
With this high-level program, you will learn to identify the different anatomical structures and pathologies of the digestive tract of the horse, among many other issues of great interest to the veterinarian"


The Equine Veterinary Clinic covers numerous and complex specialties in continuous development that requires a constant updating of skills by the clinician. It is a highly competitive professional sector that quickly incorporates new scientific advances into the outpatient clinic, so the veterinarian deals with a labor market that demands a very high level of competence in all aspects.

The mobile veterinarian's daily work is very demanding in terms of the number of working hours, both in terms of the volume of hours involved in the mobile visits and the degree of personal dedication and time required for the administrative management of his own company. For this reason, they often do not have all the time they need, and often resort to consulting procedures and other information on the Internet. In the network, the professional expects to find reliable online education.

Another important aspect is the need for the field clinician to obtain postgraduate endorsed specialization. In today's job market, obtaining an accredited specialization diploma not only guarantees preparing as a specialist, but is also a source of prestige and recognition in the eyes of your clients, colleagues and co-workers.

In order to address all of these issues, the equine veterinarian needs an up-to-date program that is manageable and affordable to purchase.

The existing online offer of specialization in Equine Clinical Practice is insufficient and does not meet the needs of the veterinary sector to date. Therefore, this innovative program covers this lack of specialization in telematic format. It is an exclusive product, as there are no other first level postgraduate distance learning tools in its field, capable of offering qualified and extensively developed teaching completely online.

The professional master’s degree presented here meets all the needs of advanced education and has a carefully selected syllabus, developed by internationally recognized professionals in both equine medicine and surgery. It therefore represents an excellent opportunity for students to continue their professional activity simultaneously with the essential expansion of quality knowledge in this new digital era in which we find ourselves.

Join the elite, with this highly effective educational program and open new paths to help you advance in your professional progress"

This professional master’s degree in Equine Medicine and Surgery contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the program

Acquire the most advanced knowledge in all fields of Equine Veterinary Intervention, from professionals with years of experience in the sector"

Our teaching staff is made up of professionals from different fields related to this specialty. In this way we ensure that we deliver the educational update we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of specialized and experienced professionals in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but, above all, will put at your service the practical knowledge derived from their own experience: one of the differential qualities of this program.

This mastery of the subject matter is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-Learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, you will be able to study with a range of easy-to-use and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the necessary skills you need for your specialization.

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning: an approach that views learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice learning: with the help of an innovative interactive video system, and learning from an expert, you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were actually dealing with the scenario you are learning about. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.

With the experience of working professionals and the analysis of real success stories, in a high-impact educational approach"


A path of specialization and professional growth that will drive you towards greater competitiveness in the labor market"


The objective is to enable highly qualified professionals for work experience. This objective is materialized in helping professionals to reach a much higher level of competence and control. A goal that, in just a few months, you will be able to achieve with high intensity and effective educational program.


A complete and total update in Equine Medicine and Surgery with the most comprehensive and effective online educational program on the market" 

General Objectives

  • Identify the different anatomical structures and pathologies of the digestive tract of the horse
  • Develop and advance in the most frequent procedures to solve oral cavity pathologies
  • Recognize the symptoms of digestive disorders
  • Enable the clinician to correctly assess the systemic state of the animal and the consequent severity of the pathology
  • Establish diagnostic protocols and generate optimized treatments and prognoses
  • Establish optimal preventive medicine criteria and good management guidelines
  • Establish an appropriate methodology for the examination of the horse with respiratory or cardiac problems
  • Identify all clinical signs associated with respiratory or cardiovascular disease in equines.
  • Generate specialized knowledge of respiratory and cardiac auscultation
  • Establish the specific clinical approach to the horse with a respiratory or cardiovascular disorder
  • Enable the clinician to approach the patient with advanced alterations in blood count, biochemistry or hematopoiesis disorders
  • Develop an innovative and up-to-date methodology for patients with immune-mediated disorders
  • Develop an expanded understanding of endotoxic shock, in order to provide the patient with the latest treatments
  • Examine the physiology of food consumption and the physical distribution and transport of the food bolus through the small and large intestine, as well as the processes of nutrient absorption in the different digestive compartments
  • Determine the conversion of nutrients into available energy for the different organic functions of the horse
  • Establish the different nutritional needs in the horse's diet, as well as its energy requirements according to sport discipline, productive objective or maintenance as a domestic animal
  • Assess the cachectic horse: history and nutritional status, possible differentials, knowledge of metabolic consequences and requirements for subsequent dietary adjustment
  • Generate specialized knowledge on antibiotic therapy and antibiotic resistance novelties
  • Examine prebiotics, probiotics, as well as the use of medicinal plants in response to the high market demand that exists today in this field of medicine
  • Update and develop in depth knowledge and new concepts in the diagnosis and treatment of lameness in horses
  • Identify the applied anatomy and pathologies affecting the different structures of the locomotor system of the equine
  • Develop advanced screening and diagnostic methods available in the field clinic
  • Delve into both medical and surgical treatments applicable in the field clinic
  • Fundamental knowledge of wounds, tendon lacerations and musculoskeletal infections
  • Establish an appropriate methodology for its exploration, diagnosis and treatment
  • Generate specialized knowledge of the different materials and techniques used for the treatment of these pathologies
  • Propose therapeutic strategies in wound management alternative to the conventional ones
  • Provide an in-depth knowledge of the most common dermatological problems
  • Identify all clinical signs associated with each dermatological disease
  • Establish the specific clinical approach to each pathology and determine the most appropriate prognosis and treatment for each skin disease
  • Identify the challenges and problems encountered by the veterinarian in the practice of equine clinical oncology
  • Establish the principles of diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous neoplasms affecting horses
  • Develop a detailed knowledge of the pathological processes affecting the endocrine system of the horse
  • Develop management strategies for the obese and insulin resistant horse
  • Establish an appropriate methodology for the identification and localization of neurological injuries in the horse
  • Identify the alterations of consciousness and behavior and establish protocols
  • Define the approach to the ataxic horse and establish protocols for action
  • Examine diagnostic methods in equine neurology
  • Detail therapeutic protocols
  • Establish an appropriate methodology for ophthalmologic examination of the horse
  • Identify all clinical signs associated with ocular alterations in equines
  • Determine the specific clinical approach to the horse with an ocular disorder
  • Analyze the complementary methods available to diagnose the main ocular disorders in equids
  • Generate specialized knowledge on the main ocular pathologies in the horse
  • Establish the general and specific treatment for the main ocular pathologies in the horse
  • Identify the pathologies of the urinary system of the horse
  • Establish diagnostic protocols to facilitate the recognition of patients with urinary pathology
  • Expand the alternatives of possible treatments according to pathological situations
  • Recognize the medical and surgical genital pathologies of the stallion and the dam mare, assess their extent and provide appropriate treatments for recovery and restoration of proper reproductive function
  • Develop surgical techniques for the resolution of pathologies of the reproductive system that can be performed in the field
  • Recognize representative clinical signs of disease in the newborn foal
  • Establish effective working protocols for the early detection of sick neonates
  • Develop treatment protocols for the different diseases of the neonate
  • Optimize the use of foal imaging in the field
  • Identify and decipher the particular characteristics of the pathologies of the locomotor system that appear during the development and growth of the foal from birth until the end of its pediatric period
  • Develop the main specific medical and surgical techniques for pathologies affecting the foal in the field
  • Develop sedation and ambulatory anesthesia procedures
  • Determine the necessary tools for the assessment of the critically ill patient, providing the knowledge that enables the student to perform hospital treatments, such as advanced pain management, correction of hydro-electrolyte balance and acid-base balance, intensive care in the neonate and intensive care in the adult
  • Delve into the fundamental medicinal and pharmacological considerations of high-level sport horses
  • Delve into equine toxicology
  • Develop the application of humane euthanasia protocols

Specific objectives

Module 1. Digestive System

  • Define correct methods of anamnesis, evaluation and assessment of the patient with digestive pathology
  • Develop and advance in the most frequent procedures to solve oral cavity pathologies.
  • Establish anesthetic blocking protocols for oral surgery and dental extractions.
  • Recognize and resolve mandibular and maxillary pathologies
  • Properly develop general examination procedures such as rectal palpation, nasogastric probing, abdominocentesis, interpretation of analytical tests and diagnostic imaging in field conditions, and establish the appropriate treatments and issue the correct prognosis in the horse with abdominal pain
  • Develop and advance in depth in the diseases affecting the digestive tract from the stomach to the rectum, assessing the stage of the pathologies that appear
  • Develop and advance in depth on liver and biliary tract diseases in the horse and their possible treatments
  • Develop and advance in depth in infectious and parasitic diseases of the digestive tract, as well as their various treatments
  • Enhance knowledge, establish and develop the correct decision criteria to treat abdominal syndrome in the horse in the field, or in case of requiring surgical treatment, to be able to correctly inform the owner and advise on the referral of cases to the hospital in case surgery is required

Module 2. Cardio-Respiratory and Vascular System

  • Specify the necessary information in the clinical examination of the horse with respiratory or cardiac pathology
  • Accurately recognize the normal respiratory and cardiac sounds found in horses
  • Identify respiratory pathologies in order to classify them and decide on possible diagnostic tests if needed
  • Establish the knowledge required when performing diagnostic procedures for the respiratory patient such as Laboratory tests, cytology, BAL Diagnostic Imaging
  • Propose work methodologies for patients with upper respiratory tract pathologies
  • Propose a work methodology for patients with inflammatory lower respiratory tract pathologies
  • Identify the surgical pathologies of the upper respiratory tract and develop the technical procedures that can be performed in the field, both in scheduled and emergency conditions
  • Propose a work methodology for patients with infectious respiratory pathologies
  • Differentiate between physiological murmurs and pathological murmurs
  • Establish differential diagnoses of abnormal rhythms based on irregularity and heart rate
  • Propose a work methodology for the patient with cardiac murmur
  • Propose a work methodology for patients with arrhythmias

Module 3. Hematopoietic System, Immunology and Nutrition

  • Delve into the study of blood components, as well as to attend in detail to the serological biochemical markers, all of them analytical parameters that the clinical specialist must know in depth, in order to be able to relate possible alterations in this sense to pathological situations of any kind
  • Develop advanced knowledge on possible alterations related to hematopoiesis, as well as alternatives in terms of leading-edge treatments
  • Achieve a high degree of knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms of immune-mediated disorders in order to select the latest diagnostic tests and appropriate treatment
  • Delve into the pathophysiological mechanisms of endotoxemia and the development of endotoxic shock, in order to prevent secondary complications associated with this process and to apply the most up-to-date treatments
  • Understand the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients in the different anatomical compartments of the horse's digestive tract
  • Provide the basic knowledge on nutrients necessary for the development of feeding programs
  • Estimate a horse's weight and determine its body condition
  • Easy calculation of daily fodder and grain or compound feed requirements
  • Differentiate and know how to apply the terms gross, digestible and net energy
  • Delve deeper into the knowledge of antibiotic treatment alternatives, as well as the development of antibiotic resistance, in order to prepare the clinician in decision making in situations where there is an important restriction of antibiotic use, either by the patient's category or by the appearance of bacterial resistance
  • Update on prebiotics, probiotics, as well as the use of medicinal plants and their relevance as important tools in preventive medicine and in the treatment of specific pathologies

Module 4. Locomotor System

  • Identify in depth the pathologies affecting the musculoskeletal system of the horse by types of pathologies of the different anatomical regions
  • Master in depth the correct approach to the clinical case that may be presented. Obtain and control the tools to correctly explore animal patients and correctly interpret the data obtained
  • Develop optimized work schemes and diagnostic protocols
  • Advanced diagnosis of joint, tendon, bone and muscle pathologies in horses
  • Master the neural anesthetic blocks, their technique, main advantages and possible disadvantages; Develop proximal blockage and other advanced anesthetic desensitization techniques
  • Master and develop in depth imaging techniques and other complementary diagnostic methods in the field
  • Receive education in the latest published therapeutic measures and the latest advances in research in the treatment of locomotor pathologies
  • Master and develop advanced medical and surgical techniques that can be performed in the field

Module 5. Surgical Pathologies of the Skin and Related Structures

  • Specify the different types of wounds that may occur in the Equine Clinical Practice; Identify and differentiate between acute and chronic pathologies, assess their degree of contamination and/or infection if any, and recognize damaged adjacent structures, assessing whether they are septic or not
  • Develop knowledge of the different phases of skin healing
  • Determine the techniques of tissue management, hemostasis, suturing, reconstruction and skin grafting
  • Set guidelines for the choice of the different types, materials and patterns of suture and needle and drainage models available to the clinician in the field
  • Establish the different types and materials of bandages, both for wound treatment and for immobilization; Select the dressing or bandage indicated in each clinical situation
  • Apply the different therapeutic guidelines and reparation procedures and other first aid techniques for acute and fresh wounds
  • Apply the different therapeutic guidelines and repair procedures for complicated, chronic and infected wounds, contemplating the possibility of the application of alternative procedures and technologies
  • Indicate the tests to be performed on a patient with a musculoskeletal injury or infection to determine the significance of the injury
  • Carry out correct diagnosis and treatment of synovial and bone infections, and perform joint lavage procedures and regional and intraosseous perfusion of antibiotics in the field
  • Specify the use of the different tenorrhaphy techniques in order to treat damage and lacerations of tendon and/or ligamentous structures
  • Present the different causes of exuberant granulation and its treatment
  • Apply the different therapeutic guidelines in burns and abrasions of different types

Module 6. Medical Pathologies of the Skin Endocrine System

  • Identify the main pathologies affecting the skin
  • Examine the origin of the problem and establish the prognosis of dermatitis
  • Recognize the clinical and laboratory signs of the main dermatological diseases
  • Identify the symptoms of bacterial and viral skin diseases and propose therapeutic options
  • Determine the symptoms of skin diseases of fungal and parasitic origin and propose therapeutic options
  • Establish the symptoms of allergic and immune-mediated skin diseases, and propose therapeutic options
  • Examine the symptoms of other skin diseases as well as their prognosis and treatment options
  • Identify and develop the clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of the main types of neoplasms affecting horses
  • Generate advanced knowledge on the pathology, diagnosis and management of sarcoids, squamous cell carcinomas, melanocytic tumors, mastocytomas and lymphomas
  • Examine recent developments in the therapy of cutaneous neoplasms in horses
  • Develop advanced knowledge on the pathology, diagnosis and management of equine metabolic syndrome and dysfunction of the intermediate pituitary gland in horses
  • Identify the processes that occur with alterations in thyroid hormone concentrations
  • Determine the most common causes of alterations in calcium, phosphorus and magnesium levels in horses

Module 7. Nervous System and Ophthalmology

  • Identify all clinical signs associated with neurological disease
  • Define the key points of the neurological assessment
  • Establish differential diagnoses based on the main neurological pathologies of the horse
  • Present and analyze the diagnostic tools available for the different processes
  • Propose specific measures for the management of the neurological patient
  • Update neurological patient treatments both in the field and at the hospital setting
  • Define parameters that help us to establish a prognosis for the patient
  • Delve into the use of diagnostic tools in ophthalmology, such as direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy, fundus assessment and electroretinography
  • Accurately recognize clinical signs of eye pain in horses
  • Establish differential diagnoses of ocular clinical signs
  • Propose a working methodology for patients with corneal ulcers and/or infectious keratitis
  • Propose a working methodology for the patient with stromal abscess and immune-mediated keratitis
  • Establish a working methodology for the patient with equine recurrent uveitis and for the patient with cataracts
  • Propose working methodologies for patients with glaucoma and for horses with ocular neoplasia

Module 8. Reproductive and Urinary System

  • Increase knowledge of pathologies affecting the urinary system
  • Recognize and establish protocols for the management of patients with acute renal failure and chronic renal failure
  • Establish working protocols for patients with post-renal urinary tract pathology
  • Comprehend the predisposing factors that may condition the appearance this type of pathologies, and expand knowledge on the relevance of prevention
  • Develop treatment alternatives available to the ambulatory veterinary clinician
  • Delve into the pathology of the testicles, adnexal glands and penis, as well as their respective treatments
  • Improve the productive management of the sub-fertile stallion and mare
  • Identify and assess possible anomalies in the horse's ejaculate, applying the necessary procedures to guarantee its quality
  • Identify, treat and prevent parasitic and infectious pathologies of the equine reproductive system
  • Develop the pathologies of the female during the mating period and their possible treatments
  • Develop the pathologies that affect the female during the gestation period and their possible treatments
  • Develop the pathologies that affect the female in the prepartum and postpartum period and their possible treatments
  • Attend to the needs and demands of euthyroid delivery and placental assessment
  • Develop the procedures involved in the care of dystocic labor and the performance of fetotomy
  • Develop procedures that include the resolution of possible injuries associated with labor and delivery, such as correction of rectovestibular fistulas, reconstruction of external lacerations and repair of the perineal body

Module 9. Foal Medicine and Surgery

  • Identify the neonatal patient with abnormal behaviors indicative of disease
  • Establish lines of action for neonatal patients with sepsis, based on severity
  • Determine work protocols for patients with symptoms of neonatal asphyxia syndrome
  • Recognize the patient with cardio-respiratory symptomatology, being able to issue prognoses that determine their viability
  • Develop field stabilization protocols for patients with bladder rupture or persistent urachus
  • Identify the difference in diagnostic test results between neonates and adults
  • Determine the use of diagnostic imaging tools that can be used in the field to diagnose pathologies in the foal, both in the neonatal and pediatric period. Use these methods accurately to diagnose and assess the different pathologies that may occur in these stages
  • Develop the techniques of examination, diagnosis and parenteral and local treatment by joint lavage of septic arthritis in the neonate
  • Develop techniques that can be performed in the field to solve surgical pathologies of the growing foal, such as umbilical hernia correction
  • Compile the knowledge of angular and flexural deformities of the foal; Develop their different treatments and establish the specificities of their treatment according to the age of the patient and the anatomical region affected
  • Detail the medical treatments and application of resins, splints and orthopedic hardware used in the treatment of angular and flexural deformities
  • Specify the techniques for delaying and stimulating bone growth used in the surgical treatment of angular deformities
  • Determine the desmotomy and tenotomy techniques used in the treatment of flexural deformities
  • Establish an appropriate methodology for the identification, treatment and prognostication of osteochondral injuries and subchondral bone cysts

Module 10. Advanced Therapeutic Protocols and Toxicology

  • Analyze the new alternatives in terms of drugs used in sedation and anesthesia for outpatient use, as well as to delve into the most established protocols in order to optimize this type of procedures
  • Prepare the clinician in effective and dynamic decision making when dealing with a patient with a serious systemic condition, in order to ensure diagnoses and treatments that ensure patient stabilization despite non-hospital conditions
  • Enable the clinician in the correction of hydroelectrolyte and acid-base imbalances to ensure the reversal of hemodynamic alterations
  • Ensure advanced knowledge of equine pain management with the latest medications
  • Examine the characteristics and special considerations to be taken into account when applying pharmacological treatments in the sport horse, with special emphasis on avoiding problems in the face of possible positive results in control tests for biological substances in competitions
  • Generate advanced knowledge on equine toxicology, ensuring education for the recognition of toxic symptoms, as well as the identification of plants and agents harmful to equids
  • Analyze euthanasia procedures in depth; The clinician must be able to act correctly with patients in these last moments of their life trajectory, applying euthanasia in the most humane way possible in the worst-case scenario

Our innovative telepractice concept will give you the opportunity to learn through an immersive experience, which will provide you with a faster integration and a much more realistic view of the contents: “Learning from an Expert”

Professional Master's Degree in Equine Medicine and Surgery

The mastery of the most particular challenges within clinical animal medicine is what makes veterinarians become leading experts in the field. Equine surgery, for example, is a specialized discipline where precise and extensive theoretical and technical knowledge is required, but at the same time, it is a fascinating avenue for growth, both personally (establishing new links with animal species) and professionally (because of the opportunities offered by the market for those versed in this field). That said, we present a unique option to boost the veterinary career: the Professional Master's Degree in Equine Medicine and Surgery; a program designed by TECH Global University in a 100% online format so that professionals can acquire an important qualification without leaving home, managing their own study time and experiencing the revolutionary Relearning teaching methodology that, together with an innovative multimedia file library, will provide incredible results. As for the content, it is very complete, covering from general examination methods such as nasogastric probing in an acute abdominal syndrome, to euthanasia procedures in geriatric horses. You will find everything you need at TECH.

Diagnose and perform equine surgery with this postgraduate program

Treat an ischemic disease such as postanesthetic myositis, examine certain toxicology that produces clinical signs related to the skin or the musculoskeletal system, administer intensive care to a neonatal foal, perform a vulvoplasty on a mare or perform an intraosseous perfusion of antibiotics when there is a hoof wound. These and many other skills are what you will be able to acquire throughout the 1500 hours that our Professional Master's Degree lasts; cognitive approaches and advanced practice that you will not find elsewhere, especially because of its asynchronous class modality that does not interfere with your established routine and that you can access even through a smartphone connected to the Internet at the place of your choice. Only TECH gives you more for less, committed to high-level education. Don't let this postgraduate program pass you by and enroll now.