
Thanks to this professional master’s degree 100% online you will be able to develop your professional career in high competition volleyball”


One of the highest aspirations of any coach or professional who is immersed in a top-level volleyball team is to achieve the greatest sporting success, whether in national, international or world competitions. The level of demand is high and therefore, traditional strategies are no longer valid and new technologies are incorporated to improve performance.  

In this scenario, it is essential to have a broad knowledge of tactics, digital tools for game analysis or the application of the most appropriate nutrition for each player. For this reason, this university program was created in response to the current needs of all those who wish to focus their careers on Professional Volleyball.  

A professional master’s degree program that brings together the best specialists and international players who contribute their relevant experience in the elite of this sport. 
In this way, the students will obtain not only a theoretical approach, but will be able to analyze in detail all the points for the correct development of the athlete, from his physical, nutritional and psychological preparation.

But undoubtedly, one of the powerful elements of this program is the application of technology to the functions of the trainer and physical trainer. These tools have become indispensable to obtain differential results in high competition.  

All this, in addition, with numerous didactic resources (video summaries, videos in focus, readings, case studies), which will facilitate the learning process and make the visualization of all the content much more attractive. In addition, thanks to the Relearning system used by TECH, the graduate will not have to invest a great amount of study hours, since he/she will acquire the new concepts in a much simpler way. A unique university program that is at the academic forefront. 

Reach the Volleyball elite thanks to the excellent team of high competition professionals who teach this program”

This professional master’s degree in Professional Volleyball contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Physical Education and Professional Volleyball
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the book provide technical and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Improve the performance of your players through the most advanced sports nutrition you will find in this program”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

With this program you will have all the tools you need to design the best tactics for your games"


 You will provide professional clubs with the latest advances in player data analysis through new technologies"


The objective of this professional master’s degree is to provide coaches and sports professionals with all the necessary elements to progress and improve in their technical management and physical preparation functions. To achieve this, TECH provides numerous teaching materials, including case studies that provide a much more direct and practical view of the work on the court with players in training and in matches.


You will be able to take a giant step forward in the planning of your team's training sessions thanks to TECH. Enroll now”

General Objectives

  • Plan specific training for the full development of the volleyball player 
  • Structure general training for the achievement of team objectives 
  • Apply recovery strategies adapted to the needs of the athlete 
  • Assess and develop the player's capabilities to bring them to their maximum potential 
  • Lead the training area in a high level team 
  • Develop the correct physical preparation of a player 

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Individual Technique

  • Delve into the different technical fundamentals of volleyball 
  • Delve into volleyball training methods 
  • Explain the different techniques and the most frequent errors in high competition 
  • Describe the strategies to train placement, reception touch, forearms, block, service, and attack

Module 2. Tactic

  • Address the systems of play used in volleyball and training methods 
  • Delve into serving, receiving and offensive tactics and their practice on the court
  • Investigate the strategic complexes and their training in volleyball 
  • Explain the different options to choose the game system according to the opponent's technique 

Module 3. Team management

  • Delve into the detailed planning of training sessions 
  • Describe the different phases of player learning 
  • Establish the principles of team organization 
  • Analyze the factors of communication and improvement of understanding between the coach and the players of the volleyball team

Module 4. Other Modalities

  • Explain the differences between beach volleyball and Sitting volleyball
  • Deepen in the specific physical preparation for each volleyball modality
  • Know the specific rules of beach volleyball and Sitting volleyball
  • Analyze the most effective psychological techniques for the player practicing different types of volleyball

Module 5. Technology in volleyball

  • Know the existing technological systems for the extraction of data on the technique and game of each player 
  • Know how to perform an exhaustive analysis of the extracted data, and therefore improve the performance of the player and the team 
  • Delve into how to use video as a tool for analysis and game improvement 
  • Indicate how to effectively present the results of a match study through new technologies

Module 6. Team structures, organization and rules

  • Obtain a comprehensive overview of volleyball rules and regulations
  • To know how national competitions are structured
  • To deepen the structure of international competitions 
  • Identify the roles of physical trainers, team managers and physiotherapists in a volleyball club

Module 7. Sports Psychology

  • Delve into the most effective motivational strategies in a sports team 
  • Delve into the management of players' emotions 
  • Understand the leadership role of a volleyball team 
  • Know the team dynamics in order to put them into practice

Module 8. Fitness and physical preparation

  • Acquire advanced learning about stress theories and their application in volleyball 
  • Analyze the physical capacities of flexibility, strength, endurance, speed, and their manifestations 
  • Design physical training for volleyball teams 
  • Know the essential elements of physical training planning 

Module 9. Biomechanics and injuries

  • Understand what happens in the athlete's body in each and every movement he/she performs 
  • Know the techniques for the treatment of injuries 
  • Delve into the strategies to be used in volleyball teams to prevent injuries
  • Delve into the latest advances in biomechanics and their application in volleyball

Module 10. Sports Nutrition

  • To learn about the latest developments in sports nutrition
  • Understand the relevance of the post-match recovery process
  • Establish proper nutritional guidelines before, during and after the game
  • Discovering the micronutrient and macronutrient needs of a volleyball player l

The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences”

Professional Master's Degree in Professional Volleyball

Discover a world of opportunities in professional volleyball with our Professional Master's Degree in Professional Volleyball from TECH Global University. Get ready to take your volleyball career to the next level through our online classes. At TECH Global University, we understand the importance of adapting to the needs of students in the digital age. Our Professional Master's Degree is taught entirely online, giving you the flexibility to study from anywhere and at any time that fits your schedule. Online classes offer numerous benefits for volleyball enthusiasts. You'll be able to access cutting-edge content, interact with leading volleyball professionals and learn from the world's best coaches and players, all from the comfort of your home. This postgraduate program focuses on providing you with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the field of high performance volleyball. You will learn the most effective strategies and tactics, develop your leadership skills, and gain an in-depth understanding of the technical, physical and psychological aspects of the game

Get a deeper understanding of the technical, physical and psychological aspects of the game.

Increase your skills in professional volleyball

At TECH Global University, we have a highly qualified teaching staff composed of coaches and sports science experts who will guide you throughout your academic journey. Our professors have extensive experience in the world of professional volleyball and will provide you with the necessary tools to achieve your goals and enhance your career in this exciting sport. By earning your Professional Master's Degree in Professional Volleyball, you will be prepared to face the challenges and demands of elite volleyball. You will be able to work as a coach, analyst, physical trainer or sports manager in clubs, national teams or institutions dedicated to the development of volleyball. Do not miss the opportunity to become an outstanding volleyball professional. Join TECH Global University and acquire the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in the world of professional volleyball. enroll now and prepare yourself for success in elite volleyball!