
Learn to be an expert with the training and the knowledge this program will provide”


In this program, students will be introduced to the field of ethics and the bioethical principles on which all clinical and drug research studies are based. Bioethics in Nursing Sciences and the deontological codes that govern nursing activities and care will also be discussed. This program will cover the clinical research and drug ethics committees (CEIC, CEIM), the need for them, their functions and their composition.

Other topics will include scientific integrity, its principles and values, as well as good clinical practices and their corresponding accreditation to be able to carry out clinical research and research with drugs and medical devices. Fraud in research will also be discussed, as well as the audits and inspections to avoid it, the responsibility of the researcher and the promoter with the patient who agrees to collaborate in a clinical trial, and the conflicts of interest that can arise in research, plagiarism and the use of information from the studies will also be discussed.

As important as it is to try to promote studies of the highest possible quality, it is equally important to analyze and assess the quality of the scientific documents that reach the researcher, with the ultimate goal of being able to recognize that relevant unspecialized and with the best degree of scientific evidence, applicable to daily practice or to communicate to the scientific community.

Research or project presentations involve more than simple communication or socialization of a finished work. Quality presentations can become a real instrument for knowledge production, which makes them a determining factor in the research process itself. When elaborating oral or written communication, a series of basic steps must be followed in order to satisfy some of the following conditions: visual appeal, personality, balance, aesthetic quality, clarity in the explanation of ideas, quick understanding of the hierarchy and distribution of parts, synthesis and rigor. From the point of view of citizens' expectations, nursing has to offer a response to the classic needs raised by the population through on demand nursing consultation, thus providing accessible, individualized, humane, effective and efficient care. Thus, all kinds of circumstances must be taken into account when proposing new models of care or improving existing ones, with the aim of providing the care response proposed by the population from a holistic perspective in which their participation is essential. That is why it will be essential to understand nursing models and theories, which will describe the phenomena that make up the practice of general nursing, as well as the elements of its metaparadigm.

Learning to operate confidently within the boundaries of bioethics and to provide your research work with the necessary quality are the challenges you will overcome in this program”

The postgraduate diploma in Research in Nursing Sciences: Bioethics, Quality and Lines of Research offers you the characteristics of a high level scientific, teaching and technological course. These are some of its most notable features: 

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State of the art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Availability of content from any device, fixed or portable, with an Internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the program

A unique opportunity to gain access to the most interesting databases and the most powerful educational community in the online teaching market”

The teaching staff includes professionals from the engineering Nurses, who bring their experience to this specialization program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training experience designed to train for real life situations. 

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, where the nurse must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in Clinical Nutrition Pediatrics with extensive experience.

Increase your confidence in decision making by updating your knowledge through this program"


Add to your CV the ability to participate in the area of research and position yourself as a competitive and interesting professional for any company"


This comprehensive postgraduate diploma allows professionals to develop skills and apply theoretical knowledge in real research projects in nursing practice, from the research question/hypothesis to the publication of their results.


This program offers you essential support to reach your academic objectives, with a teaching system created to facilitate and increase your learning"

General Objectives

  • Obtain the necessary tools to execute the research idea
  • Learn how to manage the scientific method that will enable you to become researchers and knowledge producers
  • Use different research models depending on the object of study
  • Perform bibliographic searches, accessing the latest research results with critical and analytical skills

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Bioethics in Nursing Research

  • Have in depth knowledge of the bioethical principles on which biomedicine is based  
  • In depth knowledge of nursing ethics and bioethics in our profession  
  • Specialize in what an Ethics Committee consists of in clinical and drug research, its composition and functions  
  • Raise awareness of good clinical practices and their usefulness in research activities  
  • Manage skills to avoid plagiarism and unethical use of research data  
  • Manage the roles of the researcher, study sponsor and patient  
  • Avoiding conflicts of interest when conducting research  

Module 2. Research Quality

  • Have a thorough knowledge of the instruments and tools that help detect and recognize quality scientific documents  
  • Analyze different indicators of rigor and/or quality of a research study according to its design  
  • Delve deeper into the recommendations for submitting a project to a competitive bid or grant  
  • Know how to establish good communication, both oral and written  
  • Implement the process to develop a clinical practice guideline, as well as recommendations or protocols  

Module 3. Research Lines in Nursing

  • Delve deeper into health care needs and demands  
  • Understand the importance of developing health promotion activities  
  • Describe the different nursing models and theories and their phenomena  
  • Delve deeper into the a research scope focused on geriatric patients  
  • Value the importance of mental health at a social and individual level  
  • Gain in depth knowledge of the existence of advanced nursing practice  
  • Consider a future where health is governed by technologies and predictive medicine

Realistic objectives, but with a high instructive impact, in a program of the highest level”

Postgraduate Diploma in Research in Nursing Sciences: Bioethics, Quality and Lines of Research

At TECH Global University, we present our Postgraduate Diploma in Research in Nursing Sciences: Bioethics, Quality and Lines of Research program, focusing on the fundamental aspects of bioethics, quality and lines of research. This online programme gives you the opportunity to develop your research skills and deepen your knowledge in key areas of nursing, without geographical or time constraints. Research in nursing science is essential to advance the improvement of healthcare and the quality of life of patients. With our Postgraduate Diploma program, you can acquire the knowledge and tools you need to design and develop high-quality nursing research. Our online classes offer you the flexibility to learn from anywhere, at any time. You can access high-quality content, interact with nursing experts and share experiences with other health professionals. This allows you to combine your work and personal responsibilities with your academic training, without compromising the quality of your learning. < h2>Broaden your horizons in the field of nursing research

In our Postgraduate Diploma program, we focus on three key areas. Bioethics will provide you with the ethical foundations needed to conduct nursing research, ensuring the protection of patients' rights and dignity. Quality focuses on the continuous improvement of healthcare, through the implementation of evidence-based practices and the evaluation of outcomes. Finally, the lines of research will allow you to explore topics of interest and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in nursing. At TECH Global University, we have a teaching team of excellence, made up of experts in nursing science research. You will learn from their experience and knowledge, and you will receive personalised guidance to develop your own research projects. Don't miss this opportunity to excel in the field of nursing science research. Join TECH Global University and broaden your professional horizons - enrol today and start your path to a successful career in nursing research!