
Become part of the change towards excellence in a booming sector and promote mobility and strength training with this complete postgraduate diploma"


Being fully aware of the general lack of knowledge about mobility training, this postgraduate diploma seeks to establish a starting point towards the knowledge and differences between popular concepts and beliefs about mobility and its training, as well as the objectives and different methods of application and their impact over time at a neuromuscular level and, consequently, in sports performance, either optimizing or reducing recovery times. 

Along the same lines, the different systems and mobility training methods, how to know the timing, the characteristics of time, intensity or duration, as well as the context in which they should be applied if you want to achieve certain objectives or others. That is why, through this postgraduate diploma, the student will be able to have the knowledge and didactic resources for an effective and efficient intervention with the athlete. 

On the other hand, we will also study strength as a physical capacity which has acquired a high-level of importance in recent years. So much so, that in some sectors it is referred to as "the mother quality" 

Thus, this postgraduate diploma will first develop a complete theoretical basis on which to support the importance of strength training, as well as a correct terminological definition. In the same way, the most efficient methods to develop strength-power are studied in depth so that the student feels they have the best tools to face a successful strength program. 

For all this, the student will be provided with the latest scientific and technological advances in load control, thus providing the most complete theoretical and practical information on the current market. 

All this, condensed in an academic program of high curricular value that is developed in only six months, and that will become a differentiating element in the student's curriculum. An academic plan that understands the professional needs of students and the market, and provides them with the most complete and up-to-date content in the sector. 

If what you want is to increase your studies, without giving up the rest of your daily activities, then this postgraduate diploma is for you"   

This postgraduate diploma in Mobility, Strength and Targeted Training for Fitness Instructors contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Physical Activity and Sport
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional development
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

As this is an online academic program, you will be able to study wherever and whenever you want. You will only need an electronic device with internet access"  

The program includes, in its teaching staff, professionals from the sector who bring their work experience to this refresher program, as well as renowned specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

Turn your professional career around by taking this postgraduate diploma"


Specialize in a booming sector and start to see your job opportunities flourish"


The main objective of this postgraduate diploma in Mobility, Strength and Targeted Training for Fitness Instructors a tTECH is to provide students with in-depth knowledge that allows them to understand the importance of strength and mobility training as a means to develop an excellent physical condition. This objective is materialized by providing the student with a high-quality academic program, based on the latest scientific evidence and with the most complete contents in the sector. In this way, the professional will be able to revalue their profile and position themselves at the forefront of a booming field. 


TECH's objective is clear: to update students' knowledge in order to produce the best professionals in the sector"  

General Objectives

  • Acquire knowledge based on the most current scientific evidence with full applicability in the practical field
  • Master all the most advanced methods of sports performance evaluation
  • Master and apply with certainty the most current training methods to improve sports performance and quality of life, as well as to improve the most common pathologies
  • Master the principles governing exercise physiology, as well as biochemistry
  • Successfully integrate all the knowledge acquired in the different modules in real practice

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Mobility Training  

  • Approach mobility as a basic physical capacity from a neurophysiological perspective
  • Have a deep understanding of the neurophysiological principles that affect the development of mobility
  • Know and apply the stabilizing and mobilizing systems within the movement pattern
  • Develop and specify the basic concepts and objectives related to mobility training
  • Develop the ability to design tasks and plans to improve mobility
  • Know and apply the different methods of performance optimization through recovery methods
  • Develop the ability to perform a functional and neuromuscular assessment of the athlete/client
  • Recognize and address the effects of a neuromuscular injury on the athlete/client

Module 2. Strength Training 

  • Know and correctly interpret all theoretical aspects that define force and its components
  • Know and master the most effective strength training methods
  • Develop sufficient criteria to be able to support the choice of different training methods in their practical application
  • Be able to objectify the strength needs of each client athlete whatever their needs may be
  • Master the theoretical and practical aspects that define power development
  • Correctly apply strength training in the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries

Module 3. Indoor Targeted Personal Training 

  • In-depth understanding of the pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome
  • Understand the intervention criteria to improve the health and quality of life of patients with this pathology
  • Be able to plan and program training in an individualized way for a person with metabolic syndrome

Your goals and TECH's goals come together and materialize in this academic program with excellent curricular"  

Postgraduate Diploma in Mobility, Strength and Targeted Training for Fitness Instructors


Develop your career as a Postgraduate Diploma in Mobility, Strength and Targeted Training for Fitness Instructors from the comfort of your home! TECH Global University presents this innovative virtual program. Are you ready to make a qualitative leap in your profession? You will have specialized skills and knowledge that will make you stand out as a highly qualified professional. You will be able to design customized training programs aimed at improving the mobility and strength of your clients. Become a reference in the field of training, able to offer solutions tailored to the needs of each individual. Our teaching team is composed of nationally and internationally recognized experts, who will guide you through every step of your learning process. You will obtain a comprehensive specialization, based on the latest scientific advances and the best practices in the sector. Enjoy an enriching educational experience, where you will be able to interact with professionals and peers from around the world, enriching your perspective and creating networks that will boost your career.

Power your career in the fascinating world of coaching!


During the course, you will address fundamental topics such as anatomy and physiology applied to movement, advanced training techniques, sports nutrition and injury prevention. You'll explore the latest trends in functional training and gain skills to adapt to the ever-changing fitness industry. By getting your Postgraduate Diploma, endorsed by TECH Global University, you will open doors to unparalleled career opportunities. This recognition accredits your experience and acquired knowledge, providing confidence and security to your future employers. Be part of an elite group of professionals who stand out in the competitive world of fitness and health. Studying at TECH Global University gives you an incredible opportunity to grow personally and professionally. Our institution is distinguished by its cutting-edge approach, academic quality and commitment to excellence. Get ready to work in renowned gyms, elite sports centers or even start your own business in the fitness industry. Enroll in TECH Global University's Postgraduate Diploma today and become a leader of change in the fitness industry.