
Movement, as a tool for the development and enhancement of cognitive functions, is the key to the development and implementation of Neuroeducation in Physical Education. A novel concept of enormous importance for the quality of life of students”


Science has advanced in the study of the brain as a learning organ, with the aim of helping each student to develop their cognitive, intellectual and emotional potential to the fullest. Although current education aims at a comprehensive education, it is still focused on cognitive aspects, with little development in terms of emotional aspects; little and/or no management of one's own and others' emotions, little self-motivation and self-control, and communication skills.

This program arises with the purpose of expanding the benefits that can be offered from the subject of physical education to students, from the perspective of sports performance, academic performance, and also in relation to personal development based on physical and emotional well-being. This is based on the new knowledge of brain science to focus, in a practical way, on how to implement it in the reality of educational centers. 

Physical Education acquires a dimension of extraordinary importance, transcending the important objectives of developing motor skills, to access the use of movement as a tool for the development and improvement of cognitive functions.

The prestigious professors of this program have deposited their specialized and advanced knowledge based on experience and rigorous scientific criteria in the development of this highly scientifically and academically rigorous training.  

All modules are accompanied by abundant iconography, with photos and videos by the authors, which are intended to illustrate, in a very practical, rigorous and useful way, advanced knowledge in neuroeducation and physical education for physical therapists.

A highly effective Professional master’s degree that will provide you with the necessary tools to apply the neuroscience approach in Physical Education" 

This Professional master’s degree in Neuroeducation and Physical Education in Sport contains the most complete and updated educational program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Development of case studies presented by experts in Neuroeducation and Physical Education
  • Its graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents provide scientific and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Contains practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Neuroeducation and Physical Education
  • All this will be complemented with theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, discussion forums on controversial issues and individual reflection work
  • Availability of content from any device, fixed or portable, with an Internet connection
  • Complementary content available in multimedia format

The quality of a program designed to promote Physical Education with the reinforcement of Neuroeducation, giving it a place of relevance in the training of students”

It includes, in its teaching staff, professionals belonging to the field of Neuroeducation and Physical Education, who pour into this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists belonging to reference societies and prestigious universities. 

Thanks to its multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology, it will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is to say, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. 

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the educator must try to solve the different situations of professional practice that arise throughout the specialization. For this, the educator will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system, developed by recognized experts in the field of Neuroeducation and Physical Education with extensive teaching experience. 

Incorporate the neuroscience approach to your work in the area of Physical Education, and bring to your objectives, the goal of cognitive and emotional development of this new form of educational intervention” 


New advances and developments in neuroscience applied to teaching in the area of Physical Education, from an eminently practical approach”


The main objective of this comprehensive program is to provide the student with the vision and skills necessary to turn the area of Physical Education into an invaluable tool for the development of the integral wellbeing of the human being. Beyond its potential in physical terms, this Professional master’s degree will work on its protective capacity of the brain, its influence on brain function, emotions, motivation, perception, in short, learning. 


By means of the most developed online technology, this Professional master’s degree will offer you a training with which you will be able to include, in your work, the development of multiple intelligences through movement”

General Objectives

  • Know the basis and main elements of Neuroeducation
  • Integrate the new contributions of Brain Science in the teaching-learning processes
  • Discover how to enhance brain development through motor action
  • Implement the innovations of Neuroeducation in the subject of Physical Education
  • Achieve specialized training as Neuroeducation professionals in the field of motor action

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Basis of Neurosciences 

  • Describe the functioning of the nervous system
  • Explain the basic anatomy of the structures related to learning
  • Define the basic physiology of learning-related structures
  • Identify the main brain structures related to motor skills
  • Defining the plastic brain and neuroplasticity
  • Explain the effects of environment on brain development
  • Describe the changes in the infant's brain
  • Explain the evolution of the adolescent brain
  • Define the characteristics of the adult brai

Module 2. Neuroeducation 

  • Define the principles of Neuroeducation
  • Explain the main neuromyths
  • Explain strategies for early stimulation and interventions
  • Define the theory of attention
  • Explain emotion from a neurological point of view
  • Explain learning from a neurological point of view
  • Explain memory from a neurological point of view

Module 3. The incidence of emotions in neuroeducational processes from the point of view of motor action

  • Explain the emotional brain
  • Describe the emotional process from a neuroscientific perspective
  • Describe the main brain structures that make up the emotional process
  • Define the role of emotion in the processes of learning and memory
  • Describe the brain reward system
  • Explain the basis of emotion education
  • Describe emotional competencies
  • Explain emotional chemistry in response to motor action 
  • Define the role of motor action in emotional changes

Module 4. The social brain in motor action from a neuroscientific perspective

  • Describe mirror neurons
  • Explain complex social functions
  • Describe the role of motor action in the development of social health
  • Explain the social relationship in personal wellbeing
  • Explain the implication of mental health and interpersonal relationships
  • Define the relevance of cooperation from a neuroeducational perspective
  • Explain the importance of climate in learning environments

Module 5. The impact of motor action on brain learning processes and health development

  • Explain the main neurotransmitters and hormones related to motor practice and learning ability
  • Apply strategies for disease prevention and improvement of quality of life, in terms of cardiovascular and other risk diseases
  • Describe the different motor practices that have an impact on brain development.

Module 6. Physical neuroeducation and learning

  • Explain the relevance of body-brain language together with embodied cognition 
  • Establish the importance of mental health with exercise
  • Explain the development of cognitive functions through the practice of physical exercise
  • Know the positive influence of motor skills in students with learning difficulties

Module 7. Motor practices that have an impact on brain development

  • Know the importance of expressive and artistic activities and brain development from a socioemotional perspective
  • Identify natural enviroment activities and brain development
  • Establish the anaerobic and aerobic physical activities that favor brain development in young people

Module 8. Invisible training in brain development 

  • Understand the role of the main myokines in relation to exercise and health
  • Identify new postulates for disease prevention and improvement of quality of life in cardiovascular risk diseases (obesity, diabetes or metabolic syndrome)
  • Analyze the relevance of body posture from a neuroscientific point of view

Module 9. Pedagogical models and evaluation in physical neuroeducation

  • Know the conceptual approach of the terms related to methodology in Physical Education
  • Carry out an assessment of the teaching-learning process in Physical Neuroeducation
  • Learn about cooperative learning models and apply them in the sports field

Module 10. Methodologies, methods, tools and didactic strategies favoring physical neuroeducation

  • Learn about new teaching methodologies through the Flipped Classroom
  • Use gamification and ludification strategies to promote children's neurophysical learning
  • Know other methods, tools and didactic strategies that favor Physical Neuroeducation

Learn about invisible brain development and motor learning training and get up-to-date on intervention processes through Neuroeducation and Physical Education in Sport” 

Professional Master's Degree in Neuroeducation and Physical Education in Sport

Neuroscience has established itself as a field with ample opportunities for application, with respect to the educational sector, it is a pillar for the development of new learning methodologies that improve results and ensure innovative teaching centers. The Professional Master's Degree in Neuroeducation and Physical Education in Sport of TECH Technological University is presented as an excellent professional qualification opportunity for all pedagogues interested in standing out in their jobs. Our program consists of 1,500 instructional hours, throughout which students will have access to high quality contents, which will allow them to learn the bases and main elements of neuroeducation, as well as the latest advances in teaching processes found through brain science.

Postgraduate in Neuroeducation and Physical Education 100% online

Sports performance has undergone a drastic change in the last decade, as technological advances have allowed the collection of data and statistics to improve the physical strength of athletes optimally, however, the mentality and cognitive processes are fundamental factors in the preparation of a good athlete; for this reason, specializing in the neuroeducational field is an excellent bet for the future. In this context, our program provides students with the necessary knowledge to develop sophisticated study plans that focus on students' skills and boost their abilities from a group perspective without forgetting the importance of individual processes.