Gandía , Ana
Veterinary in Mallorca Veterinaris
Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Ana Gandía is passionate about architecture and the animal world, as attested by her higher academic training in both areas, being however the veterinary field where she has deployed her great potential.
Gandía has developed her professional career in various veterinary centers where she has dealt with the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of various pathologies. Her continuous interest in offering the best clinical service has led her to update her knowledge through teaching focused on canine diseases.
- Veterinarian in Mallorca Veterinaris
- Veterinarian at Retiro Veterinary Hospital
- Veterinarian at El Pinar Veterinary Clinic
- Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the Alfonso X El Sabio University.
- Degree in Technical Architecture from the European University
- Training in Diagnosis of alopecia in dogs and canine cutaneous mastocytoma.