
Dr. Federico Foschi is an outstanding authority in the field of Endodontics and Oral Surgery. His doctorate, in collaboration with the prestigious Forsyth Institute of Boston in the United States, earned him the IADR Pulp Biology award for his contributions in the field of Endodontic Microbiology

For more than two decades he has developed his practice in the United Kingdom. In that country he completed an exhaustive five-year training in Restorative Dentistry at Guy's Hospital in London. He has also maintained a constant practice based on Endodontic referral, root canal management, primary and secondary treatments and Apical Surgery.  

Dr. Foschi has also collaborated as a consultant in different clinics where he continuously demonstrates his extensive knowledge of all aspects of oral health. He has also been associated as a research fellow with the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Craniofacial Sciences at King's College London and has served as director of academic programs on behalf of Health Education England. He has also been appointed Professor at the University of Plymouth.

This expert, who graduated from the University of Bologna with honors, has published 50 peer-reviewed articles, two book chapters and a volume of his own. Among other contributions, he has extensively investigated the source of "toothache" and participated in the development of a new method for the detection of bacteria during root canal treatment. A project thanks to which the failure of some treatments and the need for follow-ups could be reduced.  

At the same time, Dr. Foschi is a member of the Higher Education Academy of the United Kingdom, as well as of the British Endodontic Society. He has also shared his therapeutic innovations at numerous congresses, making him a reference for dentists all over the world.

  • Consultant and academic collaborator at King's College London
  • Consultant and academic collaborator at the University of Plymouth
  • Director of the Endodontic Training Program at Health Education England
  • PhD in Endodontic Microbiology at the Forsyth Institute, Boston, USA
  • Degree in Dentistry from the University of Bologna
  • Member of:
    • Higher Education Academy of the United Kingdom  
    • Royal College of Surgeons of England
    • British Endodontic Society
Programmes in collaboration with

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