
You will be able to apply your knowledge in a real and constantly evolving environment, which will expand your capacity for action in the area of Educational and Health Psychology"


Educational and Health Psychology is currently facing several challenges. In the educational field, the incorporation of new technologies and teaching methodologies has generated a need to adapt the Educational Psychology approach in order to provide more effective support to students. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the way education is delivered and has led to an increased focus on student mental health. 

On the other hand, in the field of health, Educational and Health Psychology is in a key position to address the increasing prevalence of mental illness in the population. Mental health is an increasingly important and relevant issue in today's society, and Educational and Health Psychology professionals have a crucial role in its treatment and prevention. 

In this context, it is essential that Educational and Health Psychology professionals are up-to-date and have the necessary practical skills to address these challenges effectively. This is where this Internship Program can make a big difference in the day-to-day life of psychologists and in their ability to apply theoretical knowledge in a real and constantly evolving environment. 

It is a fundamental tool for the updating of psychologists in a constantly evolving field. The opportunity to work alongside experienced professionals in a real-world environment for three weeks allows participants to apply their theoretical knowledge, develop practical skills and gain valuable experience for their professional development. 


You will have access to a library of multimedia resources 7 days a week, 24 hours a day"

Why our program?

Studying the Internship program in Educational and Health Psychology program is a unique opportunity for psychologists who wish to update and develop practical skills in a real and prestigious environment. This program offers the opportunity to work alongside experienced professionals in the field and to apply theoretical knowledge in real practical situations, which is essential to address the challenges and constant changes in the educational and health fields. 

vocational apprenticeships educational health psychology TECH Global University

Delve your expertise and broaden your knowledge of the subject thanks to the guidance of the guidance of the best specialists in Educational and Health Psychology"

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available

Nowadays, technology is advancing at a dizzying pace, which means that the specialty of Educational and Health Psychology is constantly evolving. This Internship Program allows students to update their knowledge based on the latest technology available in the specialty, so that they will be up to date with the latest advances and developments in the field. 

2. Gaining In-depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

Participants in the Internship Program also have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge through the experience of the best specialists. By working alongside experienced professionals in the field of Educational and Health Psychology, psychologists can learn new strategies and practical techniques that are not always taught in theory, but can only be acquired through the experience of practicing professionals.

3. Entering first-class Communication Management environments

In addition, the program provides exposure to world-class professional environments, where psychologists can apply their knowledge in real-life situations and work alongside other professionals in the same field. This gives them a more comprehensive view of the challenges faced by Educational and Health Psychology professionals and allows them to learn first-hand how knowledge is applied in practice.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

The Internship program also has the advantage of allowing participants to put what they have learned into daily practice from the very beginning. The three-week practical stay in a prestigious center provides the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real situations and acquire practical skills that can be immediately applied in their professional practice.

 5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

The Internship program in Educational and Health Psychology allows psychologists to expand the frontiers of knowledge, acquiring new perspectives and approaches that allow them to enrich their professional practice and be better prepared to face the challenges of the constantly evolving field.

professional practices educational health psychology TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Educational and Health Psychology

The TECH Global University Educational and Health Psychology Internship Program is designed to provide professionals with the tools and skills necessary to work on understanding and promoting the mental and emotional health of students, teachers and health personnel. In this program, you will deepen your understanding of the psychological processes that influence education and health, as well as the application of effective techniques and strategies to intervene in cases of emotional and behavioral disorders in these contexts.

In this program, you will learn to understand the psychological processes that influence education and health.

In this program, professionals will have the opportunity to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills to work in the field of educational and health psychology, in addition to learning how to develop intervention plans and prevention strategies in both areas. Topics such as the promotion of resilience and self-efficacy in students, the prevention and management of bullying and the learning of intervention techniques in cases of behavioral and mental health disorders will be addressed. Training in educational and health psychology is an invaluable opportunity for professionals to develop practical skills and up-to-date theoretical knowledge that will enable them to make a significant difference in education and health.