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The postgraduate diploma in Validation of New Methodologies and Industry Digitization in Food Safety Management of TECH Global University is the most complete among those offered in universities at this time because it is aimed at the comprehensive management of food safety.  

Food legislation is a highly relevant aspect prior to the commercialization of any product derived from the food industry. Therefore, this format program offers the student a broad knowledge of the current regulations concerning food quality and safety, both nationally and internationally.  

This postgraduate diploma also describes the importance of the application of digital media and platforms in quality management systems in the food industry, with special emphasis on migration strategies from the traditional to the digital system. In addition, basic knowledge of traditional methods for managing quality systems in the food industry and the advantages of using commercial software or different in-house computer tools to increase the efficiency of programs such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) are reinforced.  

Finally, the fundamental aspects that confirm that the critical control points are effective and are ensuring the safety of the food produced are reviewed, being clear about the need and correct formulation of the critical control points. Determines the tools necessary to validate the controls in place, verify the effectiveness of these controls and have the confidence to implement sound control processes within the food safety management system.  

The teachers of this postgraduate diploma are university professors and professionals from various disciplines in primary production, the use of analytical and instrumental techniques for quality control, the prevention of accidental and intentional contamination and fraud, regulatory schemes for food safety certification (Food Safety/Food Integrity) and traceability (Food Defence and Food Fraud/Food Authenticity). They are experts in food legislation and regulations on quality and safety, validation of methodologies and processes, digitalization of quality management, research and development of new foods and finally, the coordination and execution of R&D&I projects. All this is necessary to achieve a complete and specialized training, highly demanded by professionals in the food sector. 

It is an educational project committed to training high quality professionals. A program designed by professionals specialized in each specific subject who face new challenges every day.  

Do not miss the opportunity to do with us this postgraduate diploma in Validation of New Methodologies and Industry Digitization in Food Safety Management. It's the perfect opportunity to advance your career"

This postgraduate diploma in Validation of New Methodologies and Industry Digitization in Food Safety Management contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include: 

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in veterinary food safety  
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • News on Validation of New Methodologies and Industry Digitization in Food Safety Management 
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Validation of New Methodologies and Industry Digitalization in Food Safety Management 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

This postgraduate diploma is the best investment you can make in selecting a refresher program to update your knowledge in Validation of New Methodologies and Industry Digitization in Food Safety Management”

Itultimees, in its teaching staff, professionals belonging to the field of veterinary food safety, who pour into this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities. 

Theultimerdia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, where the specialist must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system developed by recognized and experienced experts in Validation of New Methodologies and Industry Digitization in Food Safety Management.  

This training comes with the best didactic material, providing you with a contextual approach that will facilitate your learning"


This will allow you to combine your studies with your professional work while increasing your knowledge in this field"


The postgraduate diploma in Validation of New Methodologies and Industry Digitization in Food Safety Management is aimed at facilitating the professional's performance with the latest and most innovative advances in the sector.   


This is the best option to learn about the latest advances in veterinary food safety" 

General Objectives

  • Analyze the principles of food legislation, at national and international level, and its evolution up to the present day 
  • Analyze the competencies in food legislation to develop the corresponding functions in the food industry
  • Evaluating food industry procedures and mechanisms of action
  • Develop the basis for applying legislation to the development of food industry products
  • Analyze the advantages of digitalization in the currently established food safety and quality management processes
  • Develop specialized knowledge of the different commercial platforms and internal IT tools for process management
  • Define the importance of a migration process from a traditional to a digital system in Food Safety and Quality Management
  • Establish strategies for the digitalization of protocols and documents related to the management of different Food Quality and Safety processes 
  • Determine critical control points
  • Availability of tools for validation of CCPs 
  • Analyze the concepts of Process Monitoring, Verification and Validation
  • Improve management of incidents, complaints and internal audits

Specific Objectives 

Module 1. Food Legislation and Quality and Safety Standards

  • Define the Fundamentals of Food Law
  • Describe and develop the main international, European and national organizations in the field of food safety, as well as determine their competencies 
  • Analyze the food safety policy in the European and Spanish frameworks 
  • Describe the principles, requirements and measures of food legislation
  • Explain the European legislative framework regulating the food industry
  • Identify and define the responsibility of the participants in the food chain
  • Classify the types of liability and offenses in the field of food safety
  • Develop the criteria for horizontal legislation in Spain
  • Develop vertical legislation criteria in Spain

Module 2. Digitization of the Quality Management System

  • Examine the quality standards and food norms in force for the digitization of the different international reference bodies
  • Identify the main commercial software and internal IT strategies that enable the management of specific food safety and quality processes
  • Establish appropriate strategies for the transfer of traditional quality management processes to digital platforms 
  • Define the key points of the digitization process of a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) program
  • Analyze alternatives for the implementation of prerequisite programs (PPR), HACCP plans and monitoring of standardized operating programs (SOP) 
  • Analyze the most appropriate protocols and strategies for digitization in risk communication
  • Develop mechanisms for digitalizing the management of internal audits, recording corrective actions and monitoring continuous improvement programs

Module 3. Validation of New Methodologies and Processes

  • Know the main differences between control points and critical control points
  • Develop prerequisite programs and management charts to ensure food safety
  • Apply internal audits, complaints or internal incidents as tools for the validation of control processes
  • Review process validation methods
  • Differentiate and specify the differences between monitoring, verification and validation activities within the HACCP system
  • Demonstrate resolution capability with root cause analysis and implementation of corrective actions for complaint or nonconformity management
  • Assess the management of internal audits as a tool for improving the HACCP plan

Take the opportunity and take the step to get up to date on the latest developments in Validation of New Methodologies and Industry Digitization in Food Safety Management”

Postgraduate Diploma in Validation of New Methodologies and Industry Digitization in Food Safety Management

The regulations governing the production and marketing of food are crucial to ensure the quality and safety of food products. Likewise, new technologies have positioned themselves as excellent tools to optimize the development of efficient and safe products. Therefore, knowing all these advances is essential for the veterinarian specialized in food production. With this in mind, TECH has created the Postgraduate Diploma in Validation of New Methodologies and Industry Digitization in Food Safety Management, which will provide you with the most updated knowledge in these fields to favor your professional development.

Study a program of first academic level

Do you intend to delve into the current regulations regarding quality and food safety at the international level, the relevance of digital media in the quality management of the food industry and methodologies to verify the effectiveness of the controls implemented to ensure food safety? The Postgraduate Diploma in Validation of New Methodologies and Industry Digitization in Food Safety Management is designed for you! Get all this excellent knowledge through a 100% online learning system that will allow you to study without having to move from your own home.