
A high-level program that will catapult journalists and communicators towards success in the practice of their profession" 


Communication has become a condition for achieving the vast majority of a company's objectives. In this complex digital ecosystem, journalists and communication professionals need to have a great knowledge of the changes and trends that may occur within it. 

The mass media have seen their predominance snatched away by social networks, and the bidirectional nature of the latter forces corporate communication managers to arm themselves with knowledge and skills that allow them to face the usual crises that a simple comment from a user, for example, can unleash. 

Therefore, communicators' roles in companies have become more crucial than ever. It is no longer enough to know how to convey a message; it is now necessary to know how to break through the audience’s mind, bombarded by information tailored to their needs by algorithms that seek to capture their attention at all costs. In this battle for the consumers', customers' and users' time, the key is to manage information wisely and with flexible objectives in mind. 

In short, this is a high-quality, forward-looking program, designed according to the demands that the working world expects of communicators and whose objective is to guide students towards excellence in the field of Communication in the Digital Environment. Furthermore, the 100% online format of the course allows students to control their hours of study, without the inconvenience of traveling to an education center for classes.

Work with the best professionals in the field with this postgraduate diploma with curricular excellence"

This postgraduate diploma in Communication in the Digital Environment contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Corporate Communication
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • The latest information on corporate communication
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Journalism, Communication in the Digital Environment
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in situations focused on journalism and digital communication
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Journalists’ careers have become considerably more diverse in the last few years. Today, one of the professional opportunities with plenty of job opportunities is in the field of corporate communication”

The program includes professionals belonging to the field of journalism and communication in its teaching team, who bring their work experience to this course, along with recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive program designed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, professionals will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts in the field of Communication in the Digital Environment.

Become an outstanding journalist and learn how to successfully a work in the communications offices of companies in all sectors"


TECH offers you the best academic program on the market in Digital Communication. You only have to bring your enthusiasm to study"


This program is designed to strengthen skill sets and help students develop competencies in the field of communication that will be essential in their professional development as journalists and communicators. After having completed the program, students will be able to define and implement specific actions, either as part of a company’s press office or as a specialized journalist. In this way, you can become a successful professional in the field, acquiring advanced skills and being able to manage diverse, large-scale projects. 


If your objective is to develop yourself as a journalist and communicator within the business sector, creating strategies and successful plans, then this program is for you”

General Objectives

  • Gain an integral and professional vision of the communication environment, identifying the defining characteristics of the sector, as well as their impact and consequences on the business structure as a whole
  • Acquire basic and advanced knowledge to be able to create new communication ecosystems
  • Enhance management, analysis, creativity and leadership skills as the main competencies of corporate communication
  • Develop excellent reporting and communication skills, both spoken/verbal and written/non-verbal
  • Achieve the necessary ethical responsibility for carrying out the duties required of a digital communications manager
  • Develop critical thinking skills
  • Identify opportunities and be able to evolve personally through scrutinizing your own work
  • Improve skills in decision-making thanks to observation, analysis, interpretation and action in relation to the professional criteria and the elaboration of critical reports
  • Understand and be able to execute the communication process in an effective way, adapting it to each channel, company profile and public objective

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Managerial Skills 

  • Apply the creative processes to the field to corporate communication 
  • Implement rigorous metrics that show a return on the strategic management of intangible assets, both with consolidated non-financial indicators and with direct impact on the business
  • Identify the audiences of media communication. Efficiently manage all aspects of the communication department of any organization

Module 2. Communication, Strategy and Reputation 

  • Design innovative strategies and policies to improve management and business efficiency 
  • Plan and implement integral communication plans

Module 3. Communication Strategy in the Digital World 

  • Be capable of designing a successful Social Media Plan based on a timeline and a budget
  • Understand the main digital tools for strategy creation

Module 4. Performance and Inbound Marketing 

  • Measure the online reputation of a brand 
  • Know how to develop loyalty strategies through the internet and design a digital communication plan


Make the most of the opportunity and take the step to get up to date on the latest developments in Communication in the Digital Environment" 

Postgraduate Diploma in Communication in the Digital Environment


The digital world is advancing by leaps and bounds and communication is no exception. Companies can no longer afford to ignore the power of social networks, digital marketing or online communication tools. Therefore, the Postgraduate Diploma in Communication in the Digital Environment taught by TECH, is presented as an option to expand knowledge, essential for those who want to acquire the necessary skills to lead and manage communications in the digital environment. This academic program has been designed with a fully online methodology, which will allow students to arrive from anywhere in the world. During the development of this Postgraduate Diploma, students will receive complete training in the key fields of digital communications: social networks, digital advertising, content marketing, SEO and SEM, data analytics, e-commerce and much more.

Expand your knowledge and scale professionally in TECH


The program has been developed by a team of experts in the field of digital communication, ensuring a practical and up-to-date approach. Students will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in real cases, learn first-hand how real projects work and prepare for the working world. At the end of the Postgraduate Diploma, students will have the ability to understand the tools and processes used at a professional level in the digital environment, will be able to carry out and manage projects in this field, and will be able to make decisions based on a strategic and global vision of digital communications. All this with the aim of improving their professional performance and positioning their brand or company in the current digital environment. In summary, the Postgraduate Diploma in Communication in the Digital Environment is a highly valuable training option for those professionals who want to acquire and develop outstanding skills in the management of online communications. At TECH Global University, we have the best team of teachers, ready to take you to the top Enroll now to expand your professional career in the digital world!