
Carmen Horcajada Rodríguez is an Auditor and Aerospace Engineer whose professional career has focused on the development of management strategies and continuous improvement in airworthiness. As such, she has been linked to different foreign and local companies as project manager and advisor, carrying out assessment processes and design of guidelines based on current regulations.

On the other hand, this expert has several certificates granted by official organizations such as SENASA (Services and Studies for Air Navigation and Aeronautical Safety), the Spanish Association of Aeronautical Engineers or the Ministry of Defense. She is also ambassador for Spain of the European Climate Pact.

  • Civil servant of the Ministry of Defense at the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (ISDEFE).
  • Technical Assistant for ISDEFE 
  • Design and Certification Engineer for Sirium Aerotech. 
  • Master's Degree in Integrated Quality, Environmental and Occupational Risk Prevention Management Systems. 
  • Degree in Aerospace Engineering
  • Specialization in Aerospace Vehicles by the Polytechnic University of Madrid
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