
With this qualification you will find the necessary tools to diagnose the needs of patients with High Capacities in a successful way, expanding your competences as a Psychology professional"


The learning process in children and adolescents is very important, especially in those who present specific educational needs due to their High Capacities. Their recommendations will contribute satisfactorily in their development, so that once diagnosed, both individual and collective projects will be implemented to enhance their skills, marking a before and after in the lives of patients.

This Postgraduate diploma provides knowledge on analysis for the identification of the needs of patients with High Capacities. In this way, specialists will approach giftedness from a different perspective and will acquire the necessary skills to provide effective care. They will understand the peculiarities of the adolescent brain and the mechanisms of reward, self-control and motivation, and will be able to differentiate between manifestations or symptoms that could be related to high capacity and symptoms that could be related to the presence of disorders.

A complete educational plan that will bring you up to date with the most innovative methodologies to respond to the educational and emotional needs of children with this profile, making you a psychologist with a broadened view of new diagnoses and therapeutics, being an expert in Neuropsychology of High Capacity Individuals.

This will be possible in only 6 months thanks to TECH's methodology, which bases its programs on the most advanced and the most efficient learning systems, offering a syllabus that provides high rates of results.  An intensive work that will be done 100% online, which makes it perfectly compatible with other day-to-day occupations. A high-level step that will become a route to improvement, not only on a professional level but also on a personal level.

With this program you will identify the educational needs of children and adolescents with High Capacities, evolving in your profession as a psychologist"

This Postgraduate diploma in Identifying the Educational Needs of High-Capacity Individuals contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Case studies presented by experts in High-Capacity Individuals and Inclusive Education
  • Graphic, schematic, and practical contents which provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

TECH puts in your hand the most complete and up to date teaching contents in the market"

The program includes in its teaching staff a team of professionals from the sector who bring to this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Know the different possibilities of personalized, adaptive or inclusive detection"


With TECH a new educational model is possible"


This program is aimed at psychologists who wish to learn how to manage the needs of high-capacity individuals and to know the most advanced techniques to enhance their abilities with higher success rates.

For this purpose, This program contains a series of educational tools that will allow you to acquire the necessary knowledge to develop in this field, , knowing all the details of the profession. Only with adequate preparation, the student will be able to carry out the objectives set in a satisfactory manner. 


You will delve into the neuropsychological bases of high-capacity individuals in terms of differential cognitive functioning”

General Objectives

  • Train participants to recognize and initiate the detection of children who present characteristics compatible with the high-capacity spectrum
  • Introduce the main characteristics of high-capacity individuals, as well as to the pedagogical, scientific and legal framework in which this reality is framed
  • Show the main assessment tools, as well as the criteria to complete the process of identifying the specific educational needs required for high-capacity individuals
  • Enable students to use techniques and strategies for educational intervention, as well as guide the response in different extracurricular areas
  • Develop the capacity to elaborate specific adaptations, as well as collaborate in or promote integral programs within educational projects and attention plans for diversity at the center
  • Value the multidimensionality of high capacities and the need for multiprofessional interventions with flexible and adaptive methodologies from an inclusive perspective
  • Consolidate innovation and the application of new technologies as a central and useful element in the educational process
  • Awaken in students the necessary sensitivity and initiative to become the driving the necessary paradigmatic change that will make an inclusive educational system possible 

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Definition and Classification of High-Capacity Individuals

  • Differentiate between special and specific educational needs
  • Understand the criteria of maximum normality behind inclusive education
  • Know how attention to diversity is vertically structured throughout the educational stages
  • Understand the structure of the educational system and how educational projects and plans are developed
  • Understand the bases of the organization of the curriculum at the center and classroom level
  • Know the different possibilities of classroom organization within the framework of personalized, adaptive or inclusive attention
  • Understand the functioning and expertise of educational guidance teams and their role in the attention to diversity and high-capacity individuals
  • Analyze the historical background of High Capacities.

Module 2. Identification of High-Capacity Individuals

  • Describe the evolution of the concept of intelligence through different models and theories
  • Critically analyze the definitions of intelligence that have emerged throughout history
  • Justify the current definitions of human intelligence
  • Know the current definitions of high-capacity individuals
  • Critically analyze the actions of the different educational administrations in a-capacity individuals
  • Know the differential cortical development of high-capacity individuals both at a structural and functional level
  • Analyze the differential diagnosis model as a basis for any type of intervention

Module 3. Neuropsychology of High-Capacity Individuals

  • Demonstrate the importance of emotions in the learning process
  • Describe the advantages of play and motor activity in the learning process
  • Organize small educational practices based on neuropedagogical evidence in order to determine their incidence
  • Apply cognitive strategies to one's own learning process, as well as in teaching
  • Understand the peculiarities of the adolescent brain and the mechanisms of reward, self-control and motivation
  • Differentiate The neuromyths applied in education from educational practices based on neuroeducational postulates
  • Understand divergent thinking and creativity as a differential trait
  • Review case studies in which specific educational needs derived from high capacity are addressed 
  • Identify successful educational responses based on the analysis of cases of specific educational needs
  • Learn about the intervention focused on the improvement of self-esteem and self-knowledge of the individual
  • Analyze problem solving strategies and their application with high-capacity students
  • Learn the dimensions of learning and its planning focused on individual treatment
  • Analyze gnostic, mnesic and attentional mechanisms and proposals for educational practice

Module 4. Clinical Aspects and Educational Needs of High-Capacity Individuals

  • Describe the non-pathological clinical aspects of high-capacity individuals
  • Critique reference manuals and their applicability to in the area of high-capacity individuals
  • Know the biological, psychological and social foundations of clinical models
  • Analyze the different types of dyssynchrony that accompany high-capacity individuals
  • Compare from a clinical-educational point of view  internal dyssynchrony with external dyssynchrony
  • Interpret the presence of the Pygmalion effect in the classroom both positive and negative
  • Anticipate the potential for identity difusion syndrome in adolescents
  • Understand overexcitability and its probable incidence in high-capacity individuals
  • Differentiate between the various types of overexcitability and their manifestations

This educational program is especially designed for those professionals who wish to expand their knowledge and keep abreast of the latest evidence in the field"

Postgraduate Diploma in Identifying the Educational Needs of High-Capacity Individuals

At TECH Global University, we present our Postgraduate Diploma in Identifying the Educational Needs of High-Capacity Individuals. If you are passionate about psychology and want to specialize in the detection and care of students with exceptional abilities, this program is perfect for you. Our online classes give you the flexibility to study from anywhere, anytime. With access to online content, you can make the most of your time and tailor your study schedule to your personal and professional needs. In addition, online classes encourage real-time interaction with expert professors and other students, enriching your learning experience. The Postgraduate Diploma in Identifying the Educational Needs of High-Capacity Individuals will provide you with the necessary tools to identify, evaluate and design personalized educational intervention strategies for students with high intellectual abilities. You will learn to recognize the characteristics and peculiarities of these students, as well as to identify their specific learning and developmental needs.

The course is designed for students with high intellectual abilities.

Study a postgraduate degree in psychology at the best online university

At TECH Global University, we have a teaching team specialized in the field of educational psychology. Our professors will guide you throughout the program, providing you with up-to-date theoretical knowledge and practical techniques to implement in the educational setting. Upon completion of this program, you will be prepared to effectively identify and assess the educational needs of students with high abilities and design intervention plans tailored to their individual characteristics. You will be able to collaborate with educators, families and health professionals to ensure an inclusive and enriching education for these exceptional students. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills in the identification of educational needs in patients with high abilities. Join TECH Global University and become a highly trained professional in the field of educational psychology.