
This postgraduate certificate will give you the keys to master the history and evolution of learning theories in just 6 weeks"


Educational accessibility depends, to a large extent, on the sociological approach that teachers apply to the subjects. Identifying special cases of learning due to various pathologies should be one of the objectives of psychologists seeking to enter into psychoeducational work. To make this possible, there are updated tools around the IEPs that open a range of possibilities for students with deficient abilities. For this reason, TECH has designed a program that meets the requirements of graduates in Psychology, to project their careers towards the most modern pedagogy of the current educational framework.

This program delves into curricular adaptation, trends in educational psychology and DA and the design, methodology and evaluation of psychoeducational programs, among many other issues. All this, with a 100% online program, supported by a teaching team versed in the psycho-educational field. In addition, thanks to the Relearning methodology applied by TECH, students are exempted from long hours of study and are given the opportunity to learn in a progressive and continuous way for a more effective assimilation of concepts.

Likewise, this postgraduate certificate is developed in only 6 weeks in order to speed up the academic process and provide students with skills through theoretical and practical exercises and the simulation of real cases that prepare them for their practical application in the classroom. It is an opportunity for specialists who wish to acquire a quality university certificate without leaving aside the rest of their obligations.

A 100% online program, which gives you all the possibilities so that you can carry it out at the same time as the rest of the responsibilities of your personal life"

This postgraduate certificate in Universal Design of Psychoeducational Programs Programs contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in psychology and education
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Get theoretical and practical materials for tools towards universal education in a dynamic way and with the schedules of your choice"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Update your knowledge regarding instructional design in the online environment and be part of the educational change"


Join now an intensive specialization in educational taxonomies, developing a theoretical base focused on PEI"


The main objective of this postgraduate certificate in Universal Design of Psychoeducational Programs Programs is to offer students the most up-to-date content on inclusive education and attention to diversity, in addition to the design, methodology and assessment of psychoeducational programs, using technological tools. Likewise, the innovative teaching material offered by TECH in all its programs brings the knowledge directly to the students, guaranteeing them a correct instruction. All this, so that today's psychologists can project their professional career, together with a specialized teaching team with which they can specialize.


Dig into current trends in educational psychology and LD to become a more competent professional in this field"

General Objectives

  • Understand the neurobiological and cognitive bases involved in learning
  • Know the different categories of LD in the formal and non-formal framework, their assessment and diagnosis
  • Detect in professional practice different Specific Educational Support Needs (SEN)
  • Make reliable diagnoses and provide appropriate interventions in each psycho-educational setting
  • Design specific intervention techniques and programs for universal Learning Difficulties
  • Make psycho-pedagogical reports and intervention proposals to education and multidisciplinary professionals

Specific Objectives

  • Introduce the creation and writing of pedagogical reports with criteria for intervention proposal selection 
  • Assess psycho-educational programs in terms of Learning Difficulties 
  • Study individualized educational programs from a theoretical perspective 

Reach your goals with TECH's teaching on LOPD regulations and current psycho-pedagogical reports"

Postgraduate certificate in Universal Design of Psychoeducational Programs


At TECH Global University, we present our innovative Postgraduate Certificate in Universal Design of Psychoeducational Programs, a unique opportunity to acquire specialized knowledge in the development of inclusive and accessible programs for people of diverse abilities. Our approach is based on the creation of online classes that provide flexibility and significant benefits for students. In TECH Global University's Postgraduate Certificate in Universal Design of Psychoeducational Programs, you will have a highly qualified teaching team, composed of experts in the field of psychoeducation and inclusion. You will learn effective strategies to design programs that adapt to the needs of all people, considering diversity of abilities, learning styles and cultural contexts. In addition, our approach focuses on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a methodology that promotes equal opportunities and full access to knowledge. You will learn how to create inclusive environments, accessible learning materials and use digital technologies to enhance the educational experience for all students. Upon completion of this Postgraduate certificate, you will receive a certificate recognized by TECH Global University, which will support your knowledge and skills in the design of inclusive psychoeducational programs. You will be prepared to work in educational institutions, non-profit organizations, government agencies and other settings where expertise in creating programs that promote equal opportunity and participation for all is required.

A program created especially for you


Our program will allow you to study from anywhere and at any time. Online classes eliminate geographical barriers and offer you the convenience of learning at your own pace. You will no longer have to worry about commuting or fixed schedules, as all content will be available on our interactive virtual platform, ready to be explored at your convenience. Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference in the field of psychoeducation and contribute to building a more inclusive society. Enroll now in TECH Global University's Postgraduate certificate in Universal Design of Psychoeducational Programs and start transforming lives!