagogical resources provided by TECH will deepen in a much more enjoyable way in strategies to get followers, the creation of blog content or the necessary SSL certificate to provide security assurance to the customer who buys online.

In addition, with the Relearning system, based on the continuous reiteration of key concepts during the academic itinerary, students will reduce the long hours of study and memorization, so common in other methodologies.

This is a magnificent opportunity to effectively update their knowledge in only 6 weeks and through a flexible and convenient degree. The graduate only needs a digital device with Internet connection to visualize, at any time of the day, the content of this program. An avant-garde academic option, compatible with professional and/or daily work responsibilities.

In just 6 weeks you will get an update on the advantages of boosting Online Parapharmacy”

This online postgraduate certificate in Online Parapharmacy contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Pharmacy
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Raise your skills in the Online Parapharmacy sector through the most effective techniques and strategies to market with the highest profitability”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

All this, in addition, with an extensive virtual library, available 24 hours a day, from any digital device with internet connection"


With this degree you will be able to delve into the most current tools to generate online sales"


The objective of this postgraduate certificate is to provide pharmacists with all the information and tools available to update their knowledge on the creation of a Parapharmacy. An update that will allow them to enhance their business and incorporate the most effective digital marketing strategies to improve their company's performance. To do this, TECH provides case studies that puts the students in situation to the techniques currently used to generate sales, attract web traffic or improve positioning.


The numerous pedagogical material of this university degree will allow you to get a complete update on the creation of online Parapharmacies”

General Objectives

  • Broaden knowledge of Parapharmacy Management
  • Enhance skills for the creation and management of online Parapharmacies
  • Boosting the performance of the Parapharmacy business
  • Analyze the most effective marketing strategies in the sector
  • Incorporate the latest technological innovations for the start-up or adaptation of Parapharmacy projects
  • Be aware of all types of products marketable through Parapharmacies
  • Delve into the Parapharmaceutical market
  • Implement actions of analysis and digital positioning of a Parapharmacy

Specific Objectives

  • Define the typology of currently existing online parapharmacies
  • Establish the pros and cons of starting this type of business in digital mode
  • Delve into the various digital tools available for online commercialization
  • Design the creation of an online Parapharmacy, taking into account the latest technological developments 

Thanks to this degree you will be familiar with the latest strategies used in sales funnels and you will be able to integrate them into your Online Parapharmacy”

Postgraduate Certificate in Parapharmacy online.

Are you interested in learning about health and wellness products and their use in patient care? Do you want to get a quality education in the area of parapharmacy, but don't have time to attend in-person classes? Then an online parapharmacy college course from TECH Global University is the perfect solution for you. During the course, you will learn about the products sold in parapharmacies and how they work. In addition, you will gain knowledge about the regulation and legislation affecting parapharmacy products.

The TECH academic course, will provide you with comprehensive training that will allow you to learn everything you need to work in the parapharmacy sector. It will cover about the different products available in parapharmacies, their characteristics and how they work in the human body. You will also learn about the different diseases and conditions that can be treated with parapharmacy products and how to advise patients to choose the right product for their needs. One of the greatest advantages of this online parapharmacy university course is its flexibility. You can learn online from anywhere at any time, allowing you to work and study at the same time.