
Lead your video game company from a creative, innovative and international perspective, and improve your results and public favor"


The video game industry, as a creative sector, has been acquiring a great weight in society. More and more people enjoy this leisure option and are attentive to get the latest news, since it is so important worldwide that it generates millions as an economic sector, reaching thousands of homes every day. Its exponential growth, which is expected to continue to increase, makes it one of the most prosperous sectors. This makes it necessary for professionals to specialize not only in matters of creativity, innovation and new tools applied to video game design, but it is essential to achieve that much-needed education in business material. 

Therefore, professionals who wish to start their own business or directly manage one of the main companies in the sector, such as Sony, Nintendo or Ubisoft, will find in this advanced master’s degree a unique opportunity to learn how to manage this type of companies, acquiring specialized knowledge in Business Administration and creative industries that will be essential for their professional growth. In this sense, aspects such as Executive Management, logistics or personnel management, commercial and Marketing management or information systems are joined in this very complete syllabus to the most creative aspects, such as Branding, Futures Thinking methodologies, new products and creative companies or entrepreneurship in the sector. 

This makes this program one of the most important in the current academic panorama. A unique educational program that focuses on the most practical aspects of teaching, so that students will have access to a multitude of resources with which they can study as if they were facing real situations, being able to comfortably consolidate the theoretical concepts. In addition, they will be more qualified to be able to apply everything they have learned in their daily practice, achieving a comprehensive management of video game companies that will be very useful to achieve their goals and position them as industry benchmarks. In addition, one of the main advantages of this program is that it will be studied 100% online, without the need for transfers or specific schedules, so that the students can self-manage their study, planning their schedule and pace of learning, which will be very useful to be able to balance it with the rest of their daily obligations.

The increased competitiveness in the video game industry is forcing professionals to improve their business skills in order to increase their profits"

This advanced master’s degree in Senior Management of Creative Industries contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most notable features are: 

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in creative companies and video games
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the book contain theoretical and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies in the management of creative industries 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

This program is the perfect combination of business management and creative industries education, which will allow you to gain a deep understanding of the market and achieve maximum profits for your company"

Its teaching staff includes professionals from the video game sector, who bring their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading companies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning experience designed to prepare for real-life situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

Large video game companies rely on business professionals to manage their accounts. You could carry out the entire creative process and, in addition, control the business management"

master alta direccion industrias creativas

You could carry out the entire creative process and, in addition, control the management of the business"


The main objective of this TECH advanced master’s degree is to offer video game professionals that superior education that will allow them to create their own creative business or lead the projects of large video game companies. Therefore, thanks to this program, students will acquire the education that will allow them to manage all the departments of their company, achieving an absolute understanding of the value of each one and the synergies that must be carried out for business success. 


Your leadership will be critical to the success of your company's video games"

General Objectives

  • Develop leadership skills appropriate for business management
  • Understand and know how to manage the economic and financial aspects of the company
  • Gain knowledge of the new creative industries
  • Knowledge of regulations affecting creative and intangible products, such as intellectual and industrial property or advertising law
  • Understand the process of brand creation and evolution
  • Use appropriate marketing and advertising techniques to reach the target audience 

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Leadership, Ethics, and CSR

  • Develop the key leadership skills that should define working professionals
  • Acquire the communication skills that a business leader needs in order to ensure that their message is heard and understood by the members of their community 

Module 2. Strategic Management and Executive Management  

  • Define the latest trends in business management, taking into account the globalized environment that governs senior management criteria
  • Develop the skills required to manage business activities strategically 
  • Be able to develop all the phases of a business idea: design, feasibility plan, execution, monitoring

Module 3. People and Talent Management  

  • Understand the best way to manage the company's human resources, getting greater performance from employees that, in turn, increases the company's profits

Module 4. Economic Financial Management

  • Follow the sustainability criteria set by international standards when developing a business plan
  • Design innovative strategies and policies to improve management and business efficiency 

Module 5. Operations and Logistics Management  

  • Develop strategies to carry out decision-making in a complex and unstable environment 
  • Create corporate strategies that set the script for the company to follow in order to be more competitive and achieve its own objectives
  • Understand the economic environment in which the company operates and develop appropriate strategies to anticipate changes
  • Be able to manage the company’s economic and financial plan

Module 6. Information Systems Management  

  • Be able to apply information and communication technologies to the different areas 
    within a company 
  • Understand the logistic operations that are necessary in the business environment, so 
    as to manage them appropriately 

Module 7. Commercial Management, Marketing, and Corporate Communication

  • Carry out the marketing strategy that allows us to make our product known to our potential clients and to generate a suitable image of our company 

Module 8. Innovation and Project Management 

  • Create innovative strategies in line with our projects 

Module 9. New Creative Industries 

  • Understand how creativity and innovation have become the drivers of the economy

Module 10. Protection of Creative and Intangible Products 

  • Know the legal environment related to the protection of creative and intangible products

Module 11. Economic and Financial Management of Creative Companies 

  • Acquire specific knowledge for the management of companies and organizations in the new context of the creative industries
  • Organize and plan tasks with the use of available resources in order to face them in precise time frames

Module 12. Futures Thinking: How to Transform Today from Tomorrow 

  • Delve into the concept of Futures Thinking and how it can be applied to management in creative industries

Module 13. Consumer or User Management in Creative Businesses 

  • Provide the best services to consumers and potential users of the company's own creative business

Module 14. Creative Branding: Communication and Management of Creative Brands 

  • Use new information and communication technologies for proper management of creative brands

Module 15. Leadership and Innovation in Creative Industries 

  • Provide adequate leadership in this field, adopting innovation as a key concept in business development

Module 16. Digital Transformation in the Creative Industry 

  • Understand the role of digitization in the creative industries and how it can be leveraged to achieve business objectives

Module 17. New Digital Marketing Strategy 

  • Develop communication skills, both written and oral, as well as make effective professional presentations in daily practice 

Module 18. Entrepreneurship in the Creative Industries 

  • Know how to manage the process of creation and implementation of novel ideas in the field of creative industries
  • Possess the tools to analyze the economic, social and cultural realities in which the creative industries develop and transform today
maestria alta direccion industrias creativas

The completion of this advanced master’s degree will allow you to understand the process of creating a brand. Successfully complete this program and generate your own business idea in the field of video games"

Advanced Master's Degree in Senior Management of Creative Industries

With the growth of various creative and cultural sectors in recent years, the creative industries have begun to consolidate themselves as an important agent within the international market. Their influence in the current context is indisputable, as they are the promoters of the production, dissemination and marketing of goods and services that interest consumers. With the increasing use of technologies, as well as the implementation of digitalization processes, it is necessary that professionals remain updated in the various transformations and challenges facing this area in full development. At TECH Global University we developed the Advanced Master's Degree in Senior Management of Creative Industries, a program that will provide you with the most advanced knowledge on issues of creativity, innovation and technology and business management, with special emphasis on the environment of video games.

Specialize in the largest Faculty of Video Games


Our Advanced Master's Degree will allow you to acquire the necessary technical knowledge to perform successfully in the promotion and dissemination of your company's video games, achieving professional success. With a syllabus designed with the support of experts in the area, you will learn about the functioning of the creative industries; you will learn about the regulations governing the development and protection of creative products such as intellectual property, industrial and advertising law. You will also master the processes of commercial management, marketing and corporate communication, implementing sales and dissemination strategies that give visibility and position the company's brand in the market.