
Learn the main tools for treating patients with COVID and help them to recover their respiratory ability” 


The COVID-19 virus has interrupted our lives.  Although it is a great unknown in the health field, what has been demonstrated is the need for respiratory physiotherapy for the treatment of this infection and its subsequent sequelae, since this infection considerably affects respiratory capacity. Logically, the studies on this illness are completely new, but research hasn’t stopped since this infection appeared in society.  

Therefore, training in respiratory physiotherapy in COVID treatment is necessary for all medical professionals working with patients with coronavirus, but especially for rehabilitation physicians, as their intervention can drastically help in the improvement of a patient's condition.  

Respiratory physiotherapy is part of physiotherapy, but focusing on the pathophysiology of the respiratory system, both medical and surgical, requiring a demanding knowledge of the respiratory system and the existing techniques for its treatment, healing and stabilization. For this reason, highly trained professionals are required to offer personalized treatments that allow patients to recover effectively.  

The postgraduate certificate has specialised teaching staff in Respiratory Physiotherapy, who contribute both their practical experience from their day-to-day work in practice, as well as their extensive experience in teaching at a national and international level. In addition, it has the advantage of being a 100% online training, so the student can decide from where to study and at what time. This way, you will be able to flexibly self-direct your study hours. 

This postgraduate certificate is the best option you can find to increase your knowledge on Respiratory Physiotherapy and add another dimension to your professional career"

This postgraduate certificate in Respiratory Physiotherapy in COVID for Rehabilitation Physicians contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include:     

  • Clinical cases presented by experts in Respiratory Physiotherapy.
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and healthcare training on those medical disciplines that are essential to professional practice.
  • The presentation of practical workshops on procedures and techniques
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Action protocols and clinical practice guidelines, which cover the most important and latest developments in this specialist area
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Special emphasis on test-based medicine and research methodologies
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This program is the best investment you can make when studying a specialist course to update your knowledge in Respiratory Physiotherapy”

The teaching staff includes a team of prestigious urologists, who bring their experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading scientific societies.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training experience designed to train for real-life situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the physician must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic course. For this reason, you will be assisted by an innovative, interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in the field with extensive teaching experience. 

This 100% online postgraduate certificate will allow you to study from anywhere in the world. All you need is a computer or mobile device with an internet connection"


Our innovative teaching methodology will allow you to study as if you were dealing with real cases, and therefore increasing your training"


The postgraduate certificate in Respiratory Physiotherapy in COVID for Rehabilitation Physicians is aimed at facilitating the medical professional's performance with the latest advances and most innovative treatments in the sector. Its objective is to take you through a training that will allow you to acquire the most updated knowledge for the most advanced and competitive praxis in this field. 


With a real practical objective, this course will allow you to achieve your training goals by boosting your CV to a higher level of excellence"

General Objectives

  • To promote specialization in respiratory physiotherapy
  • To update knowledge and manage physiotherapy in different patients with respiratory pathologies
  • Possess knowledge of the pathophysiology and advanced exploration of the respiratory system
  • Execute, direct and coordinate the respiratory physiotherapy intervention plan for each patien

Specific Objectives

  • Manage respiratory physiotherapy treatment in COVID-19 critical care units
  • Apply the correct respiratory physiotherapy treatment in the ward
  • Become familiar with new scenarios of physical therapy intervention in the post-COVID era

Highly specialized objectives in a training course created to train the best professionals in Respiratory Physiotherapy" 

Postgraduate Certificate in Respiratory Physiotherapy Postgraduate Certificate in COVID for the Rehabilitation Physician

The poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge once said: "The best physician is the one who best inspires hope". There is no better time to correlate that slogan of resilience than in global debacles where human life is at risk. The covid-19 pandemic is one of them. Nearly 5,300,000 deaths between December 2020 and December 2021 show how much the world needs health professionals committed to fight against a virus that demands great attention for present and future times. The Postgraduate Certificate in Respiratory Physiotherapy in COVID for the Rehabilitation Physician designed by TECH Global University arises as an incentive to manage patients affected by this pathology: both positive cases that show acute symptoms and those who are out of danger, but still present sequelae. It is known that covid-19 is a condition that acts mainly in the respiratory tracts, therefore, delving into therapeutic methods to restore such bronchopulmonary functions is more than essential for emerging physicians. If you are looking to add competencies to your career that will help reduce one of the most relevant current problems, this is your opportunity.

Physiotherapeutic rehabilitation for covid-19, a unique bonus

Not only medicine and the pharmaceutical sector are turning their efforts to curb the new waves of contagion caused by viral mutations, education is also directing its objectives to update graduates in the health field to not let the SARS-Cov-2 virus (covid-19) take advantage. At TECH, as leaders in online higher education, we also join the cause and put at your disposal a Postgraduate Certificate of the most complete, integrated by a team of teachers with remarkable medical background. Through a completely online modality, we not only offer you time flexibility and access from the comfort of any place with internet access, but we also instruct you in a range of practical topics: origin, development, isolation and protection of the disease, pathophysiology, pre-ICU and post-ICU patient management, sequelae of the critical patient, among other concepts of interest. Because saving a patient with coronavirus through respiratory physiotherapy makes the difference, at TECH we combine teaching efficiency and social commitment to train the best experts.