
Systematically and efficiently acquires the most comprehensive knowledge in the approach to neurological conditions such as epilepsy, vestibular syndromes and other delicate pathologies" 


This Specialization begins with a complete study of cranial nerve disorders. Due to its special importance and given its high incidence, it analyzes the vestibular syndrome, the anatomical notions of relevance in this syndrome, the assessment of whether we are dealing with a vestibular or peripheral syndrome, diagnosis and treatment. 

It addresses everything related to neuro-ophthalmology, establishes the differences between a neurological problem versus an ophthalmological problem, assessing the different causes of internal and external ophthalmoplegia. 

Finally, it examines movement disorders: Canine and feline epilepsy and involuntary movement disorders analyzed and schematized, compression, management and treatment are a very important group of nervous pathologies in the specialty of neurology. 

It addresses the most important and frequent syndromes in neurology consultation, which require extensive study, understanding and research by teachers, such as cognitive dysfunction syndrome, Horner syndrome and cauda quina syndrome. 

It examines the alterations of urination in dogs and cats, studies the nervous pathways that affect them, the causes of the dysfunction and their treatments. 

As health professionals and linked to the One Health concept, it focuses on the use and proper use of antibiotics for neurological pathologies where we will assess the problem of multi-resistant bacteria and alternative therapies to deal with them. We will also study other types of alternative therapies to treat the different ailments of neurological problems. 

Finally, it delves into the oncological treatment of tumors affecting the nervous system. On the one hand, it deals with the different types of chemotherapy and, on the other, with radiotherapy. 

It deals with emergency consultations in small animal neurology, examines, in an exhaustive manner, the physiopathogenesis of each entity, separately, and its therapeutic management. 

In this aspect, it deals in depth with the physiopathogenesis of cranioencephalic trauma: management, diagnosis and treatment, with special importance being given to the prognostic value in order to be able to correctly advise the patients' owners. 

Another field of great importance, and closely related to the pictures of increased intracranial pressure, will be the cluster and status epilepticus, being fundamental the management of these entities for a correct recovery. 

Finally, it analyzes in depth the most common toxic and metabolic emergencies, as well as collapse and flaccid tetraplegia. 

This program has the best didactic material, which will enable a contextual study that will facilitate your learning"

This postgraduate diploma offers you the characteristics of a high level scientific, teaching and technological program.  These are some of its most notable features:  

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Availability of content from any fixed or portable device with internet connection  
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the program

This program has the best didactic material, which will enable a contextual study that will facilitate your learning"

The topics and clinical cases proposed, as well as their resolution, are based on the practical experience of the teachers and on the latest advances in research and development that nurture this field of work.   

All information is presented through high-quality multimedia content, analysis of clinical cases prepared by teachers, master classes and video techniques that allow the exchange of knowledge and experience, maintain and update the skill level of its members, create protocols for action and disseminate the most important developments in the emergencies within medicine of small animals.  

TECH's teaching staff is made up of professionals from different fields related to this specialty. In this way TECH makes sure to offer the student the training update objective he/she is looking for. A multidisciplinary team of professionals trained and experienced in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient manner, but, above all, will put at the service of the practical knowledge derived from their own experience: one of the differential qualities of this program.  

This mastery of the subject matter is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this postgraduate diploma. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, the student will be able to use a range of comfortable and versatile multimedia tools that will give him the operability he needs.   

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning: an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice:  with the help of an innovative interactive video system, and learning from an expert, the student will be able to acquire the knowledge as if they were facing the scenario they are learning at that moment. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way. 

Learn about the latest advances in detection and care of cognitive dysfunctions and the alternative therapies that can be applied in different cases"


A vision that integrates the One Heath concept in the care of the neurological patient, with consideration of antibiotic treatments and a complete study of the real situation of bacterial resistance"


This postgraduate diploma compiles the most current knowledge in terms of scientific research and technological development in diagnostic techniques and intervention in neurological pathologies in small animals. The objective is to generate specialized knowledge in the student, creating a well-structured basis to identify the clinical signs associated with each neurological location and to be able to establish a list of differential diagnoses, acting correctly to achieve the best possible prognosis in patients.  


An intensive review of small animal neurological emergency care examining the pathophysiopathogenesis and therapeutic management of each entity"

General Objectives 

  • Develop the different alterations of the cranial pairs  
  • Present vestibular syndrome, types and its management
  • Define the different entities of movement disorders
  • Deepen and develop the knowledge of neuro-ophthalmology
  • Examine the most important syndromes in small animal neurology
  • Analyze the different alterations of urination
  • Determine alternative therapies for neurological processes
  • Delve into the study and application of oncological treatments
  • Analyze the management in anesthesia with a neurological emergency
  • Develop and evaluate patients with cranioencephalic and spinal cord trauma
  • Identify the necessary actions to be taken in clusters or status epilepticus
  • Examine the most common toxicological and metabolic emergencies

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Alterations in Cranial Nerves, Vestibular Syndrome and Canine and Feline Epilepsy.  Involuntary Disorder Movements

  • Identify the alterations of the cranial nerves
  • Develop the causes, diagnosis and treatment of vestibular syndrome and facial paralysis and facial paralysis
  • Analyze neuro-ophthalmology as a fundamental basis of neurology
  • Define and identify the causes of laryngeal and megaesophageal paralysis
  • Developing canine and feline epilepsy
  • Examine the different types of movement disorders  

Module 2. Important Syndromes and Specific Treatments

  • Examine cognitive dysfunction syndrome, Horner's syndrome and cauda equina syndrome
  • Analyze the correct application of antibiotics in neurology
  • Present the different micturition disorders
  • Establish the use of chemotherapy in oncology of neurological processes and the use of radiotherapy in oncology of oncological processes

Module 3. Neurological Emergencies

  • Specify the types of anesthesia and protocols most commonly used in the anesthesia of patients with neurological emergencies
  • Determine the management and prognosis of traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury  
  • Examine the most common metabolic emergencies
  • Analyze the diagnostic picture and management of weakness and collapse, botulism and tetanus, as well as their diagnosis

With the support of the most efficient audiovisual systems, the purpose is that you not only acquire the knowledge, but that, upon completion, you will have the working skills you need in this field”  

Postgraduate Diploma in Neurological Emergencies, Syndromes and Treatments in Small Animals

This program covers, in an intensive educational approach, the most relevant advances and updates in the intervention in small animal neurology affecting the cranial nerves, especially the vestibular syndrome that presents a significant volume of cases in consultation. A study that also incorporates a complete tour of movement disorders, neuro-ophthalmology or the most important syndromes in small animal neurology. A complete training that will allow you to acquire the most advanced knowledge in this field, learning from the best professionals in the sector. The Postgraduate Diploma in Small Animal Neurological Emergencies, Syndromes and Treatments is an academic program that aims to train veterinary medicine professionals in the management of emergency situations related to the nervous system of pets. During the Postgraduate Diploma, students will learn about the different neurological syndromes that animals may suffer from, such as epilepsy, distemper, meningitis, tumors, among others. They will also delve into the treatments available for each of these syndromes, as well as the most appropriate techniques to care for patients during an emergency.

The course is designed to help students learn about the different neurological syndromes from which animals can suffer.

Study 100% online

At TECH Global University we are listed by Forbes as the best digital university in the world, as we cross borders with the 10 different languages that have 10,000 university degrees. The Postgraduate Diploma in Small Animal Neurological Emergencies, Syndromes and Treatments is taught by a team of highly trained professionals with extensive experience in the field. The practical approach of the program ensures that students acquire the necessary skills to assist animals in emergency situations. In conclusion, it is a high quality training that provides participants with the necessary tools to care for pets in critical situations and to improve the health and quality of life of patients.