
Thanks to this complete program, you will be an expert in Diabetes, Vegetarianism and Veganism in just a few months"


In the face of health problems or chronic diseases, diet and physical activity play a fundamental role that cannot be overlooked if real health problems are to be avoided. This is the case of athletes who require specific dietary plans for diabetes or specific diets for vegetarians and vegans. Increasingly, professionals with specialized and specific knowledge who are able to adapt planning in the field of sports nutrition are more and more in demand in the job market.

This is the reason why TECH has designed a postgraduate diploma in Sports Nutrition in Diabetes, Vegetarianism and Veganism with which it seeks to provide students with skills and competencies with which to carry out this work with maximum quality and efficiency for the health of patients. This, through a syllabus that addresses topics such as Vegetarianism and Veganism in the history of sport, biochemical assessment, nutritional strategies, sports supplementation, among others.

All this, thanks to a 100% online mode that allows students to combine their studies with their other day-to-day obligations, with total freedom and without the need to travel. In addition, with the full availability of the most complete didactic materials, up-to-date information and the latest the most complete didactic materials, the most updated information and the latest teaching technologies.

Get to stand out in an agile and precise way in a booming sector in the area of Sports Nutrition"

This postgraduate diploma in Sports Nutrition in Diabetes, Vegetarianism and Veganism contains the most complete and up-to-date Scientific program on the market. Its most outstanding features are:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Sports Nutrition in Diabetes, Vegetarianism and Veganism
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Delve into the fundamentals of a diet plan based on Vegetarianism and Veganism, without leaving home and from any device with Internet connection"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Acquire comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge on common errors in the vegan athlete"


Deepen your knowledge on Sports Nutrition in Diabetes, thanks to a complete and dynamic TECHprogram"


The objective of this study plan is to provide the student with the necessary competencies and skills to be able to treat patients who require a specific plan for Diabetes, Vegetarianism or Veganism, with the highest possible quality and efficiency. All this, through the most complete and up-to-date theoretical and practical contents of the academic market.


TECH's objective is to enhance your professional profile and help you achieve your goals in a fast and accurate way"


General Objectives

  • Handle advanced knowledge on nutritional planning in professional and non-professional athletes for the healthy performance of physical exercise
  • Manage advanced knowledge on nutritional planning in professional athletes of various fields in order to achieve maximum sports performance
  • Learn advanced knowledge about nutritional planning in professional athletes from team sports to achieve the highest sports performance
  • Manage and consolidate the initiative, entrepreneurial spirit to implement projects related to nutrition in physical activity and sport
  • Know how to incorporate the different scientific advances into one' s own professional field
  • Acquire the skills to work in a multidisciplinary environment
  • Gain an advanced understanding of the context in which the area of their specialty is developed
  • Manage advanced skills in the detection of possible signs of nutritional changes associated with sports activities
  • Manage the necessary skills through the teaching-learning process that will allow them to continue ways and learning in the field of sports nutrition , both through the contacts established with professors and professionals in the Postgraduate Diploma as well as on their own
  • Specialize in the structure of muscle tissue and its role in sports
  • Gain knowledge about the energetic and nutritional needs of athletes in different pathophysiological situations
  • Specialize in the energetic and nutritional needs of athletes in the different situations specific to age and gender
  • Become a specialist in the dietary strategies for the prevention and treatment of injured athletes
  • Specialize in the energetic and nutritional needs of child athletes
  • Specialize in the energetic and nutritional needs of Paralympic athletes

Specific objectives

Module 1. Different Stages or Specific Population Groups

  • Explain the specific physiological characteristics to be taken into account in the nutritional approach of different groups
  • Understand in depth the external and internal factors that influence the nutritional approach to these groups

Module 2. Vegetarianism and Veganism

  • Differentiate between the different types of vegetarian athletes
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the main mistakes made
  • Treat the notable nutritional deficiencies of sportsmen and sportswomen
  • Manage skills to provide the athlete with the most effective tools to combine foods

Module 3. The Type 1 Diabetic Athlete

  • Establish the physiological and biochemical mechanism of diabetes both at rest and during exercise
  • Deepen the understanding of how the different insulins or medications used by diabetics work
  • Assess the nutritional requirements for people with diabetes both in their daily life and in exercise, to improve their health
  • Deepen the knowledge necessary to plan nutrition for athletes of different disciplines with diabetes, in order to improve their health and performance
  • Establish the current state of evidence on Performance Enhancing Drugs in diabetics

Reach your most demanding goals, thanks to our practical tools and activities on Vegetarianism and Veganism"

Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Nutrition in Diabetes, Vegetarianism and Veganism

If you are a physical therapist passionate about patient health and wellness, TECH Global University's Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Nutrition in Diabetes, Vegetarianism and Veganism for Physiotherapists is the perfect program to expand your knowledge and offer a specialized approach. Through our 6-month online classes, you will acquire key knowledge in sports nutrition, especially in the contexts of diabetes, vegetarianism and veganism. Here, we are dedicated to providing cutting-edge academic programs that are tailored to the needs of healthcare professionals. Our Postgraduate Diploma is delivered online, allowing you to access classes from anywhere and at a time that best suits your needs. During the program, you will explore in depth the relationship between nutrition, sport and the different contexts of diabetes, vegetarianism and veganism. You will learn how to design appropriate meal plans for each case, taking into account the specific nutritional needs of your patients. You will also analyze the latest research and trends in sports nutrition, allowing you to provide an approach based on scientific evidence.

Discover key knowledge for physical therapists in diabetes, vegetarianism and veganism.

You will have a highly trained teaching team, made up of experts in sports nutrition and physiotherapy professionals. Through interactive lectures, case studies and hands-on activities, you will develop an in-depth understanding of the relationship between nutrition and sports performance, as well as its impact on patients' health and well-being. Upon completion of the program, you will be able to apply the knowledge acquired to provide a specialized approach to sports nutrition to patients, especially in the contexts of diabetes, vegetarianism and veganism. You will be able to design personalized meal plans, provide evidence-based nutritional recommendations and contribute to improving the patient's sports performance and quality of life. Enroll today and take your practice to a new level.