
A solid and quality base that adapts to you, being telepresence classes, online to the current global and digitized world. The main objective of this training is, therefore, to help you acquire the necessary skills to express yourself correctly and fluently in Spanish, through a certification that you will achieve thanks to an intensive program designed especially for you.. 

You’re one step away from developing yourself personally and professionally with a B2 Spanish level with this intensive preparation at TECH”

B2 Spanish offers an achievable challenge, using the best methodology: personalized classes. As you know, most Spanish language schools and academies offer traditional teaching, based on the repetition of simple linguistic structures with no connection to properly structured content or specific skills. However, teachers and psychologists believe that the best way to stimulate language learning is not to subject the learner to formalized, linear learning - for example, with rote learning - but rather, to encourage imagination and learning through sensory exploration in order to be able to understand and interpret what is around us.

This allows the brain to work and learn a second language in the most natural way possible, in the same way that we learned our mother tongue. For this reason, TECH offers you fully personalised Spanish Conversation Classes at B2 level, with university and native teachers who will provide you with specific and common communicative situations, individually and 100% online. In this way you will understand the structure of the Spanish language at an advanced level and will be able to hold complex conversations, knowing that you have the quality guarantee of a prestigious university.

Acquire the communicative skills you need to obtain the CEFR Level B2 Spanish quickly and easily, thanks to TECH.
clase conversacion preparación del nivel b2 en español
Learning Spanish has never been so easy. Over 40 sessions our native professors will prepare you to be able to maintain conversations in a different language to your mother tongue in an effective and intensive way.

You will actively participate in formal and informal conversations, including in places where there is some background noise”


A unique and stimulating experience 

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Flexible and Tailored 

Take the best Spanish conversation program, at your own pace based on your personal availability and schedule.

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Acquire Skills and Abilities

With our method you will practice and consolidate the oral communication skills required at this level.

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Join a large community and exchange knowledge and experiences with students from all over the world.


The intensive and personalized Language Conversation Class for B2 Spanish is designed to provide you with the necessary oral skills to face the exam that accredits your level, which you will successfully pass thanks to these personalized classes offered by TECH.

Through practice, training, repetition, support of a university professor and your own effort, you will achieve the excellence you demand to obtain an advanced level of the Spanish language. Thus, after the 40 sessions of the program you will be able to certify your B2 level, so that you can move on to an advanced level of Spanish on your way to a progressive mastery of the language, taking a step further in your language skills with TECH Global University.

By taking these Spaninsh conversation classes you will reach, in just 40 sessions, the CEFR B2 spoken level you needed to thrive in the workplace”

General Objectives

  • Understand, interact, and express yourself in a extensive range of situations, both orally and written, with good control of linguistic resources and with a degree of precision and ease that allows for natural communication with native speakers
  • Acquire deeper knowledge of sociocultural aspects related to this situations and alter your register, attitudes, and gestures appropriately in each situation
  • Internalize new linguistic resources through functional and formal practice and to reinforce the use of those already known; to reflect on mistakes in order to be able to correct yourself
  • Become aware of the communication and learning strategies that help you the most, so that you can use them intentionally
  • Develop autonomy in the planning, carrying out, evaluation, and improvement of your own learning

Specific Objectives

comunication icon Oral Comprehension
  • Understand the main ideas of a linguistically complex speech, dealing with both concrete and abstract topics delivered at a standard language level, including technical discussions within their field of expertise 
  • Understand long speeches and complex lines of reasoning as long as the subject matter is reasonably familiar and the development of the speech is facilitated by explicit markers 
  • Understand any type of speech, both face-to-face conversations and broadcast speeches, on topics, usual or not, of personal, social, academic or professional life. Only excessive background noise, inadequate structuring of speech or idiomatic use of language affect their ability to understand 
  • Pick up with some effort much of what is being said around them, but may find it difficult to participate effectively in a discussion with several native speakers if they do not modify their speech in some way 
  • Follow lively conversations between native speakers 
  • Understand the main ideas of linguistically complex lectures, talks and reports, and other forms of academic and professional presentation 
  • Understand statements and messages on concrete and abstract topics, in standard language and at a normal pace 
  • Understand most radio documentaries and other recorded or rebroadcast material spoken in standard language, and identify the speaker's mood and tone 
  • Understand recordings in standard language that may be encountered in social, professional or academic life, and identify the speaker's points of view and attitudes, as well as the content of the information
message icon Oral expression
  • Participate in conversations with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that enables regular interaction with native speakers without strain for either party. Emphasize the personal importance of certain facts and experiences, express and defend points of view with clarity, providing adequate explanations and arguments 
  • Speak fluently, accurately and effectively on a wide range of general, academic, professional or leisure topics, clearly marking the relationship between ideas. Communicates spontaneously and has good grammatical control without showing many signs of having to restrict what he/she says and adopting a level of formality appropriate to the circumstances 
  • Understand in detail what is said in standard language, even in an environment with background noise 
  • Approach extensive conversations on most general topics, even in a noisy environment, in a clearly participatory manner 
  • Have conversations with native speakers without unintentionally amusing or annoying them, and without demanding different behavior from them than they would have with a native speaker 
  • Convey a certain emotion and highlight the personal importance of facts and experiences 
  • Follow the rhythm of lively discussions between native speakers. Express ideas and opinions with precision and present complex lines of argument convincingly and respond to them. 
  • Take an active part in informal discussions that occur in everyday situations by making comments, clearly expressing their points of view, evaluating alternative proposals, making hypotheses and responding to them  
  • With some effort, pick up much of what is said in discussions going on around them, but may find it difficult to participate effectively in discussions with several native speakers if they do not modify their speech in some way 
  • Express and uphold their opinions in discussions by providing appropriate explanations, arguments, and comments 
  • Keep up with heated discussions and accurately identify the arguments of different points of view. Express ideas and opinions with precision, present complex lines and respond to them with conviction 
  • Understand, with complete certainty, detailed instructions. Contribute to the progress of the work by inviting others to participate, speak up, etc.  
  • Outline an issue or problem clearly, speculating on the causes or consequences and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches 
  • Negotiate the resolution of conflicts, such as claiming an unfair traffic fine, claiming financial responsibility for damages caused in an apartment or for culpability in an accident 
  • Express their opinions in the event of damages, using persuasive language to claim compensation, and clearly establish the limits of any concession they are willing to make 
  • Explain a problem that has arisen and make it clear that the service provider or customer must make concessions 
  • Understand and exchange complex information and advice on all matters related to their profession. Communicates detailed information with complete certainty 
  • Make clear and detailed descriptions of how to carry out a procedure. Summarizes and communicates information and arguments from a variety of sources 
  • Conduct effective and fluent interviews, even spontaneously departing from prepared questions, following the thread and giving interesting answers 
  • Take the initiative in an interview, and expand and develop their ideas, either with little help or getting it if needed from the interviewer

Sociocultural and Sociolinguistic competence 

  • Broaden and diversify your knowledge of sociocultural aspects of communities where they speak the language, acquiring a natural and confident manner of speaking, which doesn’t attract attention nor leads to special treatment, different to that given to native speakers. Furthermore, gain knowledge of how to adjust your behavior, reactions, attitude, message and wording to any changes in situation, style and emphasis
  • Identify the most important aspects of a variety of common formal and informal oral and written registers, and appropriately use the expressions, pronunciation and intonation of the most common registers that you are most in contact with
  • Perceive the differentiating characteristics of the Italian language pattern in relation to other widespread or nearby patterns
curso conversacion distancia preparación del nivel b2 en español

Linguistic competence 

  • Manage a wide and varied repertoire of linguistic resources, including complex syntax and textual grammar, in order to approach, with naturalness, precision, clarity and cohesion, texts on a wide range of situations and topics, almost without showing that he/she has to limit what he/she wants to say
  • Flexibly adapt to changes in direction, register and emphasis, although hesitations and circumlocutions can still occur
  • Efficiently use a variety of connectors and discourse markers to clearly show the link between different ideas and successfully make the speech cohesive in a flexible and efficient way
  • Possess good command of linguistic resources with very few mistakes. When using complex structures, especially in discourse development, and even more so in oral communication or in less common situations, there are sometimes cohesion or inappropriate register mistakes, as well as sporadic slips or some "resistant" errors in less commonly controlled situations. In these cases the student will be capable of self-correcting

You will have a good control of Spanish linguistic resources with few mistakes, elaborating powerful oral speeches that will allow you to express yourself correctly"

B2 Spanish Individual Online Conversation Classes

If you have knowledge of the Spanish language, wouldn't you like to improve it in order to get certified and expand your range of work and personal opportunities? At TECH Global University you can achieve this in a simple, 100% online and totally practical way by studying the B2 Spanish Individual Online Conversation Classes: one-hour sessions scheduled by a native teacher, in which the main focus will be to develop your interaction and oral expression skills, through conversations, simulations of real situations in Hispanic American regions and guides for the successful presentation of the B2 exam in Spanish language. Over the course of four months we will test your language skills, while significantly improving your fluency so that you can build more advanced conversations and discussions, enhance your grammar and listening skills, or learn vocabulary and common expressions about nutrition, sports and education, with an emphasis on bad habits and modern environmental problems. TECH is all you need to advance in Spanish.

Prepare for your Spanish certification with individual classes

If you want to increase your chances of growth in the foreign job market, this online course is your best option. Guided by a revolutionary methodology that has helped thousands of students to become high-level Spanish speakers, you will easily achieve diverse objectives, from understanding, interacting and expressing yourself, orally and in writing, in a wide range of situations, with a good control of linguistic resources and a degree of precision that makes natural communication possible, to taking the initiative in an interview, expanding and breaking down ideas appropriately. You will internalize all this in a dynamic way, accessing a personalized and totally individualized learning where you will receive direct feedback from a teacher with solid experience in the multilingual field. The best thing is that you will progress without having to leave home or altering your routine, because being online classes, you have the ease of managing your study time. Looking to have a B2 level in the language of Cervantes? TECH is the key.