
With nearly 20 years of experience in political campaigns at the highest level and more than a decade in the media, Jess McIntosh is considered one of the most prestigious political communication strategists in the United States. Her professional skills allowed her to be part of the 2016 presidential race in that country as Director of Communications for candidate Hillary Clinton.  

In addition to this professional achievement, McIntosh has been Deputy Communications Director of EMILY's List, a political action committee dedicated to the support of pro-choice Democratic female candidates for public office. She has also advised other organizations seeking to strengthen their social impact through hard-hitting messaging and to combat misinformation.  

At the same time, she has served as an advisor to other political candidates such as Scott Stringer, for Manhattan Borough President, and Michael Bloomberg, for Mayor of New York City. She also participated in Al Franken's campaign for the U.S. Senate as his Secretary and later Press Secretary. She has also served as Spokesperson for the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party.  

Likewise, in the media, this renowned specialist has also accumulated multiple achievements. She has worked behind the scenes and on camera for various television and cable news networks across North America such as CBS, CNN and MSNBC.

She has also created, developed and hosted critically acclaimed programs in the podcast and audio space. These include the award-winning SiriusXM radio show Signal Boost, co-hosted with political analyst Zerlina Maxwell. She has also written about politics and gender in countless print publications such as the Wall Street Journal, CNN, ELLE, Refinery29 and Shondaland, among others. She is also Executive Editor of Shareblue Media, a U.S. news outlet. 

  • Political Advisor and former Communications Director for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign
  • Host of the multi-award winning SiriusXM Signal Boost radio show
  • Executive Editor of Shareblue Media
  • Political analyst on news channels such as CBS, CNN and MSNBC
  • Columnist for magazines such as Wall Street Journal, CNN, ELLE, Refinery29 and Shondaland
  • Former Vice President of EMILY's List
  • Former spokeswoman for the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party
  • Former Press Officer for Senator Al Franken
  • Political Advisor to candidates for senators, mayors and county chairs
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