
Master in an exclusively practical way the best techniques to deal with pressure and competitive stress, in order to promote the mental well-being of the athlete”


Sports Psychology is a discipline that contributes to improve the performance of athletes. Therefore, professionals in this field are responsible for helping athletes to manage their stress, set sustainable goals and maintain motivation and concentration during this process. As a result, psychologists with extensive and cutting-edge skills in this field are highly sought after by both the athletes themselves and their clubs. For this reason, TECH has created this program, through which the student will acquire cutting-edge sports coaching strategies or techniques to deal with competitive pressure, favoring their growth in this sector. All this, through a practical stay of 3 weeks in a prestigious clinical environment. of prestige.  

Athletes are continually faced with a myriad of pressures and challenges. These challenges, on numerous occasions, can lead to complex situations of Stress and Anxiety, which limit both the quality of life and the performance in the discipline of the athletes. To manage them properly, they require the services of sports psychologists with high competencies in dealing with these disorders, which generates a high professional demand in today's labor market.  

Consequently, TECH has opted to design this Practical Training, which will provide the student with the best skills in Sports Psychology to promote their development in this demanded sector. During 120 hours, you will perform your duties in a first-class hospital environment, characterized by state-of-the-art infrastructures. Therefore, as part of an exquisite work team, you will be able to assimilate the up to date protocols for the psychological assessment of the athlete or to apply the state-of-the-art techniques of effective leadership with athletes and sports clubs. Likewise, it will increase your skills in dealing with the e-Sports player and help you optimize your daily performance.  

Throughout his practical process, he will be accompanied by an excellent tutor, designated specifically for him. Thanks to the advice provided by this expert, students will be able to develop their skills in the field of Sports Psychology to the maximum, being prepared to assume with solvency the demanding challenges of their profession.


Enjoy an intensive 3-week stay at a prestigious center 3 weeks in a prestigious center to up to date yourself in the latest clinical procedures to grow professionally" 

Why our program?

In most professional areas, practical experience is a key factor in achieving outstanding success. In the field of Sports Psychology, it is not enough to have theoretical knowledge of the latest advances, but it is essential to know how to apply them in the work context. To address this need, TECH has developed this program, which provides students with the opportunity to participate in a state-of-the-art clinical setting for 3 weeks. There, under the tutelage of experts in the field, participants will acquire practical skills that will enable them to advance their professional development in the field of Mental Health. 

vocational apprenticeships sports psychology TECH Global University

TECH offers you an unparalleled opportunity to learn in a practical way, through a 120-hour stay in a prestigious clinical environment" 

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available   

Recently, Sports Psychology has witnessed several important advances in relation to coaching strategies and intervention techniques that enhance the athlete's well-being in the most effective way. In order to learn about these innovations in a practical way so that they can be incorporated into daily practice, TECH has created this program.  

2. Gaining In-depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

During the program, students will have the opportunity to collaborate with a team of outstanding experts in the field of Sports Psychology, who will provide them with the most up-to-date skills in this area. In addition, each student will have a tutor who will provide personalized advice.

3. Entering First-Class Professional Environments 

TECH implements a rigorous selection process to choose the centers where the Practical Training will take place, in order to ensure that students can be updated in a first class clinical environment. In this way, they will have the opportunity to collaborate with highly demanding teams with a high professional quality. 

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment  

Today, it is common to find educational programs that do not meet the daily needs of professionals, as they tend to offer theoretical content with little practical application. For this reason, TECH has created a degree with an innovative pedagogical approach, focused on internships, which will allow students to solidly improve their skills in a high-level clinical environment.

 5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge  

TECH offers its students the opportunity to carry out practical training in renowned hospitals, with the objective of learning from experts with extensive experience in sports psychology. This opportunity is exclusive to this educational institution and represents a unique experience for the students. 

professional practices sports psychology TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Sports Psychology

Sport Psychology is a discipline that focuses on the application of psychological techniques to improve the sports performance of athletes and teams. At TECH Global University we have developed our Sports Psychology Internship Program to apply the knowledge and techniques of Psychology in the sports environment. Our Internship Program focuses on the development of skills and knowledge necessary for the application of psychological techniques in sports, such as visualization, stress and anxiety control, motivation and decision making.

During the program, students will acquire advanced knowledge in Sport Psychology, Neuropsychology, Communication and Leadership. In addition, they will work on the development of applied research skills, which will allow students to apply their knowledge in real situations and contribute to the development of the discipline. At the end of the program, students will be able to work with athletes of different levels and sports, and to collaborate with coaches and other health professionals. This program is an excellent opportunity for those professionals looking to acquire advanced skills and knowledge in this field and apply them in their professional practice to improve the sports performance of athletes and teams.